2213. Chapter 2213 The season of lily love is coming soon

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    Feng Yu Chen, under the leadership of Ellis, found a place to stay and brought some essential necessities to his classroom.

    What a ghost is Raven Class!

    It's actually called Raven Class, and definitely has an unspecified class.

    After climbing the steps on the second floor, Feng Yu Chen and Ellis walked through the long corridor to the so-called Raven Class.

    On the two wooden gates, the abstracted Spirit image is engraved. The classroom of the Areishia Spirit Academy seems to be arranged on each floor according to the grade, and it is close to the classroom. There is a similar fighting voice. Is it really a problem class? The guys inside are definitely fighting.

    "All the students here are famous aristocrats Miss, and there are not a few people who have a lot of grievances between the families. Although the rules are forbidden in the college, but the duel behavior is not allowed, but you Mistaken into the quagmire, but don't learn from them, don't you hear?"

    Slightly wrinkled with a soft, hard-eyed eyelash, Ellis grips the fist with force, as if there is a breath that bursts out. It seems that she is a headache for what happened here as Captain.

    "If someone asks you for trouble, be sure to tell me, I will help you with them, mediation of arbitration, maintenance of the college, is the work of our Sylphid Knights, as Captain I am even more obliged, so please come as much as possible."

    That…QueriesIs this Raven Class? ”

    At this time, Kazehaya Kamito in the wandering eyes, finally found Feng Yu Chen and Ellis, Greyworth, but he and Feng Yu Chen were arranged in the Raven Class, in short, find them to find the class right. ?

    Although he personally feels very problematic for a man to join a girls' school, he has to come to this way and must win the winner of the Blade Dance before he can –

    "You guy is ten meters away from me~!!!"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Kazehaya Kamito and said coldly, "Dare to step closer, kill you, move a hand and kill you, dare to think about moving your eyes and killing you!"

    Pledged of

    Kazehaya Kamito, who just wanted to get close to the board, stood ten feet away from Feng Yu Chen's, and he trembled. He knew how terrible this guy was, and he almost ordered his life.

    I see……SOGA. ”

    Ellis looks at Feng Yu Chen. I realized that this guy hates men, so he has to be a man and then he can interact with women. He can finally understand the mood of this guy.

    (Understand your sister's mood! –

    Someone’s words will be so vomiting)

    "I heard no, dare to be near Yu Chen ten meters away, you are dead, I will apply to Principal to make this special rule, offending the saint, I will kill you first."

    Ellis coldly snorted with looks at Kazehaya Kamito.

    "Amount, what the hell? Close to ten meters should also be included in the law? Ok, I have accepted my life…Although the Lord of the Virgin is really cute…"

    Kazehaya Kamito smiled and scratched his head. The last sentence was psychological. The lovely look of the saint was just too harsh for the man. Well, the girl’s mind could not be guessed.

    "Ghosts are cute, I am a man!"

    Feng Yu Chen emphasizes again!

    "I know you are, okay, start to enter your class…"

    Ellis's side face, very serious.

    "Ah, oh, what about the two students?" I heard from Principal, is a saint a Male Spirit? ”

    At this moment, a beautiful woman with a gentle smile slowly came over, about twenty years old, with long black hair, a pair of dark green eyes, a dark gray suit, and a skirt outside. Generally long white uniform.

    Should it be a teacher or something?

    "I am the responsible teacher of Raven Class, Freya *Grandolu. I have heard about your business from Principal. The first Male Spirit in the history of the school, and the preparatory saint who will inherit the position of the Areishia Virgin? Welcome to my class. ”

    As if it were self-cooked, the uniformed beauty introduced herself.

    "I am a man!"

    Feng Yu Chen has to reiterate that.

    "I know, you want to be a man's virgin lord, half of Spirit, this kind of Asians that I have never heard of, well, come in, cute Saints Miss."

    Freya smiled and took Feng Yu Chen's hand into the classroom.

“……It seems that I am ignoring it…"

    Kazehaya Kamito, who was stunned by Freya, followed the past with a smile. However, he was still going to enter after Feng Yu Chen introduced himself. It was ten meters away, otherwise the lovely saint would definitely give him again. Frozen!


    After entering the classroom, Feng Yu Chen glanced at the whole picture here. The classroom resembling the ancient theater, there were about a dozen girls, Spirit, and as he entered, everyone talked about it.

    "It's so beautiful…"

    “It’s so beautiful, I heard that she is not interested in men and wants to interact with female students…”

    "I don't know if people will have a chance…"

    "Really been waiting……"

    "The skin is shining, it’s really a saint…"


    Amount, but for a while, everyone knows that Feng Yu Chen wants to be in love with Lily. What the hell?

    He is not interested in men, he only wants to associate with women, but why is the special is regarded as the love of lily.

    "Everyone is quiet, let people have time to introduce themselves."

    Freya patted the table to stop the shackles of the girls.

    “Feng Yu Chen.”

    Feng Yu Chen said that his name will not be said more, and he will not speculate more than half a sentence.

    "Good handsome…"

    "The cold look of the saint is so cute…"

    "I want to marry her…"


    "You guys, she is already my person!! No one is allowed to shoot. ”

    Sitting in the classroom, Claire seemed to feel the crisis. She suddenly stood up and sipped and stopped everyone.

    "It's really rude and stupid, Claire * Lucy, so you can't do it if you occupy the Virgin!"

    Another Tsundere's noble voice sounded, it was the sound coming from the highest row in the back of the classroom.

    Luxurious blonde girl, standing in the waist, standing in the oil painting, the noble princess looks like white, like the skin of the new snow, the eyes are dotted with faint brilliance, the mouth Kakuzu hangs a charming smile, leisurely overlook Claire.

    Pledged of

    Feng Yu Chen has a cold sweat on his face, is the lily fight?

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