2029. Chapter 2029 attacking girls

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    After ending the discussion in the game hall, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko began to return to the Antarctic base. However, this time there was no shipyard like Iona to carry him back. After all, it seems to have gone on an expedition.

    Looking for Seitenshi.

    Black Bullet is connected to this world and it is necessary to seek them.

    "Will you go back from the water? I knew that I should get a ship docked at the port. ”

    Busujima Saeko looks at the endless sea.

    "Well, no way, I can only go back now, and Asuna is going to pregnancy soon. I hope that when Seitenshi is picked up, Asuna just gives birth…"

    Feng Yu Chen thought about it.

    "So, just chase Arturia directly, and participate in the battle together, I will go back and take care of Asuna, and report the peace by the way…"

    Busujima Saeko decided to split the two ways. She went back to the letter, and then Feng Yu Chen went to Arturia and found Seitenshi together.

    "Well, this is fine, please, please…"

    Feng Yu Chen ran on the surface of the sea. Rinnegan's search range was more extensive, and he was clear about the address of Arturia's march. Therefore, speeding up the catch-up should be able to catch up.


    The place where Arturia first landed was Japan Island, but the current Japan Island is a hundred times larger. Therefore, it is still difficult to find out after landing. A large number of primitive guts are covered and covered by tall forests. The forest in the sky is like a labyrinth.

    "There may be ambushes here, and those primitive guts are toxic. After being bitten, it is easy to become their kind, Arturia, are we going to enter here?"

    Kuroyukihime asked.

    "Call it all!!"

    Esdeath hand caressing his chin, "Frozen them all…"

    Have no ideas

    Arturia frowned and said, "What we are missing now is time, which is different from what Yu Chen describes, and in the other words they have evolved, not by brute force can strikes to kill monsters, and can do harm to them only 錵 Metal, unfortunately, now we do not, although we have the magic class ability can also kill them, but too waste of time, now need is to avoid the army of monsters, above the sea there are Kongou and so on.

    But we can't guarantee that there will be no sneak attack on the abyss. If they fight, we will fall into isolation. Esdeath, you forgot what the husband said, I am this Admiral, you are mine. Deputy. ”

    “Ha! Arturia, are you saying that my strength is not as good as you? ”

    Esdeath has a lot of opinions about her strength. She has also grown up and wants to compete with Arturia.

    "When are you going to argue? The message of help is strong here…Mikoto, can you sense electromagnetic waves? ”

    Tendou Kisara looks at the communicator in the hand.

    "It should be that this place is not wrong. One of the five major regions that Japan divided after the Gastrea War, including the original Tokyo, the original Kanagawa, the original Chiba, the original Saitama, is currently the former Tokyo head of state by Seitenshi…However, the Tokyo Area has been wrapped by the barrier of the Magic Index (World), but the area occupied by the Magic Index (World) is only the original Tokyo and this position will change somewhat.

    Aleister's analysis should be near this…"

    "Follow me, there are power generation facilities nearby…Can sense…"

    Misaka Mikoto stroked her hair and quickly shot a game coin. The flying thunderbolt shot several Gastrea that jumped out and then followed the road.

    Ready to fight

    Yuzuriha Inori opened the black rock transform, wearing a black trench coat, different twintails, and the left eye floating in the blue flame –

    BLACK★ROCK-SWORD, with the spell's meditation, a Japanese knife that shines in the cold and looks special, appears in his hands.

    "Everyone makes up a melee…Bright sword attack…"

    Kuroyukihime body screams a strong vindictiveness –

    "My sword, the destiny of the world!"

    Look a su, Kuroyukihime Birch tea pupil instantly into crystal General crimson, with its center, a rising dark magic suddenly surged up, the ground with her legs as the center suddenly opened a black barrier, A dark giant sword slowly stretched out from the dark ground, and then, after her body's dress suddenly changed, the black graffiti feather suit immediately draped in the body, two black elbow gloves immediately wrapped her soft little hand, instantly, Kuroyukihime picked up a giant sword-

    "See it, Arturia, now I have to fight! Need to break through, we have already been discovered…"

    Esdeath was not enlightened by the encirclement, but he was excited. It was really good, and he was going to have enough to go all the way. Finally, he could kill him.

    "So, so people use near melee equipment, magic remote class rear output, Mikoto, trouble you to guide, I, Kisara, Esdeath, minor furtune (Kuroyukihime), minor, Little Inori, Shana assault from the front…Above, quick battle, do not fight, and send a signal, tell Kongou where they are…Ready to launch a super gravity gun…"

    Arturia said.

    OKGive it to me.Admiral. ”


    "I am invincible…"

    "'Cure' them (send them on the road)…"


    The girls have played spiritual, and they seem to have hopes. They have been tortuous in the sea for so long, and then they continue to move forward in this endless forest, finally finding the position of Seitenshi…

    "Don't care, I am the captain of your husband with the appointment of the husband. I have the responsibility to bring any of you back. Everyone is a sister, so I support each other and I don't want anyone to be hurt."

    Arturia said with a headache, all of them are female Protagonist characters, although they are very powerful, but it is a little difficult to lead. If it is Yu Chen, they may be obedient, but her words, oh…

    However, it is very good to be able to communicate to this point. Now I probably understand the idea of ​​the husband. If you let Esdeath lead, then it must be rampage, and there will be people who will be injured. Esdeath character will definitely not be able to keep up. Off and the like.

    "Well, you are also relaxing. Everyone has their own fighting routine, but the general direction will listen to Arturia."

    Kuroyukihime patted Arturia's shoulder.

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