1917. Chapter 1917, the devil's domain is coming

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    "Yu Ma!!"

    At the same time, Kojou Akatsuki ran back and held the injured Yuma in his arms.

    "Tiger is not a child, you guy, actually!"

    Xiao Nagisa looks at the Witch above the ruins, frowning.

    "This girl, a mere replica of my genital reproduction, was created only for the seal of the prison barrier, which is equivalent to the existence of my shadow.

    And now, everything will return, her value is over…"

    The flame-eyed Witch ruthlessly stretched out the palm of his hand—

    Don't……Mother adult! Aaah!

    Yuma’s throat screamed like a cuckoo blood. From behind her, there was a humanoid phantom that was materialized by magic. The knight of the blue armor, this is the demon of the devil that was given through the contract. In other words, it is the "guardian" of Witch.

    The Guardian is a very important existence for Witch, that is, they rely on the abandonment of the human side, but now this is –

    The Cyan Knight's whole body was eroded by the terrible pattern of black blood vessels, and the spiritual Power veins yuuma tokoyogi and the Cyan Knights were forcibly ripped off, like the birds that had lost their wings, and Yuuma Tokoyogi fell to the ground in a daze, At this time, her guardian teleportation to the behind of her mother Aya Tokoyogi, because it was her guardian.

    "Yu Ma, let's go, she is not your mother, rest assured, there is me, no one will hurt you!"

    Kojou Akatsuki's magical gushing out of the body, with a quick retreat of Yuma, because of the terrible Witch, he expected another Demon Lord is brewing a terrible atmosphere.

    At this time, more figures floated above the prison, there were six, the old man, the woman, the armored man, the gentleman in the high hat, the young man in the Also, and the very slender youth, though there was no sense of unity in age or clothing, but no one had the special to frighten the face, Yet they are as prisoners of the prison as Aya Tokoyogi.

    Being imprisoned in this huge prison barrier, there should not be only Aya Tokoyogi alone, and if Aya Tokoyogi can get out of the prison barrier, then the rest of them are unreasonable and cannot leave the prison, and the prisoners here can They are the most ferocious sinister criminals, prisoners who cannot be captured by ordinary means.

    "I am not stopping you…Cough, but a warning, you, can not conquer me, how to conquer the secretary of Witch Aya Tokoyogi, this guy is much more terrible than you think! ”

    Minamiya Natsuki's face was grayed out, and the dying Gothic Loli girl showed a hint of weakness at the moment.

    "I will conquer you now and bring you into my control…As for them, there is no other choice, either surrender, or the soul flies, angering the consequences of a Demon Lord, they have to take the psychological responsibility…"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are blushing, and the silver-like Vampire is deeply pierced into the slim and white jade neck of Minamiya Natsuki. A lot of Witch's blood goes into his throat and is sucking. At one-third of the time, Vampire's blood essence was madly injected into her arteries.

    The blood of Vampire demon True Ancestor entered the heart of Minamiya Natsuki, and then began to impact her whole body. The dreamy purple light wing stretched out from behind her, and her eyes became very blushing like Feng Yu Chen. It looks like a gemstone crystal clear.

    The injury in her chest was instantly restored to its original state with the speed of the visible eye.

    "You guy!"

    Minamiya Natsuki grabbed Feng Yu Chen's back, actually…Actually…Become his blood follower.

    "Good stay, then, it's time to declare the advent of hell, the crouching Demon Lord tearing the abyss, the mad dragon out!"

    Feng Yu Chen put Minamiya Natsuki on the rock behind him. When he turned again, the whole Itogami Island was violently turbulent. For a time, the whole world seemed to be wrapped in the darkness of hell. In the city, the origin of Demon Clan Forced to be pulled out, like the black light rain is generally not in the body of Feng Yu Chen's.

    "What are you?"

    Minamiya Natsuki couldn't help but be amazed. Although Feng Yu Chen was not her, she still perceives the horrible atmosphere, even in his behind, she feels an infinite abyss.

    At the moment, the four faceless Magician's faces in the central chamber have a doomsday eye, and they quickly sang and outlined the inexplicable mantra.

    Deep into the soul of the mantra makes the entire island of humans fall on the ground, and Demon Clan can not stand on the ground, double-handed by the wall or poles and other things to support the body.

    "Demon Lord, what are you going to do?"

    Aya Tokoyogi feels like she is struggling in the endless dark abyss, and the soul seems to be swallowed up. At this moment, she realizes that this guy in front of her is not the Vampire True Ancestor she can imagine to cope with the past. And this is definitely not the pure country of Vampire True Ancestor, but the darker Strength.

    "The darkness of the world, darker than the darkness, the hell of the abyss, despair, tremble, and worship the darkness with the humble souls, Dark Malevolence Heaven."

    With the abyssal words of Feng Yu Chen's, there was a crack in the sky above Itogami Island, surrounded by black mud, enveloping the entire island, and then the crack gradually widened, revealing a burning golden flame. Giant eyes.

    Demon Clan, who was noticed by the giant eyes, felt the soul to be destroyed in a trembling mood.

    "You are not the existence of this world, this Strength is beyond the realm of the realm, you are -!!"

    Aya Tokoyogi, who owns the witch Title of the clerk, naturally knew that all the magic of the world, like her in the Magic Library, had little to know, and that she had used the "secret Oath book" to create the world again, but exhausted intelligent It is also impossible to discern what kind of strength is in front of the magic space, then there is only one explanation, he is not the existence of the world.

    "You are very smart, Witch…In the world of Magic Index (World), the ultimate in magic will become Demon God, and Demon God has the ability to recreate the world, the world of magic…However, people who always break the realm appear, let me tell you now, what is the abyss! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's face reveals an indifferent look, which can no longer be called the emotion that human beings can have.

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