2319. Chapter 2319 black cats generally have no exercises

    [Today's second, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    After Urahara helped to teach the foundation of Feng Yu Chen Kidō, he began to practice, but there was one thing that made him unable to pay attention anyway.

    Yoruichi and Urahara are help, and it seems that they have agreed on what they are looking for and what they are doing.

    Kuchiki Rukia This seemingly ordinary Shinigami girl is not at all ordinary at the moment. The status of the Kuchiki family in the Soul Society world, no matter how famous it is, just this fame, can not make Kuchiki Rukia suffer How much is important.

    However, Urahara and Yoruichi are planning to let Feng Yu Chen go to the Soul Society to snatch Kuchiki Rukia.

    From all the performances, it is not difficult to find that the strength level of Urahara and Yoruichi should be very familiar to the Soul Society, but why should they pay such a big price for them to go to the Soul Society?

    Kurosaki Ai, Ishida Uryuu, Sado Yasutora, and him and Inoue Orihime are all specially trained. Can they recapture Kuchiki Rukia with just a few of them? Think about it is an impossible thing! !

    Kurosaki has a talent and potential, and it is only a fantasy to defeat the entire Soul Society.

    Then in other words, this rescue is not so simple, there should be something special, this kind of thing will definitely make the entire Soul Society unsettled, the most likely thing is –

    Civil strife.

    Only in the midst of civil unrest, can we get the most benefit, and Urahara and Yoruichi confirm that they have not been arrested since they rescued Kuchiki Rukia!

    Otherwise, the pursuit of the Soul Society world will never be better.

    In other words, this aid is built on –

    1. The Soul Society will have civil strife and lose order;

    Second, even if the aid is successful, they will not be held accountable, but will be recognized.

    In principle, this rescue is considered to be true.


    Although Feng Yu Chen thought of this result, if it is really the result, then he will eventually serve in the Soul Society, so is it not to be separated from Orihime?

    This matter, even if it does not go through this matter, still has a decision.


    "Oh, the craft of cooking is very good, you will be my younger brother in the future!"

    Yoruichi said with a sigh of broth over his claws.

    “Really great cooking…”

    Urahara and the two clerk around him are very busy, and the house is also very comfortable to eat.

    I didn't expect this guy to have such an appetite, a Little Loli and a cute boy. Well, Feng Yu Chen still agrees, Loli clerk, that's great.

    "I am going to get the guy under the temptation…"

    The flower buds turned their eyes too far, and tempted Kurosaki to go under the pothole.

    "I am going too……"

    Rain Loli also followed the past (?House rain).

    "Speaking, Ishida Student does not eat? I have been practicing…"

    Inoue Orihime looks at Ishida Uryuu, who has been practicing archery in the distance, can't help but frown.

    "Don't worry, that guy has his own cultivation method. Should he break through his limits?" So, Yu Chen, how much is your Kidō mastered? If you can, learn from me."

    Yoruichi jumped over the shoulders of Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Alright, I can master Hadou on the 90th, and I am bound to do it. Kaidou is my strength. I am still very proficient in treating people, but I am somewhat more acquainted with Orihime's 'Rejection'."

    Feng Yu Chen said.

    "What about the 90th? It’s a high-level Kid. It’s OK, but KidK is used to assist the battle. The next practice is very harsh. You have to work hard…In order to keep up with the moment of the younger brother, you must at least master the essence of the instant, and after so many years, his strength has not been clear to where…Follow me

    Yoruichi ran towards the distance.

    Gradually came to the end of the end.

    "I will enter the state of awakening immediately. We are still far away from the point. I have seen the battle between you and the day before. Your pace at that time is fast, but it should not be a real moment. You are Put Spiritual Power under your feet, then use dozens of slams in split second to speed up by recoil?"

    "Well, that kind of trick, called 'shaving', can be used by humans who don't use Reiatsu. As long as the body's function can keep up, it can achieve the strength of Near Teleportation. After I joined Spiritual Power, I made it. This technique of human use has become more subtle."

    Feng Yu Chen nodded. "It turned out that you were watching that night. At the time, I thought Urahara's manager was also there?"

    "Well, your instant step does have something to offer. This kind of footwork can also be used to shave. It does take dozens of times in a row to backlash…However, what you need to know is that you are now Shinigami, not human. When you are in split second, the day has already completed the movement. The instant step is also done by using Spiritual Power. The consumption is also very large. In a week, in addition to cooking, you have to give me a constant practice.

    If you can learn the essence of the instant, then I will teach you, a more advanced skill on the sneak step, 'empty', thank you, Yu Chen, good, now…"

    Yoruichi said that the body gradually became a human form –

    However, the amnesty is actually ****, what a ghost!

    "You…what are you doing……I am not a casual person…"

    Feng Yu Chen quickly covered his eyes, and he was very awkward.

    "Oh, I actually feel that you are not a chick…It’s useless to cover up, will the man who even the sister have to push down care about this? ”

    Yoruichi sings at the sight of Feng Yu Chen.

    "Peeping at your sister!"

    Feng Yu Chen shouted in angrily, especially, because of the short circuit of the night, there was no Special attention.

    "Well, do you want to try your sister-in-law, I am optimistic about you, you have more fun than white…"

    Yoruichi squinted and licked his lips. "Okay, your clothes are worn by me…"

    As a result, Feng Yu Chen body's jacket was smashed by Yoruichi, and the speed of the hand reached the point of squatting. Without paying attention, Feng Yu Chen's body had only one panties left.


    "Give me back, you steal this cat!"

    Feng Yu Chen is not a fight, is there a mistake, this guy is also a Zombie!

    "You are my younger brother. It doesn't matter if you steal it. I call it a legitimate borrowing. Well, reducing clothing is also useful for instant steps. You have to play hide and seek. If you catch up, I will return your clothes…"

    Yoruichi smiled and disappeared instantly…

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