1918. Chapter 1918 Demon Lord's Personality and Secretary's Witch

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    "Aya, surrender…I have long understood that he is not in this world, so even if your [Swearing] is activated, it will not eliminate his existence, and this guy is more mysterious than you think, unlike Demon Clan, he But with a special Strength, those special Strengths are not within the constraints of this world. ”

    Minamiya Natsuki stood up on her chest and her contract with the demon was forcibly turned into a bloody follower of the Vampire demon True Ancestor, because of this Strength, her contract with the devil was swallowed by the blood of the body. She is no longer bound by the demon, the bonder becomes Feng Yu Chen, and it is for this reason that she does not have the responsibility of guarding the prison barrier.

    The so-called Witch is the strange name of a woman who contracts with the devil. Through the "guardian" of the demon genus, they can use the same abilities as the demon. As human beings, they can manipulate even the magic of the superior Demon Clan. Skills can be overridden even by the top magician.

    However, the contract with the devil has to pay a price. Natsuki has become the price paid by Witch. It is the guard of the prison barrier, the gatekeeper, the gate, and the key, one person, and the huge empty prison. Sealing down, this is an endless curse.

    However, now this curse has been broken.

    At the same time, the criminals in the prison bar also went out in large numbers.

    However, coming out of the barrier is not optimistic. The key is the Itogami Island at the moment.

    It is no longer a place for peace.

    In the plan, the results that are now appearing are different from those expected by Feng Yu Chen.

    Originally, his planned source of Quest was to complete the final ceremony with the help of these magical criminals after the opening of the prison barrier.

    However, the anti-utilization of Aya Tokoyogi and the almost death of Minamiya Natsuki made him feel that maintaining this peaceful posture was too low.

    Unable to master is destroyed with double-handed.

    "Natsuki sauce, trouble, unlock the seal of the prison, release all the criminals, or break the barrier will destroy you together…"

    Feng Yu Chen's body floats with a pale flame. Unlike the pure black mud, this flame is pale. The flame gradually forms a huge white skeleton, and then the flesh and blood and the meridians are fast. Out, gradually became a Demon God wearing a white armor.

    Demon God's height is more than 50 meters. Behind suspends nine huge tomoe, two of which are white with the symbol of Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) and Ichibi (One-Tails). The pattern, the remaining seven are black tomoe.

    Then, the golden giant eyes slowly descended, and attached to the forehead of Demon God, more and more shocking.

    "What the monster is this!"

    "I knew early, it is better to stay in the prison barrier…"

    "Don't tell me what this is True Ancestor's Strength, it's not at all in one grade…"

    "Demon God?"

    The prisoners who came out of the prison face such a huge magical appearance, showing a terrified expression.

    "Yu Chen teacher! Your plan can be used in a more stable style, don't be impulsive! ”

    Minamiya Natsuki looks at Feng Yu Chen sitting on top of Demon God, frowning, this guy is really angry, is it because of her injury? Although this reason made her a little happy, it is clear that, in this way, it is impossible to foresee what will happen in the end.

    "Natsuki sauce, don't stop me, sorry…You are hurt even after you are injured…It is one of my purposes to let you get rid of it. I sometimes like to make my own ideas. Let me hunt for it today. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's smiles at the sights at Minamiya Natsuki, and then slaps the teleportation to the people who escaped from the prison.


    I don't know who yelled, all the prisoners fled, but Demon God's golden eyes flew a ray of light.


    "What a ghost thing…"

    "my body!"



    A scream of screams screamed, and the prisoner, who was penetrated by the light beam, slowly turned into a black atmosphere and gathered toward the tomoe behind Demon God.

    No pain, no chance to struggle, only the sight at his body gradually turned into an inexplicable black gas disappeared into the space.

    "What is this…"

    The arrival of Yukina Himeragi, Sayaka, and Lavelia at the sight of the scene is shocking.

    "Demon Lord's purge, originally wanted to guide them to the real road, to be a good life for my subordinates to survive, but stupid people, hey, the wrong is not the world, but the humble people's struggle!"

    Feng Yu Chen looked coldly at the prisoners who had changed from nothing to nothing, without any moving eyes, like Shinigami, looking at it all.

    "This is too much…"

    Although Yukina Himeragi doesn't like the criminals very much, it is impossible to kill them ruthlessly.

    "Wait a minute, it seems that something is wrong!"

    Sayaka suddenly found something special.

    Why is Aya Tokoyogi not attacked? Should she be the first object to be attacked?

    "I am afraid that it has been passive, or forgotten. It should be Grimoire's Strength, and the mind of Demon Lord's Highness is gradually guided by the secretary's Witch."

    Lavelia frowned and said that looking at Aya Tokoyogi at the top of the prison could not help but think of a possibility.

    "Nothing wrong, the idiot has saved a lot of blood essence into my body in order to save me. This weakness makes him caught by Aya. Although he can't make big changes, he leads in the other direction. A terrible guy was released.

    I also just discovered that he is changing and being occupied by another personality. In short, he is him, not him. It is reasonable to say that he is indeed angry, but this state of change is not normal, he The purpose of telling me very early, is to collect the source of evil, I have been unable to understand, but also recently discovered that it is the origin of Demon Clan.

    However, this is exactly the same as Aya's idea of ​​changing the world. When I was injured, part of the memory of the [Swearing Oath] was also taken away. I said, the Witch is not that simple, he is so comfortable… …"

    Minamiya Natsuki sighed and said that although she was redeemed, he was occupied by another personality.


    "Enjoy your dinner, my monarch, Aya Tokoyogi, will serve you now."

    Aya suddenly changed her mind and appeared next to Feng Yu Chen's.

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