2316. Chapter 2316 Black cat with a chest, the secret method of testing cat sex

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Inoue Orihime fully understands one thing. For her style confession of pseudo-love, the fact that the elder brother is a siscon has forced her to change her impression.

    But is she really a pseudo-love?

    Apparently influenced by Feng Yu Chen, the heart of the heart has sprouted a special situation, as if the whole person is going to break.

    As the night fades, Orihime can't tell the surrounding scenery, but the only thing that can be seen clearly is the face of Feng Yu Chen.

    Brothers and sisters love this kind of thing, and in normal things, it is an unrecognized relationship.

    However, at this moment, she does not seem to hate this kind of special love.

    Gradually lost in the night, Elder Brother hugged her kiss and sucked it, and the girl's body gradually responded to this request.

    If this can help him, free him from this whirlpool, and chase what he wants to do, then there is no regret, Elder Brother is everything for her.

    Even if this Elder Brother's guardianship of her sister became a love affair, she would accept it because, because she had always been taking care of her by Elder Brother, now it is her turn to take care of the Elder Brother.


    In the morning, Feng Yu Chen sat on the bed, double-handed and pressed his head. Really, what did you do all night!

    Although it has not been completed, it has been frankly met. If the Orihime ** sound is getting bigger and bigger, he may lose his rationality.


    Orihime covered his white body with a quilt, so the sly look at Feng Yu Chen, his face was full of blush, everything last night was still in the way, but when he was about to finish that kind of thing, he suddenly stopped If she continues to do so, she may also cooperate.

    "Sorry, is there such an Elder Brother, is it very regrettable?"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a sullen face, although it was indeed Erihim confession yesterday, but only confession, he overthrew his sister, although it is nominal, but it is really irrational, at least Also ask for the consent of Orihime, then…

    "Why do you regret it? Didn't the Elder Brother stop at the most critical time? Explanation You are still rational, just –

    You are a siscon, the fact that actually shocked me! ”

    Inoue Orihime said with a smile.

    "Amount, you still laughed! Really, also mood jokes. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said bitterly.

    "Is siscon not a fact? Ok, go cook, as usual, do you want to look at my clothes, Onii-chan lascivious! ”

    Orihime snorted.


    Feng Yu Chen quickly put on his clothes and walked toward the kitchen. Forget it, take a step and take a step.


    Look at the back of the brother, Inoue Orihime blushes transparently, really shame!

    She did that with her own Elder Brother, too…Too unexpected, I was just prepared to persuade, I did not expect that this cheap brother grown up is actually a siscon, what should I do? Continue to put it on, really…

    Fortunately, it was last night, or else –

    It’s just that although the heart does not resist this kind of thing, the vagueness is still clear. This kind of thing is not right between the sister and the Elder Brother.

    In any case, the practice of pseudo-love is a complete failure!

    Now it has become a real love, but she can't tell the truth. After all, Elder Brother has signs of loosening and can only continue to pretend. Oh, she really has to look for it.

    However, if she doesn't do anything for Elder Brother, her heart will be very painful, so after Elder Brother has a real lover, she stops the relationship.

    (One into the 'brother and sister love', deep like the sea ——)


    Breakfast was eaten under the ambiguous atmosphere. Because it was a holiday relationship, it was rare for two people to sit and watch TV in the room. However, after seeing the programs like romance, they were immediately replaced.

    This kind of jealousy finally untied at some point.

    "Oh, haha…Inoue brother and sister…"

    A black cat entered the living room from the terrace.

    "Oh, haha!!"

    Feng Yu Chen and Inoue Orihime, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief, friendly and black cats!


    For a time, there were a few black lines on the top of the black cat. Especially, this rhythm is wrong? The reaction between Ishida Uryuu and Sado Yasutora is very different from the reaction of the brothers and sisters!

    "Do you have any feelings?"

    “Welcome to our house, Mr. Cat, do you want a glass of juice?”

    Inoue Orihime immediately put Feng Yu Chen's freshly squeezed juice out in front of the black cat.

    "Right, there are some French dreamy special fresh fruit Souffle desserts left, want to eat?"

    Feng Yu Chen also delivered the remaining dessert for breakfast.

    "Well, the taste is quite good…"

    The black cat drank the juice, then took a bite of Shufulei, and suddenly felt that the whole person was in a dreamy orchard. The soft bullets were as bright as jelly, but the elegance of the French dessert was deep, and the taste buds were extremely enjoyed. As if in the orchard of Gold –

    "Yes, O'Neill's craftsmanship is superb…"

    Inoue Orihime said excitedly.


    The black cat who kept nodding in the head suddenly made a spurt, and it was special, not right, how she was entangled in this pair of brothers and sisters –

    "Don't you be surprised?"

    "What a surprise…The hair is so soft…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, caressing the black cat's hair.

    "Hmph!"I can talk like this…"

    The black cat is more and more aware that the brothers and sisters are not normal.

    "You are not surprised, what are we surprised? Shouldn't cats talk? ”

    Orihime hand asked, sullenly.


    The black cat instantly has the feeling of being defeated by this brother and sister who is beyond common sense.

    "Well, please let me introduce, my name is Yoruichi…"

    "Ah, it turned out to be Mr. Yoruichi…"

    Inoue Orihime reached out and held the paws of the black cat together. "Hello, I am Inoue Orihime…"

    "No, Orihime, this guy is a mother…"

    Feng Yu Chen grabbed the black cat and said it.

    Asshole! Where are you touching? ”

    The black cat screamed and the paw grabbed a force on Feng Yu Chen's face.

    "Give me a deep handle!"

    "Hello there……I am Inoue…Well, no, it should be Feng Yu Chen, Yoruichi Miss…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, "Don't you touch your chest?"

    "SOGA, it has a chest…"

    Inoue Orihime said excitedly, "Ouni, I have to touch it…"


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