2152. Chapter 2152 Buster Call?

    [Thanks to Wang Zhifei, Markzheng, Salvation Shenghuang, Zhao Xing lighting, blue sky green leaf No. 3, moe moe loli control, night night Jingtao children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Forced to use the devastating infinite nightmare, Feng Yu Chen's body has been countered, the powerful Strength is even the strength of the body in the dream will be reversed, how powerful it is, just the split second done by the surgery Forced release in an instant.

    Yes, forced release, this is not the voluntary lifting of Feng Yu Chen, so this is a counter-attack, and the blood gradually overflows from Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu. The seven scorpions are full of blood, and it is not so good to launch an infinite nightmare. Tolerated, even if the reserves of the forest food are sufficient.

    "idiot!! Do you know what you are doing! You will die! " You are also taking your adventures and trials. If someone like me is dead and has something to do with you, then I will just stick to your side, like a woman who brought me to the disaster, leaving you. Isn't it better? I am dead, you just lift your concerns, why bother! ”

    Robin struggled to escape from Kalifa's bondage, double-handed her bound, and one fell unsteadily on the ground.

    "I am really a stupid person, but men have to face, aren't they?" Since you said that it is my woman, how can I not let anyone bully you, even if you are nonsense, even if it is not true, but I understand that if I do not do this I will regret it! ”

    Feng Yu Chen closed his eyes and shouted out loud. "And you haven't told me your choice. Before that, your destiny can only make me choose, live or die. Only I have power, who will let you find me. This idiot!"


    At this time, Usopp also used a new move to burn the world government flag that fluttered in the distance! !

    "Luffy, Captain, I finished the sniper's Quest, now let me rejoin, this time I will not disappoint the Going Merry look and become a truly brave sea Warrior ~!"

    Usopp slammed the slingshot in his hand, although the body was shaking, but he knew that there were things that must be done! His dreams will never be so easily crushed.

    "A group of idiots, this represents a declaration of war between you and the world government. As a pirate, you have declared war on the world's largest government. Are you brave or stupid?"

    Kalifa of CP9 pushed down his glasses and said.

    "so what! Do you know why we are together because of different things, different dreams, different kinds of temperament, but they can be on a boat…At first, I didn't understand. At that time, Chopper and Robin and Asuna had not appeared yet…A captain who only cares about the lack of roots in his head, a swordsman who only knows how to sleep, a sailor who is mad when he sleeps, how can he be drowned, a sniper who only deceives, a good-color Chef, however –

    At that time, the anonymous pirate group challenged me to Arlong, one of the Oka Shichibukais. I thought it was crazy and incurable. However, they tried everything to protect me, and finally just told me that I It is their companion!

    It's that simple.

    At that time, I even thought that these guys were the greatest pirates who could declare war on the whole world for their companions, so I wanted to be their companion!

    Even if we are enemies with the world, is it ridiculous that we have enough to have each other and declare war on our companions and the world? But we are such a pirate group! So stupid is that you are right, bullying our companions, you must be well conscious! ”

    Nami said in a word, she was afraid, but she did not regret it, never regret it!

    "Nami Miss, that's great!"

    Sanji said with a smile.

    "You guys, I really touched me so much…Boo hoo…


    Franky and his younger brothers were moved to cry again.

    However, at this time –

    "Haha, Shura, can you stand up?" Hey, I decided, I launched [Buster Call], and Aokiji gave me permission to launch! ! Waiting for you will be real hell! LOL

    Just then, the radio on the Judicial Island rang.

    This is……Spandam Chief…"

    "What is he talking about, what is Buster Call?"


    "Spandam, what the guy is doing, actually started Buster Call!"

    Kaku said coldly.

    "This is also inevitable. For Robin and Franky, people like Shura alone can't live here, but now it's a good chance to kill him!!"

    Kalifa pushed her glasses and Kakuzu said with a sneer.

    "Hurry up and solve them, then take Franky and Robin to the 'gate of justice'! ~! We don't have much time, and soon the ten ship battleship and the five Navy lieutenants will arrive here…"

    Rob Luke's looks at Luffy, his eyes are killing, "The straw hat kid, your nautical dream is coming to an end!"

    "Rubber jet machine gun!!…"

    Luffy didn't answer, attacked directly, and quickly shot out with steamy arms, and flew out of Rob Luffy.

    "Everyone is looking for an opponent to fight!"

    Zoro said, slamming the past against the front of Kaku.


    Others have found their own CP9 opponents.

    "you guys……"

    Robin suddenly eyes Kakuzu shed tears, I am afraid she will not be useful anymore.

    "Robin, pull me to the coast, before Luffy plugs in our pirate flag, I want to stop Buster Call…"

    Feng Yu Chen grabbed Robin's handcuffs and gestured to carry him in the past.

    "idiot! You are crazy, in this state, the flesh and blood can stop what! You are looking for death! ? ”

    Robin bit his lip and cried.

    "What is terrible to die, terrible is that you can't guard what you want to guard, and, this one, I can't see a woman crying, Robin, at the end, tell me your choice?"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and wiped the tears on Robin's face and asked with a smile.

    "Tell him, Robin, this guy is a dead-hearted, stupid fool. It's a very calm person, but he always makes some reckless things. This kind of person is idiot, it's cute, isn't it? Tell him your real choice, Robin, what you want…"

    Asuna stopped Kalifa in front of Feng Yu Chen and Robin. "Your opponent is me!!"

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