2089. Chapter 2089 Sailor's goal: to penetrate the Navy headquarters!

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    Slowly crawling up from the ground, Feng Yu Chen supported his body on the ground with a thin sword in his hand—

    Really, it is a serious injury.

    The feeling of pain is really strong –

    However, why can't I feel a little pain in my heart?




    "Esdeath! When does your man need a woman to comfort, too small to see my will? Really, teach me, you are still a hundred years old! ! Waiting, one day, I will break into the Navy headquarters in this world and push you down. Before that, I will wash it and wait for me! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen roared toward the sky, the body's injury split again because of the roar, and the blood was sprayed, but Feng Yu Chen did not say a word.

    铮铮 iron bones, the blood of the flames!

    Standing on the ground!

    A man's proud.

    "Really?" Then, despite working hard in this direction, don't be overthrown by me. The next time, it won't be so simple~! ”

    In the distance, Esdeath whispered according to his Navy hat. He didn't care. Feng Yu Chen could hear it. She believed that his heart had already realized.

    Unrelentingly chasing the youth, it is okay to love it. She is not gentle, she is not jealous, she is not light and soft, she is not considerate and warm…However, this is her, Esdeath, her love is unique, and it is hard to be an opponent in this big sailing era, then there is a vigorous alternative love.

    The love in the eyes of the world, she does not have to accept, she has her way, she is Esdeath.


    After struggling to stand up, Feng Yu Chen squatted in the direction of the port.


    "catch him!"

    "He is no longer!"

    Haha! Esdeath is really amazing, seriously hurting the sea thief…"


    Navy, who’s looking at Feng Yu Chen, who was standing still at the moment, had confidence and shot them one by one –

    "Puff puff……"

    However, very quickly, their eyes were gone, Feng Yu Chen disappeared, and then their chests were pierced.

    Just split second, all the Navy around Feng Yu Chen fell on the ground, they didn't even know what was going on.


    Amount ofOn ah…It must have happened…"


    The remaining Navy have flowed out of cold sweat. Will they be like those fallen Navy?

    However, Feng Yu Chen didn't care about these people's eyes, so he walked straight to the road ahead.

    The Navy, which was approached by Feng Yu Chen, had a cold sweat and let go of the body. When Feng Yu Chen's eyes filled with killing intent were seen, they seemed to see hell and immediately softened.

    In this way, Feng Yu Chen crossed the encirclement of the Navy and rushed to the port.



    At this moment, a seemingly green wind blew and flew to the port with Feng Yu Chen.

    And his side is Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Luffy.

    Among the distant sea, Nami standing on the deck of Going Merry is waving to them –

    "Luffy…Zoro ……Sanji…that whoever……"

    Ok, Feng Yu Chen is who, because they don't know his name now.

    Tell them this time.

    "Hey, what's wrong with you, don't worry!!"

    Luffy saw Feng Yu Chen, who was covered in blood, and shook it hard…


    Sanji gave Luffy a heavy punch. "Shake it again, he really has to die…"

    "Hey, who is hurting you like this?"

    Zoro also felt surprised.

    "One Piece! Now I have a goal…Do you want to be aware of whether to leave me…Because I will bring you bad luck! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's bloody hand grabbed Luffy's shoulder and said.

    "Ahhhh……What goal, let's talk, Nami is waiting for us…"

    Sanji said with dissatisfaction with the smoke.

    "I provoked a queen in the Navy headquarters. She was waiting for me at the Grand Line. One day, I was going to break into the Navy headquarters and push her down! When will you be crazy with me? ”

    Feng Yu Chen said, grinning.

    HeyNot kidding? Hit the Navy headquarters? ”

    "Insane? How many lives are not enough! ”

    "Absolutely will die!"

    Usopp suddenly squinted out and swayed double-handed, damn, isn't that dead? Their pirates were chased by Navy. The first time they heard a pirate hit the Navy headquarters, this is not what death is, and the Navy headquarters is one of the three major forces of the Grand Line.

    Navy headquarters is located in the name of the island is "Marin numerous", the island has a huge military fortress and military families living in large towns, as well as countless heavy artillery and numerous navy warships, the front of the fortress with striking "Navy" giant Chinese characters and the middle of the Navy logo, the fortress above the Marshal and senior, will be in the office and conference rooms and other rooms, also trees and flowers and other plant and grassland space.

    It is a nightmare for pirates, not to say that you can be embarrassed.

    "Ahhhh……aims……Dream? Very good, it is my sailor of One Piece, haha! It doesn't matter, let's do it! Even if you lose your life, it doesn't matter…Trying to bring me bad luck, One Piece is not afraid of this bad luck? ”

    Luffy laughed heartily, "Through the Navy headquarters, a dream worth challenging!"

    "Well, compared to ALL-BLUE, your goal is not strong enough…Cut, what do you think is the goal…"

    Sanji said that it didn't matter if he took a cigarette.

    "It's a dream to break the rules and do things that the world can't imagine. This kind of thing is going in the direction of being incomplete, it will be interesting!"

    Zoro said seriously.

    "Really?"Luffy ……Zoro ……Sanji…Usopp ……Nami, please take care of it in the future. I am the sailor-Feng Yu Chen. From today, I will give you the back of you…At the same time, before I fall, our pirate flag will never land, bet on this life, swear here! ”

    Feng Yu Chen struggled to say the last sentence and then stunned.

    "Really, what hurts like this?"

    Sanji and Zoro put Feng Yu Chen up.

    "Haha!"Grand Line, we are coming…"

    Luffy stood up in excitement with a straw hat, and surely his companions were a group of interesting guys with the power of dreams to enter the Grand Line!

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