2030. Chapter 2030 build your sister's bridge and show your sister's big ice sword!

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    Although there was a dispute, although the pace was different, although the monsters were everywhere, Arturia quickly completed the assault.

    Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to cooperate.

    However, this is not an ordinary stage. If the steps like a soldier are adjusted, then there is no meaning.

    It is precisely because they have different strengths, precisely because they have their own consciousness, precisely because they are Protagonist, so they can complete the realm of normal people.

    Check it out There is no need for cooperation between us. If we cooperate with each other, it will limit our actions. I am not idiot. I am naturally very clear about the routines of marching. For us, what we need is mutual trust.

    So as long as you kill the enemies in front of you, as for behind, I think, other sisters will never let a monster attack us from behind. ”

    Esdeath reached out and grabbed Arturia's shoulder and said, "You are a little old-fashioned, so you won't be wowy…"

    "There is a contrast between people…"

    Kuroyukihime grinned.

    "Someone seems to really eat this mouth…"

    Misaka Mikoto said scornfully, the implication is that Feng Yu Chen likes to eat Arturia.

    "Ah, oh, is this jealous?"

    Tendou Kisara slanted and said the face of Misaka Mikoto.

    "No road!"

    Misaka Mikoto's face was red.

    "Narnani…Shana sauce, someone is learning your mantra…"

    CC put his hand in his ear and seemed to be listening to the voice of Misaka Mikoto.

    "No road race no road race no road! Starved to death, want to eat melon bags…"

    Shana sat under the tree and took the bread from the bag and ate it happily…

    "Illya wants to eat too, Shana sauce, also?"

    Illya touched her little belly and looked straight at at Shana.

“……Don't give…"

    Shana's body moved quickly to the other side.

    "Ahhhh……How come?People eat a bite~"

    Illya put a pair of small hands on his head to do cute moves.

    "acting cute doesn't give…"

    Shana's tone is very firm.

    "Oh ?"Xiao Sister, Shana Sister said that she was impatient and asked you to give her a knife…"

    Illya Crystal's eyes reveal a playful expression.


    Three nos of noodles nodded, and there was a sonic hand in his hand, ready to relieve Shana.


    "Please, is it a special time for you to play?"

    Tendou Kisara grabbed Illya and grabbed Tachibana Kanade in one hand and pressed them together. "Give me something to stop!"

    "incredibly moe moe ……Oh~"

    Illya spit out his tongue.

    "I can't get mad at all!"

    Tendou Kisara sighed and looked at the canyon in front of him and asked Misaka Mikoto, "It is for you to guide the way, but we have no way ahead!"

    "I followed you in a straight line style…"

    Misaka Mikoto frowned and said, "How do I know that this will be a canyon in front…"

    No problemNow is not the time to argue cute, if our Speed ​​is detoured, it may be a day's delay, but the rescue signal on the communicator is getting stronger and stronger, you must think of a way to go straight from here…"

    Arturia said.

    "What happened directly, is the mountain wall on both sides a few hundred meters away?" I don't know how deep it is, and there is nothing in the canyon. So from the above, it has caused a rash? ”

    Kuroyukihime shook her head and she felt that it was good to detour.

    Let me help you.”Let you see the results of my practice…"

    Esdeath stood up and the cold air from the body eroded the ground.

    "Building an ice bridge will not become…"

    Ice bridge?

    Hello, this is not a joke? Is this hundreds of meters long ice bridge something that humans can accomplish?

    "Even if your emperor does not have such a Strength?"

    Tendou Kisara frowned. "If Eco can come, as a Holy Dragon, it’s not a problem to fly us."

    "Eco can't be here now, I don't want to eat dry food, can't lose to Saeko, look at it with great eyes!"

    Esdeath breathed a deep breath, his right hand slowly extended to the sky, a strong Energy around her body began to expand around, a thorn of ice pierced from the ground suddenly, the space seems to become cold With the vertical orbit of her palm as the center, the white light becomes strong –

    An atmosphere of freezing the soul made Arturia have to retreat.

    The white light column gradually solidified, and then began to quickly gather a layer of Frost around it, and the speed of the gathering is getting bigger and bigger –

    Everyone can't help but widen their eyes, what is this! !

    The Frost sword, which almost runs through the sky, condenses out. The absolute Strength is not only a huge form, but also a force that makes people unable to move, and a sword that freezes the soul.

    "Capricorn – ICE-SWORD!!"

    Like the voice of the god of ice, Esdeath's voice almost stagnates everything around him, and slams it with the Frost's super-sword in the sky.

    The air was frozen, and even the flying birds were frozen in the air, and the distorted space became extremely unstable.


    Like the roar of the gods, the entire canyon in front of him was split from it –


    "Take your sister's bridge, this canyon is opened by you (with a good hand), your bridge is built below!! Can you give me a little more serious! ~”

    Tendou Kisara was shocked and couldn't help but squirt, damn, the canyon was split into two halves, and the huge ice sword extended to the bottom of the canyon…

    "Hmph!"It’s too hard…”

    Esdeath said shyly, but there is no remorse, it seems to be also complacent?

    "Come on again, Esdeath, this time a little bit steady…"

    Arturia also wiped the sweat, building a bridge is not forced, too serious, Esdeath ……

    "Hmph!"Sorry, that kind of killing can be used once a day, with my current Energy…Not enough to use the current time…"

    Esdeath said honestly.


    All the girls fell into a sluggish, simultaneously turned Byakugan.

    "You guys."Really…! ! Give me a good reflection! Show your sister's big ice sword! ”

    Tendou Kisara is speechless, knowing that I can only use it once, and also open the canyon in a special way. Yes, your sister’s hand is very good, but how does the special thing go? Go back to the origin!

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