2278. Chapter 2278 The Holy Daughter (Shadow) Abduction Incident (Part 2)

    [Thanks to why our generations fight, _◆◇丶潇潇, eternal chaos truth, indifference to snow children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Sheila is going to abduct the shadow of the saint, Lily is not clear, she is only asked by Xuela to get some devastating drugs, maybe the church princess has something embarrassing.

    However, the changes in the bath now make her somewhat uneasy –

    Be your sister's death! !

    In the Divine Ritual Institute's most sacred Spirit Ji bath, how many lives are not enough to lose!

    “Stop it! Do you want to die? ”

    Lily whispered in the small hand of Xuela.

    "Oh ?" If you are found, outsiders will only know that this pharmacy is the hand and foot of your leprechaun Lily * Freom. When we teach the country to throw all the crimes to you, it will be fine…

    So, you can only cooperate with me! ”

    Xueruzu Kakuzu sneer, she is the continuator of Witch, how can it be unfavorable to the situation, only Witch to harm others, no one can harm Witch.

    "you this……Witch! ”

    Lily gnashed his teeth and said.

    "What's better for us now is that the taste of the Saints obscures the taste of the potion, so you didn't expose it in the first place, but then you have to look at the resistance of the saints, and if she's dizzy than the others, then say, but if she's obsessed, then it's us, and at that time, Lily Releasing the antidote is. ”

    Rubia, wearing a mask, said in a whisper, this is a battle to test luck.

    "No…It's not luck, I'm not idiot. First, the body of the saint is closest to Spirit, so Lily's potion is made by Magic Tree, so in terms of penetration, Spirit is faster, some, but simple. Spirit itself does not have some human **, although the high-level Spirit may be possible –

    But a saint who has both human and Spirit identity will surely burn. ”

    Xuela analyzed and said.

    "This…this…"It is not impossible…But I have not tried it, it can only be regarded as reasoning. ”

    Lily thought about the chin, maybe Xuela analyzed it right. The saint is a dual physique of Spirit and human beings. Therefore, it is not strong against Spirit's medicinal agents, and at the same time has human emotions.


    One thing, the three of the purgatory apostles are not clear.

    Feng Yu Chen's body is very resistant to toxicity.

    In the past ten minutes and a second, the princess maidens gradually became red and some of them kissed each other directly with their teammates. The whole bath scene seemed to be a lily garden.

    For this change, Feng Yu Chen finally got moved. This poison should be some kind of ****. Who is so bold in placing this kind of thing on this occasion?

    But one thing that the three infernal apostles did not think of.

    Because they are in the most central part of the pharmacy, even if there is antidote, but the seductor of Xuela is constantly releasing the ****, the antidote does not help, so ——

    This bath is so awake at this moment only Feng Yu Chen.

    It is not possible to use Kamui's power now. If used, it will be perceived by the divine Ritual Institute's princess maidens. They are serving outside, but not eating white rice.

    "It's so hot…Onii-chan ……"

    Est is holding her body with Feng Yu Chen's body, and the delicate and delicate skin is slowly rubbing in his body. The little hand can't help but caressing his body, as if to seek anything.

    The lovely eyes of the girl are as blurred as the transparent Crystal.

    Although it is resistant, but after all, it still needs to be infected, not to mention the ingredients of the **** are not all toxins and other ingredients.

    The girls in the bath did not feel anything unusual, just felt that they wanted to be more intimate with their companions.

    A love song in the grand lily garden is slowly playing.

    Feng Yu Chen, who can't stand this torture, trembles his hand to the body of Est. Every night, Est is tormented him to sleep. Is it necessary to punish this little Loli?

    The infinitely expanded ** drove him to do so.

    The silvery hair is as smooth as silk, and the skin like milk is full of fascinating taste.

    Even if it is bathing, it is still unwilling to take off the Est of the black silk stockings and sink into the bottom of the lake together with Feng Yu Chen.

    "Onii-chan ……So hot……"

    Est said with a blank expression, although she was catalyzed by that agent at the moment, but she was not good at expressing her feelings, she just looked at her own Contractor calmly.

    "It won't be hot soon…"

    Feng Yu Chen pressed Est's delicate body on the soft sand at the bottom of the lake and kissed her two thin, Sakura (cherry) flower-like lips, sucking the inside.

    However, at this moment…

    A snake is slowly approaching Feng Yu Chen –

    Although the same can not release that kind of emotion, but Xuela still have movements.

    This time is the best time to capture the shadow of the Virgin.


    The instinctive instinct of the battle made Feng Yu Chen wake up instantly, the murderous aura split second Crush fell off the snake, and the strong murderous aura shocked the whole person.



    The purpose was shaken by Crush's Xuela body, and the murderous aura invaded her body. Like the ice garden, the crazy killing intent caused her mouth Kakuzu to overflow the blood and stopped immediately. Your own stupid behavior!

    Lily released the medicine at the moment, and everything began to slowly return to normal. The girls sneaked at their own behavior and were ashamed of it. Even though they were doing something like that!

    But it seems to feel very good.

    The lily gardens of the girls did not seem to end there, and the traces of love fell to the depths of their hearts.

    Feng Yu Chen and Est floated up, but Est didn't have any special feelings, just thought it was about the same as the good morning kiss.

    But Feng Yu Chen is looking at the body of Xuela. It’s really a Witch. I dare to do this in the bath. She is really fearless and ignorant. Do you want to threaten it?


    There is no more Witch's face on Sheila's face, and her face is ugly and staring at Feng Yu Chen. How can this saint have such a strong sense of ability, and in that case, she can wake up instantly, this…

    "He is a master in assassination…"

    Lily only has this kind of thinking echoing in my mind at the moment~!

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