2315. Chapter 2315 sister is a bit abnormal today

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    Open itWhat players are open, how can Elder Brother and my sister fall in love…"

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed Struggling to know how to put it, maybe Orihime's joke, after all, this guy has always liked to joke.

    "Oni (sauce), is it possible to adopt sister and righteous brother?"

    Inoue Orihime caressed Feng Yu Chen's chest, the voice became soft, but she was still very awake. She knew that although she liked Elder Brother, she didn't have to confess, even if it was a confession, it should not be now. .


    This Elder Brother has a very cool mind, so if you want to change his mind, you have to do something. As far as the current situation is concerned, she can only think of this 'pseudo-love' thing, camouflage. in love.

    ThisThe law is up to no…The rules are not allowed. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's face is slightly open, he will not say, the most like brother and sister love, will be treated as perverted, absolutely!

    So,Just ok…"

    Inoue Orihime looks at Elder Brother, who is struggling at the moment, has a lovely side.


    Feng Yu Chen's voice is weak, the damn siscon soul, compromised!

    "If there is no rejection, then Elder Brother is promised?"

    Inoue Orihime docilely reached Feng Yu Chen's arms.

    The chest is squeezed by a soft body, and the taste of a flower and shower gel is straightforward. The most important thing is that Orihime is now in a vacuum state, no wear, only a thin bathrobe, which makes Feng Yu Chen has some heart swaying –

    "It is not impossible to agree…"

    After such a word came out, Inoue Orihime suddenly blushed, this kind of tsundere words, fully expressed elder Brother has such an idea, perhaps he is not simply for the desire to take care of her, may also be some out of love aspects, Not in the first place, but these days of constant intimacy of brother and sister brewing out.

    "So then we are in love?"

    "Well, it should be like this…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded.

    "So, without being bound by the desire, will Elder Brother complete his career?"

    Inoue Orihime hugged Feng Yu Chen's body. "Rukia is also our friend. Kurosaki Student will definitely go to the Soul Society to save her. I am also going to go, Elder Brother?"

    "Soul Society! ~It’s too dangerous for you, and there’s a place to stay in the soul, you…”

    Feng Yu Chen struggled to say.

    "I want to fight alongside Elder Brother! Didn't I protect Elder Brother that day? ”

    Inoue Orihime said seriously.

    "You let it go a little…Me

    Feng Yu Chen smells from the Inoue Orihime body, some can't control her emotions, the temptation from her sister.

    "Do you promise?"

    "I promised the head office, well, well, go to bed…"

    Feng Yu Chen pushed Inoue Orihime's body, but unconsciously touched the two soft spots.

    However, this action misunderstood Inoue Orihime. Did Elder Brother really like her, do you want to do that now?

    "Mm."Hey. ”

    In such a **, Inoue Orihime leaned back at the end of the bed, and together, Feng Yu Chen fell down, the two men's positions were interchanged, and Feng Yu Chen pressed her to the bed.

    It seems to be a hasty reason. The water drops of the Orihime body are not wiped clean, the yukata is moistened by the moisture and becomes faint, and the white skin can still feel soft and delicate through the yukata, and is softly held by Feng Yu Chen. Full of amazing elasticity –

    Two people who fell down the trend, the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose were attached together, and the breath of exhalation exchanged with each other.

    The whole room could hear only the gasping from the other side. This sound gradually became intense from a slight breath, as if the calm harbor encountered a storm, and the wind chimes trembled and violently.

    Feng Yu Chen is waiting for Inoue Orihime to push him or something. After all, this kind of awkward position makes him really unable to eat. The soul of siscon is constantly magnified in his mind, and he strongly suppresses this. He couldn’t say anything about the breath.


    However, Inoue Orihime is also waiting for Feng Yu Chen to be able to stagger some positions. Although she wants to say it, but if it is said, is the confession just not invalid? She wants to pass this thing, let Elder Brother survive more freely, make so many for her, she also wants to work hard once.

    Elder Brother now cares about the identity of her sister, this identity let him put on the shackles of the general, sister represents endless guard, but, if this relationship has changed, if not brother and sister relations, but other relations, there will be no such shackles exist, at that time, What he put in was the mood of love, not the emotion of guarding.

    Therefore, Orihime can't say now that Elder Brother will let it go. After all, brother and sister love is her proposal. If normal love is concerned, shouldn't it be rejected now?

    No one of them talked. In this quiet night, the breath of the brothers and sisters continued to mix, only the breathing was going on, but the breath of both people came from the other party's taste.

    The time is gradually lengthening, constantly breathing the breath of the other party, the feeling that the whole body is full of the taste of the other party.

    Time is still at a certain moment –


    Inoue Orihime opened the pink flesh-colored lips, and the body seemed to gradually become hot and dry. It was impossible to keep going by breathing. What I wanted to do was open the lips Kakuzu to breathe…

    However, this action made Feng Yu Chen stunned, and as soon as he got closer, he could stick with the lips of Orihime's sister, then –

    The intense and hot sight made Orihime feel, what should she do?

    Orihime, who didn't want to take on the hot sight, closed his eyes slightly.


    This action seems to be a tacit signal from Feng Yu Chen, as if the sister agreed to such a thing.


    The soul of the siscon, which broke the dyke, drove Feng Yu Chen to whisper.


    The next moment, Inoue Orihime's eyes widened, Elder Brother kissed her, constantly sucking her breath, everything in her, soft on the chest, soothed by contempt, to push him away? But

    Why is there a feeling of Special?

    This kind of breakthrough brother and sister taboo things, her heart swayed, no, the body is about to melt!

    The weak little hand grabbed the solid body, maybe, maybe…

    It’s what Elder Brother has been waiting for for a long time, and now she understands that it’s not her who is broken because Elder Brother is a siscon!

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