2121. Chapter 2121 Conqueror's Haki

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    "Explanation before starting, I will one day wear the Navy headquarters and bring you out. Witch belongs only to Demon Lord."

    Feng Yu Chen pulled out the claymore behind him, bloody entanglement on it, turning claymore into a real thorn sword.

    "Really?" I am actually very much looking forward to how you take me out? I also declare in advance that my position will not change, I will personally arrest you in Navy prison! ”

    Esdeath's body gradually wrapped up with a faint Frost, glittering like a diamond armor.

    "Really?" I will let those guys know that you are my woman. I can't help it before. Now I will fight with you with the real Strength! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's palm pressed on his face, his face turned black and white.

    Cut the crap.

    The long sword in Esdeath's hand slammed hard, and the space that was slammed into it became ice!

    Feng Yu Chen has not acted, and the body is frozen in the space.

    The power of a single blow will freeze the space. The power of this temperature is already superb. First, we must freeze the water molecules in the space, but let you gather together.

    However, in the sea, the most lacking is the water. The moisture content in the air on the sea is quite high. The sea breeze that blows on the shore has a moist feeling. This is a battlefield tailored for Esdeath. general.


    However, soon Esdeath discovered that the ice layer she had condensed was quickly attacked by the bloody smell, and then burst instantly!

    "Yes, it is a bit of strength to be able to withstand my air-conditioning. However, this is only the beginning. It is only necessary to use a more violent criminal law! ~! Ice and fire two days of service, you have to really feel it! Yu Chen! ~”

    Esdeath had a flushed color on his face, stroking his lips, showing a refreshing smile, but the sword in his hand kept swaying.

    Then, Feng Yu Chen saw that the rain on the left side of the world was falling, and the world on the right was a steam of hot air. The top and bottom are also a mixture of ice and heat, like a bird cage. Wrapped up –

    "Ice heat and jail! Explosive burst! ”

    The extreme cold and the extreme heat are close to each other, and the violent reaction of the expansion of the hot air and the contraction of the cold air erupts in a small space.

    "Sura Draw!"

    Feng Yu Chen closed her eyes with both eyes, her right foot was taken out, her body was low, and the hand pressed the Sword hilt of the magic sword.


    The bloody crescents collided with the hot and cold air, and there was a strong friction. However, in the end, the sharp crescent opened the closed space directly and then slammed toward Esdeath.


    Esdeath whispered two words, the hand and the bloody crescent were stacked together, freezing the blood murderous aura directly!

    This is the first time that Feng Yu Chen has been captured since Feng Yu Chen has mastered this ability.

    "It turns out that you are using – Conqueror's Haki. No wonder you can suppress the natural abilities of Smog and Crocodile. It seems that you have mastered Conqueror's Haki by coincidence, but unfortunately I also mastered Conqueror's Haki. ."

    Esdeath's mouth Kakuzu smiled. "This test, you still have to pass, but your Conqueror's Haki is just sprouting. Under the misunderstanding, there is no systematic cultivation. Although this is the case, it is not The same ability as Conqueror's Haki."

    "Conqueror's Haki?"

    Feng Yu Chen doubts at the Esdeath.

    “Well, how can humans who don’t eat Devil Fruit fight against Devil Fruit in this world? Especially the ability of the natural system fruit, once the body becomes an element, it is invincible, so the study of 'Conqueror's Haki'.

    Domineering is a potential strength that all human beings in this world have. This kind of strength is an innate ability, and it is the same as 'inferiority' and 'deterrent power', just like instinct; but most people I don't realize that this kind of Strength can't be played out in my life.

    Bullying is divided into the ' King's qualification ' can rely on their own ' courage ' to shock or frighten the enemy's ' bully color ' bullying; can improve the defense and attack power can touch the ' natural system ' fruit ability of the entity's ' armed color ' bullying; Can predict the opponent's next move and position of the ' news ' Bully, higher ' The owner of the colourful bully can use this ability to hear the voices of others and even to speak to others.

    Since it is a kind of imposing power and deterrence, then murderous aura belongs to this category. Conqueror's Haki mastered by murderous aura is also a quick way.

    But unfortunately, your overlord color is domineering? You should be there, well, you can't expect you to satisfy me. When you meet next time, be sure to let me see your domineering domineering. ”

    Esdeath explained that at this moment, Feng Yu Chen's Strength is completely understood. However, it is also a kind of talent to be able to grasp Conqueror's Haki to this kind of Shura. I must have suffered a lot. However, how can it be sweet without suffering? As the Wang Li practice also a lot.

    "Why do you know so much?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "I joined the murderous aura the same thing. I didn't talk to you before. I want to kill the Navy general. I will use the frozen fruit Navy general Aokiji. However, unfortunately, the first time I failed, but the second time. I didn't lose or win, even though I was locked up for a few days, but it was the Brigadier General."

    Esdeath whispered, and the murder of her eyes seemed to really kill the Aokiji general in her mouth.

    "Hmph!"No matter who you shut, a colonel actually provokes the generals of the headquarters, and threatens to kill others, you really are…"

    Feng Yu Chen Tucao.

    "Well, I'm still in a hurry, just passing by here to see, in other routes, there are more powerful people than you appear, must be a member of the player, Reward Gold Gundam 400 million, instantly rise, navy government launched Buster Call, I also want to fight, after the war should be able to rise to the Lieutenant, Finally, I'll give you a ' gift '! ”

    Esdeath said, the right hand glittering as a diamond-like light, and a quick and invisible light hit the neck of Feng Yu Chen's –

    Domineering * Stars shock!


    For a moment, Feng Yu Chen's body lost its ability to breathe, and a cold air burst into the body, and the body's murderous aura was dialyzed in split second –

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