2246. Chapter 2246, the girls in the shores of the holy lake

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    Feng Yu Chen In front of them, the city hall they are in is a mythological building, including the former door of the Spirit, and the stone ring, which is a long-lasting building.

    However, in order to facilitate the people who can live today, the city hall in front of it has undergone many reconstructions and modifications over thousands of years. The appearance of the remains has completely disappeared. The only constant is the stone columns and the above. Carved.

    Polished marble walls with delicately embroidered red carpet.

    All is just a modern atmosphere, and can not find the quaint color of any mythological era.

    The long colonnades are adorned with colorful paintings on the walls. These are not antiques, but the things of the last two hundred years. The theme of the paintings is the historically named Spirit Ji, and then the success of the Spirit Blade Dance. Representatives.

    "The portrait of the saint is already doing…"

    Trainee princess maidens guides.

    "Amount, still don't want to…"

    Feng Yu Chen thinks this is a shame. After all, the world is going to be in line with the world. If Asuna discovers these portraits after they come here, will he be used for women's clothes?

    That's really bad!

    "This is a honour, why not, and you will get the right to stay in the portrait after you win from the Blade Dance. The last champion, Ron Ashbell, has a portrait on it."

    Fianna didn't take a deep look at Kazehaya Kamito at the end.

    "The goddess of the women's dress and his sister really look like…Just no lotus*Ren Ashbell is cute. ”

    Ellis said simply.

    "The representative of Ordesia Empire [The Virgin] is here, if there is any use, please let me know…"

    Trainee princess maidens said to Feng Yu Chen.

    “Wait a minute, even if the man is dressed as a woman, the room that the Male Spirit makes is somewhere else!”

    "That is, the Virgin is so noble, how can it be with disgusting men!"

“……Please come here, Male Spirit. ”



    Trainee Princess Maidens's attitude towards the man of God is very different, indeed, Ordesia male Spirit has been as famous as Feng Yu Chen spread to the whole continent, of course, this famous but very different, pure divine ritual Institute Princess Maidens is the exclusion of male Spirit, after all, only pure young girls can master the power of Kamui, by men's mastery is simply blasphemy!

    "Well, then see it at the conference. It seems to be the room I prepared for 'Special.'"

    Kazehaya Kamito smiled bitterly, followed the trainee princess maidens in the other direction, how to see, understand that it is definitely not a good place.

    "Put down your luggage, then let's do it."

    Velsaria said.


    Feng Yu Chen is confused at the look at Velsaria.

    "Well, I used to participate in the 琮Seireitsukai no Blade Dance. The so-called 祓禊, refers to the ritual of purifying the body with water. Spirit is incapable of serving except the clean girl. For that reason, Spirit makes it difficult to keep the body clean. The words are not acceptable. When entering the city hall, should the Master see the lake?

    It is a very nice place. ”

    "Onii-chan, I want to play with water…"

    Est looks expressionless at Feng Yu Chen.

    "I also want to play with water, Onii-chan…"

    Zombie Loli said dumbly.

    "go to hell!"

    Feng Yu Chen turned to Byakugan against Zombie Loli.

    "Oh, you can try the feeling of dying, but you are already dead, so your curse is useless, oh huh."

    Zombie Loli said with a smile, she didn't know what kind of expression the smile was, so she could only simulate the sound.

    Only at this moment, Feng Yu Chen suddenly thought of the history of the holiday in the Dragonar Academy, which also had a training day in the lake in front of the Willingham Temple. At that time, it seemed to be his swimsuit, all for the college. Dragon Knight girls.

    (The original scene of the memory in the memory is still vivid, it is a swimsuit madness)

    "Okay, then go play!"

    Feng Yu Chen said, but the more helpless thing is that he seems to wear a women's swimsuit, he can repair, the evil Hakurei Reimu, Spiritual Power blessing ~!


    The lake is in the vicinity of the city hall, surrounded by lush forests. There are many Spirits floating on the lake. It is a place of sanctity and a place that Spirits like to stay. For princess maidens, it is a 祓禊Good place.

    With the arrival of Feng Yu Chen's, each of the Spirits floated to his side as if to guard him.

    Today, Feng Yu Chen wore a swimsuit made by Velsaria. In order to be unobtrusive, Feng Yu Chen wore a pure white swimsuit with no color, but it seems that

    “The saint is a saint, and there are some doubts at the beginning, but now it seems that the Master is still the pure and holy princess maidens in a pure color swimsuit. The Spirits are very excited and are favored by the Spirit world. ."

    Velsaria is more and more in line with the definition of the maid, and it is also the reason for the original Captain of the Knights. So it is very serious to do things. It has something in common with Ellis. It seems that Ellis' personality is not unrelated to Velsaria.

    Look at the reflection of the lake, Feng Yu Chen can only sigh, my swimsuit is absolutely impossible so cute –

    The pure white one-piece swimsuit is more to show his pleasing temperament and the pure and holy atmosphere. Although the body is not rich enough, it is full of Gold proportion, exudes the light of the light, as if in the dream Angels, this pure and pure breath is to be seen, even women can not turn a blind eye?

    However, this is the incarnation of Feng Yu Chen's Loli. Well, why do you sigh yourself?

    "Saint, what about me?"

    Fianna put on a sexy and daring bikini. It’s just thinking back in the brain. It’s irritating and blowing out the nosebleeds. The bare bikini is just like a cloth strip. The rich **** can always be from that. The noodles are swaying out, and the beautiful and beautiful buttocks are perfectly exposed. It’s really too –

    He landed the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in March, and The New York Times called him ��the savior of dance music�� in the US.

    Rinslet is wearing a transparent swimming skirt, then the upper body is a sling-style white-pattern swimsuit, with her pale gold hair, like the white skin of the snowfield, looks elegant and beautiful, it is big The family's daughters are very particular about the matching of clothing.

    Fianna's swimwear is an adult bikini. The full hips are wrapped in tight-fitting three Kakuzu pants. The chest is decorated with a black ribbon.

    "My, though…Although (poor milk), I am very careful…"

    Claire ran over and looked forward to seeing at Feng Yu Chen.

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