2245. Chapter 2245 The Sanctuary of the Wind: Touching the chest is a habit

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    After taking a special airship to the destination in the Elemental Spirit world, Feng Yu Chen slowly left the Areishia Spirit Academy and the real Blade Dance began!

    It is also the moment when Feng Yu Chen is about to find the source of Spirit.

    It was also the time to get away from Hakurei Reimu's aura blessing. Everyone except himself thought that he was a saint. This setting is simply speechless.

    Well, in any case, he has only one belief at the moment and won the game.

    "Onii-chan, it’s coming…"

    Est said with Feng Yu Chen's clothing Kakuzu.


    Gently nodding, I have gradually been able to see where the venue is, where is –

    One of the holy domains of the Elemental Spirit circle marked on the map

    Floating island.

    In the thick clouds that cover the sky, you can see the huge floating island surrounded by the steep mountains. Ragnar Ess, even in the Elemental Spirit world, is one of the most important sanctuaries, here is the Elemental Lords of the Wind. Holy land.

    This is the Spirit Blade Dance venue. Originally, only the princess maidens of Elemental Lords, which is Spirit Ji, can be admitted, but during the Spirit Blade Dance, but at the opening ceremony of the Blade Dance, it will be invited. To the five elements of the Elemental Lords, Spirit Ji, as well as the Spirits of the countries, and the princes of the kings who also come to the top of the country.

    The Speedboat's Speed ​​is still very fast. After arriving at the destination, Feng Yu Chen was specially transported to the City Hall by the people who took part in the Blade Dance team, which is where they live.

    "I originally thought that there would be teams from other countries coming to interfere with our discussion of strength. It seems that there is no such thing."

    Fianna was sitting in the carriage and confused.

    "There is a possibility that it is possible to explore the strength in advance, but it is estimated that the existence of the Master (Feng Yu Chen) is taken into consideration. The attack on the Virgin is equivalent to the descendants of the Demon Lord at this time. If you are under siege by everyone, the saint is the most inviolable symbol."

    Velsaria blushes at Feng Yu Chen. According to the hand on the chest, although it is a treatment, Feng Yu Chen who plays her chest every day seems to have gotten used to this kind of behavior. When she thinks, she touches it and then the inspiration comes. The exercise is gone).

    "I have to treat!"

    Claire sighs at Velsaria, and recently Velsaria's **** has increased in circle, away from Claire and this is definitely because of Feng Yu Chen's touch!

    "You don't have a chest, what do you touch? Or let me come, the chest of the Laurenfrost family is not lost to anyone! ”

    Rinslet snorted.

    "**** madness! ~”

    Zombie Loli spoke to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Can you close your mouth? Say, how many snacks did you steal?…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Zombie Loli, who sneaked on the ground to eat snacks in the parcel under the seat. He said helplessly, he took his hand back with shame, and how it broke down recently, although **** is to give Velsaria treatment, but getting into habits is a problem, no, this habit must be changed!

    "From this Kakuzu degree, you can see the panties of the saint!"

    Zombie Loli, who is kneeling on the ground, is so innocent.


    "You give me to die!"

    Feng Yu Chen said awkwardly.

    "But I am already dead…"

    Zombie Loli snorted and snorted. "The panties of the saint, it turned out to be sky blue…"

    "I will regret letting you come to this world!! Interesting…Ha ha

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu twitched, mouth Kakuzu showed a demonic smile.

    "Help, the saint wants to be in the middle of it."

    Zombie Loli said weakly, "Well, you will try to bear your embarrassment, please force it, but Zombie is not painful…"


    In the midst of the noise, the carriage came to its destination, the city Hall was built on a slightly higher mountain, with a majestic stone gate, above the pattern of strange beauty, highlighting the style of the spirit, the city hall around the Endless Forest, at the same time has a beautiful lake, is a good place to shower, However, the open-air bath should still consider the time.

    The teams from other countries came before Feng Yu Chen. They parked several carriages in front of the door and should be their opponents.

    "Long wait, come to please Shrine Maiden of Elemental Lords' sword dance…"

    I heard the sound of the carriage arriving, the mountain gate unfolded, and the girls who wore the gorgeous Shrine Maiden costumes came out from the inside. From the top of the costumes, they were the clothes of the Divine Ritual Institute. Feng Yu Chen saw these from the package of Fianna. thing.

    “They are trainee princess maidens and serve in the Divine Ritual Institute. It’s my junior.”Fianna explained.

    "In the meantime, the virgin and Ojou-sama are taken care of by us."

    The princess maidens have bent down. Their arguments are very characteristic. They distinguish Feng Yu Chen from Claire, as if they emphasize the status of Feng Yu Chen's.

    “Do you even recognize the identity of the Virgin in the Divine Ritual Institute, or the Elemental Lords? Otherwise it will not be like this. ”

    Rinslet whispered smartly.

    “It’s true that Elemental Lords is the equivalent of the world. In the world of Spirit elements, Elemental Lords is equivalent to the world. They are able to perceive the existence of Ice Spirit, although it’s just an incomplete body, but it’s enough to determine the status. What's more, the Witch at dusk is impossible."

    Velsaria nodded.

    The Divine Ritual Institute's Shrine Maiden suit is very distinctive, and the chest is wide open. From the gap of the skirt, you can see the delicate skin slightly exposed. When you lower your body, you can see the rounded plump. This dress seems to be Is the preference of the Elemental Lords possible?

    Of course, it is only Kazehaya Kamito that has this idea.

    But what Fianna has to say is that the trainee Shrine Maiden seems to be too much. In general, but so much, almost all of the princess maidens have come out, probably because of Feng Yu Chen's status.

    After all, if Feng Yu Chen becomes the real Elemental Lords, then there will definitely be a time to choose and serve his own Spirit Ji. Is this probably a knot?

    Under the guidance of the trainees Shrine Maiden, Feng Yu Chen first came to the vast entrance hall, the beautiful high-hanging arched patio, and the carpet came from the inside door to the colonnade of the house. The source of light was not a lamp. And Spirit Crystal, but the little light Spirit that floats, is a sanctuary, and it allows the Light Spirit to take the initiative as the source of light.

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