2212. Chapter 2212, don't talk to me when you are too big.

    [Thanks to Markzheng, aeia, youthful sorrow, forgetfulness, sorrow, moe moe, loli control, demon ghost, swearing, big teacher HY, 2 to 12 Chinese characters, full moon ☆ _☆ star river, deep sea watch children's shoes Reward, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    "Principal, I don't understand why the college wants to recruit a man, even if he has the ability to drive Spirit, that's…"

    Ellis, the captain of Sylphid Knights, who maintains discipline in the academy, shoulders the burden of sanctioning the order of the school.

    "Ellis *Fahrengart, if that is the one I have to be? But to let him participate in the Blade Dance. ”

    Greyworth did not hesitate to say anything.

    "Is that I don't trust me, don't you have enough strength?"

    Ellis asked again, strengthening his beliefs, it is better to say that it is rigid.


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly felt a little anxious, so, so –

    “Is there any convenient place?”

    "Well, Ellis *Fahrengart, don't let me say the second time. This thing is already fixed. I need his Strength. Go to Yu Chen and get familiar with this college."

    Greyworth's face was up, and the air-conditioning became a little indifferent. No, Ellis wouldn't act.

    ButBut the man has absolutely unhealthy thoughts, and now he is everywhere in the princess maidens in the college. It will take a long time, but it will…"

    Ellis is still not willing to take a break!

    "Ellis *Fahrengart, I have made a decision. Now, you still need to bring new people to solve the necessary things."

    Greyworth is helpless, can't he tell the truth?

    The princess maidens, who is yearning for all the girls, is only a fourteen-year-old who dominated the personal warfare girl in the Spirit Blade Dance three years ago. The Spirit of the "strongest sword dance" is actually Kazehaya Kamito for women! ! ~

    "Okay, then let me monitor that guy! ~”

    Ellis looks at Feng Yu Chen's cheeks, suddenly knowing that someone can't hold it anymore, pulling Feng Yu Chen's soft little hand and going out –

    "Sorry to keep you waiting."

    "Well, just take me there, sorry, your sister is useful! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen's cold sweat on his forehead.


    When Ellis and Feng Yu Chen appeared in the toilet –

    "I repeat, I am a man, I need a boy toilet!"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the girls who are sticking out the slender little hands and fading away from the college style. The small and flexible buttocks are exposed, it’s really too!

    "Don't talk nonsense, the college is full of women, you guys give me a normal point, as such a cute and pure girl, even with that insistence, I will understand, so there are some things you should not care too much."

    Ellis completely misunderstood Feng Yu Chen, thinking that he was to maintain a pure attitude of the saint, not to associate with men, forcing himself to be consciously connected as a man and a woman.

    WhateverCan't stand it…"

    Feng Yu Chen came to a something similar to the toilet, reached out and detached the pleated skirt at the waist, ready to stand and end –

    "You give it a little bit!"

    Ellis blushes at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, a force, pressed him on the toilet, standing to be a ghost, too shame!

    The key is that the cute buttocks like white jade are really making Ellis difficult to control. How can there be such a beautiful buttock?


    Feng Yu Chen is speechless. What is the convenience of sitting on the toilet?

    He is a man!

    However, it seems that this kind of thing cannot be changed.

    Ok, he can bear it. Anyway, Principal Greyworth, called Dusk Witch, said, after two months, just win the championship of Blade Dance.

    Then, Feng Yu Chen almost didn't bleed his nosebleeds. Ellis pulled the body's pleated skirt down with a slender little hand, then revealed the black Lucy panties inside, so he sat on the opposite side of him…

    "Hey, hello…"

    Feng Yu Chen quickly blocked his eyes!

    "Why, is there such an ugly thing?"

    Ellis frowned and said that she had good maintenance.


    "Stop, stop, don't talk to me!"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and blocked Ellis's gaze. The special, grand and bright girl who admired the girl, he felt that his festival was refreshed by not just doubled, special, what the hell, and the beautiful girl bathed him effectively Nothing to say, but what a ghost is together!


    "Okay, hurry up…Already have a class! ”

    Ellis mentions his own black Lucy panties, then blushes, "Is it not suitable for wearing black?"

    Shaking the single ponytail, Ellis, who dries gently, looks a bit moving.

    "No, it's a good fit, at least your chest is still developing well…In the middle of the law…Still very good with your character. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said, sighed, "Come on your pleated skirt!"

    Looking at it again, it really has to be nosebleed. When did he have done a good job of talking about the color of the panties with the girls? Don't make a fuss, there will be no more!

    "At least my chest is bigger than you."

    Ellis glanced at Feng Yu Chen's airport and said with pride that he finally found a comparable place.

    "Special, don't talk to me when you are big!"

    Feng Yu Chen Tucao Dao, sister, there is no chest, is there a comparison?

    Trick or treat, you can repair! What is the rhythm of this festival?

    Is this really not a special show that exists in the Fantasy Festival?


    Ellis, who came out of the toilet, began to introduce the structure of the entire college to Feng Yu Chen.

    Teachers ' buildings and student buildings are connected by a two-storey corridor, while the canteen is on the first floor, and the purpose of the school building is so overly complex to make a space where spirit can feel comfortable, and to adopt the architectural style that applies the latest spirit engineering techniques, on the contrary, for the human aspect of use, It is indeed the design of a degree of total disregard, after all, the world, in essence, is the world made up of spirit.

    However, Ellis in a serious state also made Feng Yu Chen feel a little bright, the beauty of the rules, and the single pony tail that was placed in the air. It is very pure. In general, the girl with a single ponytail is actually in the world. The college is the necessary Raiders for boys, well…

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