2120. Chapter 2120 Block of Navy Brigadier General

    [Congratulations to the folks 01 children's shoes became the twelfth palm of the book, smashing the thorns, and finally becoming the germination, today the fourth is sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Just before the moment of flying into the sky, Feng Yu Chen suffered a big crisis when the vortex of the sea subsided.

    People who come to stop them –

    "The straw hat kid Luffy…I will accept your head…Oh haha……Haha, the head of 100 million Bailey…"

    A wooden raft that is easily woven by wooden stakes has a black squid with three skulls side by side. There are four people under the pirate flag. The people on both sides are working hard to row, standing in front of two people. The man who laughed was pretty rough and wild.

    It was a burly middle-aged man with a Chu skin, a turban on his black fluffy hair, two necklaces on his neck, a bracelet on double-handed wrist, and a different style of jewelry ring on 10 hand, and a three flint gun on the left waist and a bottle of strong rum on the right waist. The red shirt is not fastened, revealing the chest, the outside is covered with a black coat, the most characteristic is to laugh when you can see the lack of a few teeth in the mouth.

    "that is……Jaya Island encountered…"

    Nami suddenly realizes the look at rough man

    "Oh it turned out to be…Forgot…"

    Luffy tried to think and then said something that was confusing.

    Well, it doesn't matter…

    However, this is not what Feng Yu Chen is worried about. The people he is worried about are behind –

    A person who is slowly advancing on the sea, the sea water under her feet has turned into ice cubes –

    Esdeath really appeared at this time.

    Feng Yu Chen had expected that when his bounty changed, he realized that Esdeath would be provocative. After all, to confirm the extent to which his Strength grew, as Colonel Navy, no, it may have been promoted to Esdeath. How can I not understand the strength of Feng Yu Chen's?

    “Esdeath !!!”

    Asuna split second The sword was pulled out and the body tightened.

    WHO? Walking on the sea? ”

    Robin also noticed the unidentified Navy generals who appeared in the rough man behind.

    “Get away!”

    Esdeath reached out and a strong gust of wind blew the rough man to a few hundred meters away, and their boat was instantly torn into a Crush by the wind! !

    Being able to manipulate the temperature naturally creates the wind naturally.

    Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by air flow, which is caused by solar radiant heat. The sun shines on the surface of the earth, causing the surface temperature to rise. The air on the surface is heated and lightened and rises upward. After the hot air rises, the cold air flows in at a low temperature, and the rising air falls due to the gradual cooling and heavy, due to the surface. The higher the temperature, the more the air will heat up, and the flow of this air will produce the wind.

    More simply, as long as there is a temperature difference between low temperature and high temperature, there is a possibility of forming wind, and the ability to make temperature difference is owned by Esdeath, so her Devil Fruit ability can indirectly cause wind phenomenon.

    The more the temperature changes, the stronger the wind.

    That's awesome!

    Luffy was excited to look at the rough man who was blown away and felt that Esdeath was simply too good.

    YoIt seems that your little life is just that, Asuna is actually with you. Well, if she is rebellious, I will be a little surprised, but I can let those Old Man secretly reward you with 200 million. Presumably, your strength is already strong. Come on, come play with me, or do you choose your entire pirate group to destroy? ”

    Esdeath pulled out the long sword at the waist.

    "It started to shake, everyone pays attention…"

    Nami looks at the shaking Going Merry, reminding everyone on the boat, but she cares more about what the woman who can shock both Asuna and Feng Yu Chen, from the clothes, it should be the Brigadier level in Navy. What is the strength of the Navy senior officer of the class, it is still unknown.


    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen, they also Going Merry, flew up in an instant, and a huge sea pillar went straight to the sky.

    "Wow, I really have to fly up…"

    Luffy said excitedly.

    "idiot! ~ Now is not the time for you to be excited! ! ”

    Nami looks at Esdeath floating in the sky, cold sweat on his face, who is this guy, can fly in the sky, is it the power of Devil Fruit?

    "Nami, you continue to fly up, don't worry about me, I will catch up with you…"

    Feng Yu Chen put his hand on his mouth, biting hard, blood flowing all over the body, and stretching a pair of dark blood wings behind his back.

    ButOnly one minute is over…"

    Nami frowned.

    "Well, one minute is enough, I will catch up. Even if there is no ocean current, I will fly up. If I don't stay, Esdeath will destroy this upswinged sea pillar, and our ship will also Crush. And at the same time you…"

    Feng Yu Chen is very aware of the nature of Esdeath, and killing everyone here is not an impossible thing.


    Luffy frowned at at Esdeath, double-handed, and suddenly hit the Esdeath.



    For a moment, Luffy's double-handed was frozen into ice, and the frozen Strength spread quickly across his body. In less than a second, the whole person became an ice man.

    "Luffy !!"

    Everyone except Feng Yu Chen and Asuna screamed.

    "You guys don't shoot, not to mention you have no way to fight in the air, Chopper, trouble you to rescue Luffy, well, the rest is left to me…She is my woman, I will naturally deal with…"

    Feng Yu Chen flew out of the Going Merry.

    "Your woman?!"

    Nami turned over Byakugan, how could there be such a woman.

    "Ahhhh……My life……Why don't I have so many beautiful women! ”

    Sanji said awkwardly.

    "Amount, this is actually incredible. Asuna Miss is the wife of Mr. Shura? So this is also? I have never heard of anyone who would have multiple wives…Yes, then it must be…"

    Robin questioned at Asuna, "and this person is still the rank of Brigadier Navy, even more incredible…"

    "Don't doubt, this guy manages a kingdom. He is a king, but here is what it is…"

    Asuna said half-truth.

    "What? Wang

    Nami and others are sluggish, and they will be kings. Didn't find out where he has the temperament of the king?

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