2183. Chapter 2183, the eve of destruction

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    Jet Yuchen, Feng Yu Chen learned from Tendou Kisara, because there is no scabbard, so Feng Yu Chen uses space to accelerate the jet, so that the range can be further.

    Of course, the distance of the jet is not fixed, but also has some special things.

    The strong two-sword flow Sword Draw cut the sea into two huge gullies, which shows the power of its sniper.


    At this moment, a Bullets was embedded in the middle of Feng Yu Chen's forehead, his body began to crack slowly, and there was a crack in the body of the ice Attribute.


    "It seems to be a tie, Shino sauce?"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

    "No, your sniper first reaches me. My Bullets will hit your forehead. If it is not Devil Fruit that is caused by a reversal, I may fail."

    Asada Shino shook his head and, more importantly, the strength of Feng Yu Chen's Sword Draw's control was quite subtle, just touching the front of the sniper rifle, but not touching her body, or even having 'iron pieces' The Strength is also difficult to defend.

    "Well, if not, we are just a tie, I have not kept it, nothing more…"

    Feng Yu Chen threw the foil to its Master. "Thank you, your sword is very good…"

    "Haha, your double-knife flow is very subtle. These two are also in the hands of a different style, although I want to compare with you, but it seems that your body is no longer working?"

    The foil is better than Kakuzu, and he knows that Feng Yu Chen is a good sword.

    "Let's meet at the Navy headquarters next time…Shino ……also White beard everyone! When the feast is coming, don't be late! ”

    Feng Yu Chen smiled, and the body instantly turned into a piece of fragmented Frost that fell into the sea.

    "Daddy, we are going to save Ace. This is a good opportunity. I am still clear about the real strength of the man. With his help, we will definitely be able to save Ace. What is more important is that our family will also reduce their sacrifice. With the Navy headquarters ready, what is the chance of success?

    Navy Head Marshal Plus Three Generals, Oka Shichibukai and the unknown CP10, we can't sit still. ”

    Asada Shino looked at White beard. Ace was like her Elder Brother in the Pirates. She was taking care of her. Although she didn't need (Tsundere?), she didn't want Ace to die.

    "Haha, Shino sauce has grown up. When did you tell me about it?" However, if I sit still, I haven’t reached that level. Since the Shura kid is so sincere and has given me ten years of life, how can I agree to join this team, Marco, to call our fleet! ”

    White beard raised a huge sprinkling altar and stood up. As a father, how can he look at his son to suffer, no one wants to save Ace more than he wants!


    Feng Yu Chen recalls the message that avatar conveyed to White Beard. Kakuzu smiled and the real battle was just beginning.

    "You also have strength to fight again?"

    Asuna looks at Feng Yu Chen, she does not know that Feng Yu Chen has made such a lot of plans in secret, and that White beard is also a sea king class, this split second, as if it has turned over.

    "Of course, I have a good Taijutsu. I have been training in the Sixth style. With the previous experience, I have mastered the top level in an instant. Then, this time I am going to a high-level awakening!!"

    Feng Yu Chen confidently looks at Aokiji and Borsalino in front of them. "The era of the world government is about to pass, and you will appreciate this last world feast!!!"

    The new era is about to be born! ”

    "Who are you talking to? Are you still solving Shura? The revolutionary army began to attack the holy land, and the two of you are there to hold it! ”

    Navy's Marshal Sengoku also sent a major message.

    SorryIt seems that this time is really to explain…Borsalino has been forgotten…"

    Aokiji smiled and said to the phone worm.

    "Kuroko and cloud sky? They won't tell me? Even so, the result of the original reservation, currently Shura has no Devil Fruit ability is waste, Borsalino can not beat him? ”

    Sengoku couldn't help but grow up. Everything exceeded his expectations. Now the Revolutionary Army seems to have received news. While the Navy is attacking the Holy Land, the Revolutionary Army has dispatched it.

    "You are Marshal Sengoku? I am the Shura in your mouth. Sorry, I am not an idiot. Next I will go to the Navy headquarters and let Esdeath wait for me. My advice to you is to teleport the people on Marin Vatican Island. I am right. There is no interest in slaughtering ordinary people.

    Yes, you didn't get it wrong. Next, I want to release the real demon power. I will let you experience the real doomsday. Isn't it counted me?

    Very good, I have to say that you are doing very well, I heard that your nickname is wisdom, right?

    Then you use your humble intelligence to turn the tide, try hard to think, and race desperately with fate, otherwise, after this moment, you will never turn over again.

    Perhaps you should not consider whether you can beat me, but how many people you have left. ”

    Feng Yu Chen sneered at the phone bug.

    "You…Mania! ”

    Sengoku said this for a long time.

    "I can't know if I'm arrogant and arrogant, right, and you have a fight with White Beard and you talk to me?"

    Feng Yu Chen smashed the phone bug.

    "What is your purpose?"

    Aokiji's face revealed cold sweat, and he was very concerned about Feng Yu Chen's so-called release of the real demon.

    "It was very clear from the beginning. I pulled my woman out of the Navy headquarters and was counted by you. Do you think I will swallow it? Not necessarily immediately, but it will always come back.

    Now is the time. Before you want to destroy the era of great voyages, consider whether you will be destroyed or not, and condone the kind of garbage of Tenryuubito. You don't have to exist. Of course, I am not a cynical person with a sense of justice. However, the key to your approach is very poor, using Tenryuubito to bring out my anger? ”

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and walked over from Aokiji's side.

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