2182. Chapter 2182 Chapter 7 Sail VS Double Jet Extraction

    [Thanks to Markzheng, Sakura (cherry), snow, lemon is not cute, just the acid, Zhao Xing lighting, moe moe lolicon, ugreygf children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    This battle must go on, Feng Yu Chen is very clear, what is the so-called causal reversal of Asada Shino.

    Her life has been changed by him, and what he wants to pursue is already in possession when he wants to own it.

    At that time, he had made it clear that what Shino needed was not relief, redemption, mercy, and so on, for his arrival had made her secure, but that he was not seeking the meaning of killing, but that he could have a warmth that would not pass by, so that he would accompany her to the end, A future like that is acceptable, whatever it may be.

    At first, Shino will definitely not understand. Now she understands this kind of embarrassment. The future she is looking for has it in the beginning. She just found this future in this confusion. All the inside is surprised, warehouse. What about 惶?


    It is calm.

    It’s like when you pick up a gun and kill it, it won’t tremble again.

    But Shino can't say it.


    Tsundere disease is common in girls.

    So she wants to tell Feng Yu Chen in her usual style, let Bullets fly, let the mind get into his chest.

    Therefore, Feng Yu Chen must be able to stand up to this understanding and awakening, so he must use all his strength to fight, so he is not pity for her, but stands on the same level with her!

    "Five seconds to prepare for you."

    Feng Yu Chen waved a double-handed foil, his eyes revealing the murderous aura! !

    "Three seconds is enough!"

    Shino slammed his sniper rifle and jumped out of the sea. The cat's delicate body ran like this on the sea.


    In the blink of an eye, Shino traveled for dozens of meters and used multiple shavings in one second!

    After three seconds, it has already been separated from Feng Yu Chen by a distance of a kilometer.

    But she did not fall into the water of the sea, although she ate Devil Fruit.

    The reason is that the shoes on the soles of her feet are made of wood, of course, for this reason alone can not float above the sea, the reason is very simple, after a long period of cultivation, her body can reach the paper, Cloth General light (light body soft and easy to push down), and most importantly, her body can withstand the wind like a sail on the ~

    If you have the wind, you can sail like a sailboat!

    This skill is called by her –

    Sail ~! ”

    "|The skills of the Captain Shino sauce of Sifan Team…"

    "The only thing she can do is to cultivate this skill. We guys don't have the delicate body like her…"

    "Don't say that she is so delicate, can I put all the six styles plagiarize and create the seven-style 'sail' guy, is it a normal person?"

    "|I will see her Devil Fruit stunt soon…crack shot


    The crew of all the White beard pirates on the deck said with excitement.

    Feng Yu Chen also stood on the surface of the sea, so he closed his eyes and then opened it instantly!



    A gunshot?

    Feng Yu Chen seems to perceive this Strength, yes –

    The cause and effect of the reverse of Strength, he was aware of the battle with LancerCú Chulainn, and there is no way to overcome this cause and effect reversal.

    There are three effective methods of resistance –

    1. Avoid the effective range of this ability.

    2, has an undead body.

    3, has a strong luck to reverse the fate, or a very great "straight sense", with enough luck and a high level of "straight sense", the two, even if you can not completely avoid it can do Fortunately, the point of fatal injury.

    First, Feng Yu Chen feels impossible, because the setting of causal reversal is probably the visual range of Shino. As a sniper, he has a considerable eyesight, which is impossible.

    Second, the undead body, the natural Devil Fruit can, but if Shino will be domineering, then the same will be the trick, perhaps the beauty of the snow, Izanagi and the like can do this, but now he does not have so many dream food It was originally avatar.

    Then only the third one is left.

    Fortunately, this strength, Feng Yu Chen does not know if he owns, but fate may have some of them, such as Samsara wheel of life and death.

    In the sense of directness, Feng Yu Chen's battle is very strong, and after seeing the domineering, it can predict the future.

    So it is possible to avoid the key!

    But it is possible to avoid it completely.

    Do not retreat, Feng Yu Chen's use of shaving, fast close to ASADA Shino, in bullets fly split, he did not have any hesitation, the hands of the foil suddenly hit on the bullets above, but bullets still happened A twist hit his heart, and just then, at the moment bullets was about to break into the heart, another foil stood on top of his chest and hit bullets's trajectory a little bit, shooting it on top of his right shoulder.

    "Great, I have avoided it…"

    "Being able to swing two swords in the split second, it is also a swordsman, and the point is that his eyes don't look at the trajectory of Bullets at all, it is entirely intuitive…"

    "But avoiding the key, you can't completely avoid the damage…"


    In the discussion, Feng Yu Chen has started to counterattack, he will double-handed the sword and then put it on his waist, as if there is a scabbard there –

    “Tendou type of knife is a type –”

    Feng Yu Chen spit out a sigh of relief, and the cold sound sounded above the sea.

    The sound of the sheath is sounding, and the knife is sheathed with the thunder and lightning.

    "'Drip into ice'."

    The sound of the sniper was very light, only the sound of '嗖', but the target on the front of Feng Yu Chen, the upper part of the sniper rifle in the hands of Shino, smashed out and smashed out, splitting into four and half falling. Above the sea.

    The most surprising thing is that the distance between Feng Yu Chen and Asada Shino is more than 600 meters.

    Everyone on the boat swallowed a saliva.

    This is a technique of extracting the knife by using a scabbard as a ejector. The distance of the knives is the length of the knives plus the length of the user's arm plus the length of the step.

    However, Feng Yu Chen's shaving step is very long, and he is ejecting with air as the scabbard!

    It turns out that the distance of this Sword Draw from Tendou Kisara is more than ten meters, but Feng Yu Chen has extended the hard life.

    And the most important thing is Feng Yu Chen, but it is a double-knives technique.

    As the sniper rifle was destructed, the sea between Feng Yu Chen and Asada Shino instantly came out with two huge straits!

    The powerful sniper actually split the sea into two gullies!

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