2279. Chapter 2279 Duplex Lord on both sides

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    Feng Yu Chen A group of people in the bathing area, in a remote room in the city hall, Kazehaya Kamito is receiving treatment from Restia.

    But their rest has not continued.


    Restia looked at the end of the passage, and the sound of footsteps swayed.

    The monks in the dark sacred clothes sneaked in from the entrance, seemingly sneaked into the city hall at the princess maidens and the princess maidens of the Divine Ritual Institute. Among them, their actions are very secretive and fast.

    A total of twelve people, all covered with black cloth, but according to their agile body movements, it is easy to speculate that they are trained combat experts.

    These people are the secret organs of the Demon Lord's Order of the Alphas, who are known as the 'snake'.

    "I didn't think that you really came. How, change the plan, isn't Snowla Kahn your object?"

    Restia is in front of Kazehaya Kamito, guarding him.

    "Dark spirit, what more mystery, our Lord, what is expected is the succession of Demon Lord's body, the Apostle of Purgatory is nothing more than the pawn of the Lord, and Sara * Princess Strauss-Kahn is nothing more than a useful pawn, but a transition, the Lord really wants but the demon Lord successor's body, which I think needless to say, you should be clear, dark spirit … "

    The old man of the 'snake' said in a steady tone. "At this moment, you should follow the drive of our lord. You can't stop the plan of the leader!!"

    After that, without waiting for Restia to act, a total of twelve 'snakes' were present, and the sword was pulled out at the same time. In a flash, the black group swarmed in, and a glimmer of silver flashed in the darkness. The body of Kazehaya Kamito in the dark Spirit Restia behind.

    “Stop it!

    Restia screamed, her Strength was used in the previous battle to heal Kazehaya Kamito's body, and now she has no Strength at all to stop what

    "Our original plan is to make Princess Sarah Kahn, who inherits the royal family Bloodline, a new container for the masters of the church, but since you are stupid and fighting with the saints, now you have no Strength rebellion, you just become the master. The container, everything is really going too well!!"

    The old man said excitedly.

    Damn! How do you know this information! ”

    Restia said with a bite, she had a hunch that it was a stupid thing to take a shot on the saint. However, Kazehaya Kamito decided that she had to support it, so she had such a plan, and now she is in trouble, even though she prays The saint left the life of Kazehaya Kamito, but now –

    "When you are planning, we have got the information, and the snake is a pervasive creature!" And most like to spread the vigilant split second in the prey to launch an attack! ”

    The old sneer sneered.

    Inserting the sword into the twelve 'snakes' of Kazehaya Kamito's body, began the singing of the Spirit spell, the sword and the thunder splashed, and shocked everything, including Restia, which was also opened, this mantra, It is a ritual to summon a powerful Spirit, and Restia's face is pale, and the real Demon Lord is coming!

    Fightinghelp me……Restia ……"

    Kazehaya Kamito, who had a bandage on his body, struggled fiercely, as if he was desperately resisting anything, and his arm stretched in the direction of Restia.

    However, Restia at the moment has no strength at all to save it, because her Strength has already been exhausted to save Kazehaya Kamito. At the moment, there is no trainee princess maidens in the empty castle house to stop it! ~

    "God man…Waiting…I will definitely save you! ”

    Restia bites her teeth and then slowly retreats out of the passage. There is no way. If she continues to stay here, she will only be picked up by the Demon Lord who is awakened immediately. Now the guy is invading the body of Kazehaya Kamito. After that, it will become a more powerful Demon Lord than Solomon.

    The reason is that Solomon's body is using the Cursed Armament Seal to bind the seventy-six-story Spirit. However, Kazehaya Kamito's body is the blood of the Druid, and it can be used as the body of the Demon Lord with the male body and the Spirit contract.

    So, at that time, Restia will only become the Item of the Demon Lord.

    Now, escape from here, and then find the person who can kill the soul of Demon Lord, the saint, the virgin Feng Yu Chen, this time she wants to cooperate with the saint and kill the Demon Lord, so that Kazehaya Kamito has the chance to get out of bad luck.

    Come on!

    Kazehaya Kamito seems to have realized what is generally trying to resist the invasion of a certain soul, and the body violently beats. At this moment, he has only one idea, even if he can't survive, then he hopes that Restia can be safe.

    AND THEN —

    Gradually, his body stopped struggling –

    "Haha!"嘿嘿) Nice container, the most perfect container, this time I won't fail again! ! What a wicked saint, what did this body do! ”

    Kazehaya Kamito's face was sometimes mad and sometimes screaming, and the body's bandages gradually fell, revealing a series of horrible scars!

    "Teach the Lord, please be quiet. The laughter here will draw the vigilance of the Divine Ritual Institute, and your body needs treatment. Now you must treat it right away…"

    The old man reminded him.

    "I know, just like this, Demon Lord's continuator, your body is left for me to use this real Demon Lord, it doesn't matter, I will take care of the saint for you, let him know and Demon Lord The right end!!!"

    Kazehaya Kamito's mouth Kakuzu is eccentrically twisted, his tongue licking his lips, laughing wildly, there is no way to stop this laughter, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time, this time with the real Demon Lord body He will not fail again to the saint, now is the time for him to rule the world! !

    “Well, but you need treatment now, we will take you to the high-speed octopus of the Alphas, where you can get the best treatment…The saint's blade is still very terrible. If there is no treatment with dark Spirit, it must have collapsed. This body is already in a state of devastation…"

    The old people of the 'snake' have started to take Kazehaya Kamito and quickly retreat from the city hall.

    "Well, the next step is to get that dark Spirit!!"

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