2153. Chapter 2153 is made by the sword

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    Robin is very clear about one thing.

    Buster Call is a brutal and inhuman attack.

    Ten ship battleships, five lieutenants and Navy's elite combat power.

    The warships are certainly the strongest and most aggressive of Navy. They are all built by the seven ships of the Royal Shipyard. Their quality is unquestionable. There is no problem with the Navy. There are about 1000 Navy soldiers on each ship. Navy soldiers are also not ordinary Navy soldiers, all elites, and the general pirates are not their opponents.

    Once in her hometown, the famous archaeological site "O'Hara" in the West Sea has suffered such a devastating attack.

    No one can stop that horrible devastating attack. The Buster Call that has already started is unrecoverable. However, Feng Yu Chen, who has been seriously injured, is trying to stop it. This is simply stupid.

    However, Asuna is not wrong. This man is not a stubborn and dead-hearted man. He does not hesitate to give everything in order to achieve his goal.

    The serious and straight pupils prevented her from acting in accordance with his ideas.

    The double-handed with the iron lock pulled Feng Yu Chen to the shoreline.

    At this time, Sea Dragon King was still parked in the water, slowly swimming in front of Feng Yu Chen's, low-lying, seems to want to make something.

    "Hey, you have to leave, Navy will not be an ordinary person, although you are very powerful, but this is my battle, do you know?" However, with your blood, so big, what is the loss of blood? ”

    Feng Yu Chen patted the Sea Dragon King, although he was convinced that such a huge sea king was very powerful, however, he did not want to do this, and the Sea Dragon King unselfishly served him, only because of his so-called The power of Poseidon, just to make it suffer from the disasters it has suffered, it’s too scum~


    Sea Dragon King looks at Feng Yu Chen The injured body Kakuzu seems to be crying, and the voice of mourning spread throughout the judicial island.

    "Well, we are also partners in fighting side by side, so say, you must respect my consciousness and give me help. However, I can't take it for me. As a 'king', is it to be a model? I was the king of the sword of the king, and this sword was once held by a girl who was somewhat stubborn and hard-pressed (Arturia).

    I can't lose her will, the king is to protect his subjects, so give it to me, right, give you a name…

    How is Lancelot? You will be my knight, look at my battle, King exactly in your eyes, I promise you, you must come up with Strength that won't lose the king's temperament…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiles and puts Sword in the Stone on top of the Sea Dragon King, which is the name given to the Cavaliers.


    Sea Dragon King looks at Feng Yu Chen's firm eyes, nodded suddenly, stretched out the huge claws, then put it in his mouth, and the blood showered to Feng Yu Chen's body. This blood is just a glimpse for him. .

    After Feng Yu Chen's blood bath, Sea Dragon King dive into the water, then two huge claws grabbed the coast, his mouth biting on it, tears streaming down, as if crying like a child, after all The first time I had a name, it was very moving, and it was the name given by their king.

    However, at this moment, the ten-ship huge Navy warship slowly came over and began to shell up the judicial island without any inquiry. The Navy soldiers were also involved, and everyone was stagnant at this moment.

    “Why?”Actually beat yourself…"

    "Open the gun without asking…"

    "I don't want to die…"


    The Navy soldiers on the Judicial Island showed their fears. As a result, Feng Yu Chen did not kill them, and they were actually killing them.

    "Robin, are you going to follow me to explore the innocent star sea?"

    Feng Yu Chen absorbed all the blood of Sea Dragon King, and the body became blood, like blood from the blood pool.

    Don't……Run away, don't fight anymore! What is the relationship between me and my death? ”

    Robin squatted on the ground.

    “Last question, what kind of future do you want to choose?”

    Feng Yu Chen pulled out Sword in the Stone and pointed at his chest.

    I…I…Still don't want to die…Want itHave a true partner…"

    Robin can't stand it anymore. How can she not want to live? Only

    "Then there is a reason. From now on, you are the companion of my side by side fight. I, Feng Yu Chen, bet on this life will definitely protect you, your fear will be eliminated by me, not Buster. Call? Then I will become a real demon, and my eyes will look at at! ”

    The tip of the sword in Feng Yu Chen's hand was gently drawn on the forehead, and a blood mark was created. Then, a golden flame of light slammed open from it, Asura's eye.

    Second-order awakening!

    "Zoro, I haven't used my own sword skills before, because it's because I can't shoot my companions. Now, let me know the strongest sword skill of me – the glass sword technique."

    "Steel-is-my-body, and-fire-is-my-blood (blood if the steel is smashed, the heart is like the glass is fragile) – the second is the sword of the glass – I hope that when I am Bodhi in the future, I will be like a glass. , inside and outside the Ming and Qing, the net is innocent, too day and month; the ghosts of all beings, knowingly open, free to do what they want, to do business!"

    While galloping on the sea, singing the lingering language, gradually, Feng Yu Chen's split began to slowly dissipate, and the bloody starlight slowly printed in the sky –

    A bloody star river appeared in the sky at the moment, spinning rapidly.

    In fact, the ten ship Navy warships of Buster Call have looked at the top of the head –

    "I- am -the bone-of -my -sword, as a sword, I am a sword bone, turned into a sword of heaven, and the glass does not follow the sun and the moon, and all the people stand in the knife, and change rapidly –

    The glazed star river is broken! ”

    As if the sound of the gods sounds through the sky, everyone is lying in the scene, the bloody river in the sky is actually a bloody sword, how many in the end?

    Then, all Navy and five Navy warships were horrified to discover that the huge Scarlet River was falling directly, as if the constellation had fallen from the sky! !


    The eye of the blink of an eye, the entire huge bloody star river crashed, and the ten Navy battleship was instantly destroyed into pieces! ~! !

    The Navy's Buster Call disappeared so easily, and all Navy weapons were destroyed, including their Navy caps, but the most amazing thing was that no one died –

    How was this possible?

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