2090. Chapter 2090 Upside Down: Entrance to the Grand Line

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    There was a loud noise in the ear, Feng Yu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and then saw the red mountains outside the cabin, split second realized that they would hit the red mountains in front of them –

    In an instant, I woke up.

    What happened?

    Feng Yu Chen struggled to stand up, and the skin that had been destroyed by the body because of the high temperature had re-emerged, but it was still weak.

    "Hey, have you slept for a long time, sailor, have you seen it…We are about to enter the Grand Line soon, haha! ! ”

    Luffy slammed Feng Yu Chen's shoulder and said that it was already strange. Feng Yu Chen often slept for a few days, sometimes more than ten days passed, but there was no way to get the kind of injury.

    "Grand Line? How long have I slept again? ”

    Feng Yu Chen feels really damn, special, every time I get half-dead, and then the timing is not so good, every time I wake up, I have a big event.

    Since entering the world, along the way, all the special bad luck has passed!

    Ok, he has no time to vomit.

    "Oh ?"It’s really a long time to sleep. During the time you slept, we have seen the dragon…Dragon, do you know? Very powerful? ”

    Luffy was struggling.

    Good.Ok, now I don't have time to listen to your chat…"

    "Nami, give me the direction to fix it…I am a sailor…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the front.

    Are you awake? Yu Chen ? Is this name right? But you really have nothing to do? ”

    Nami looks at the conscious Feng Yu Chen. At this time, the hull swayed. She suddenly frowned and yelled at the operation room. "Usopp, Sanji, you two gave me a little more attention! I have to hit it! ”

    "For me, I am going to accurately determine the direction…Don't worry, I am a knight who has been blessed by the goblins and can walk on the sea. ”

    Feng Yu Chen has the same guardianship and blessings of the Spirit of the Lake as Arturia, and can walk freely on the water, plus itself has a part of the Poseidon, holding the Gold Trident that manipulates the sea, so on the sea, such as Pro-land.

    Even in the ocean, his combat power will be strengthened.

    Under Nami's stunned, Feng Yu Chen walked down the Going Merry, and Feng Yu Chen, standing on the surface of the sea, ran towards the red mountain ahead.

    In the red mountain range in front of him, he gradually got an impression. According to the legend of the world, this mountain is called the upside down mountain, which is the mountain that must pass through the Grand Line.

    Upside down the mountain's real name is Lihuas Mountain, an incredible and dangerous mountain, the gateway to the Grand Line. Upside down there are five rivers on the mountain. The water of the four rivers flows to the top of the mountain. These four rivers connect the four different seas of the Eastern Sea, the West Sea, the South China Sea and the North Sea. The river between the Eastern Sea and the South China Sea will connect the rivers around the four seas. The top of the mountain gathers and finally flows into the river channel of the Grand Line.

    In short, it is a magical place.

    Feng Yu Chen, who was galloping on the raging sea, gradually came to a crack in the mountain range in front of him. This crack continued to flow with water flowing upwards, and the seawater was sent to the crack through the force of the ocean current.

    At the entrance, there are ten Minatos, which is the entrance…

    Feng Yu Chen, who jumped over Minato, began to command the course of the ship –

    "Listen, the closer it is to the more difficult it is to adjust the course, so adjust the hair immediately…Starboard, fifteen degrees…pass……A little port side…It’s over again…Starboard…"

    "Special, are you not a sailor? What do you do in such a long way, you have the ability to adjust yourself! ”

    "Yes, this is your job, okay?"

    Sanji and Usopp both spit up.

    "You two give me a good command of others, people are sailors, now you are all sailors understand?"

    Nami reached out and covered her head. Is this really really a problem for this group of guys? Obviously going to enter the Grand Line, even the same time in peacetime.

    However, relying on the accurate correction of Feng Yu Chen's sailor's length, Going Merry entered the Minato inaccurately and then began to climb the mountain.

    However, just when Feng Yu Chen was going to board the ship, there was a guy on the boat. Feng Yu Chen didn't know it, but how to look at it was not a crew member, it should be –


    "Why is he here……"

    "In short, I can't move, who knows that he will cut something, and then he will be in trouble…"


    Luffy and others had cold sweat on their foreheads.

    "Where did you run out of an acting cute, drown!"

    Feng Yu Chen, who was avoiding Minato, jumped and kicked the dragon that had suddenly burst out.


    The dragon set Eric was hit into the sea and rushed away.

    "Thanks to you, fortunately he has not seen you before, and you are not on board…"

    Nami is relieved.

    "Stay, just fly over a fly…But it’s really strange to use a boat to climb a mountain…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the Going Merry, which almost rushed to the sky.

    "You are strange!"

    Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Zoro screamed in unison –

    "Walk on the sea, what do you do especially!!"

    "Well, well, it’s good to spit it out, I’ve said it, I’m a man blessed by the sea!”

    Feng Yu Chen said, swinging his hand.

    "Oh ?"I want to fly up…Grand Line ……"

    Luffy is particularly excited about the look at the front, and the Going Merry that reaches the apex leaps to another channel. The water in this channel is different from the previous one. It seems to be Grand Line in front of it.

    However, with the decline, a heavy fog blocked Feng Yu Chen's view, and before this, it was –

    Gradually, the Going Merry crossed the mist and came to the foot of the mountain, but let Feng Yu Chen see them in a stun –

    A huge blue city wall appeared, blocking the exit of the channel, but if you look closely, it is not a wall, but a huge whale, just –

    "Special, is there such a big whale?"

    "The legendary sea king class is so big…"

    "The island is so big, are you sure?"


    "Give me a quiet look! How to escape is the most urgent thing? ”

    That Mei suddenly yelled at Feng Yu Chen and they were surprised, but now they have no time to be surprised –

    "Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, hurry up to the left!"

    "Already doing…"


    "This is not good!"broken……"

    "Take your sister!"

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