1769. Chapter 1769 is called: Flame of the Flames (Laevatei)

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    Hidden in the abdominal cavity of the mech dragon – it is a cylindrical object, the cylinder is made of glass, filled with transparent liquid, and the things floating in the liquid are completely beyond Feng Yu Chen and Mirabel's imagination, that is a girl named ****, like a fetus floating in the liquid.

    Her hair is dark, her length and waist, and her body looks very young. About 12 years old, white skin is like a newborn baby country, and the biggest feature of that girl is that she grows on the left and right sides of her head. Kakuzu, slightly curved, is similar to Eco…

    Feng Yu Chen is aware of the fluctuations in life in the split second of Flashing Penetrator before she can wear the girl!

    Ooooooow!! My lovely Brunhilde, how can you break it like this, bastard, I want to kill you! ! ”

    Anigrot split second The pupil was enlarged, and the looks at the broken mech dragon, like the beloved toy was broken, glaring at Feng Yu Chen.

    "Haha, what touts the justice of the Magic of the Association Demiurges, unexpectedly take the living to do experiments?" Penelope, this is your essence, Ash, hurry up and see what kind of bastard your father is. Is this girl a synthetic product of humans and dragons? Say what you are a victim, ridiculous dregs! ”

    Feng Yu Chen showed a ridiculous smile for a time. The Holy Wing Knights in the Holy Hall are not good things, and Demiurges is not a good person!

    "Our Leader's great cause, the necessary sacrifice is worth it, we are saving the world!"

    Penelope suddenly paled a little pale.

    "You just didn't say that the missionaries in the Holy Hall are famous people? Ridiculous, your plan must let many people die? The synthesis of that girl must have killed countless people? Is this your justice? ”

    Mirabel coldly snorted said that what is fighting for justice, the result is also cruel and tyrannical, and it seems that he is a victim.


    Penelope's dumb at the sight of Feng Yu Chen and Mirabel's contempt, is that the demon association Demiurges also sacrificed countless lives for the plan, but they…

    "Linda, come over, stay away from this group of people…We have no father from the beginning. How can this kind of ruthless guy be a normal person? ”

    Ash pulled the slumbered Linda back to Kakuzu and fell coldly at the Penelope. Oh, maybe the blood of Holy Grail is really a reason. How many innocent people died around this blood?


    On the other side, Anigrot started attacking Feng Yu Chen, waving a long gun, shouting like a singer–

    "Let's go down, the grace of the stars, please dye the light of Ai Avalon into darkness with the dark Strength…The name of this stun gun is Genghane! ”

    The mech dragon pieces scattered on the ground exude a dark aura, and finally, the halo is gradually absorbed by Anigrot's rifle, which is a wonderful and awkward scene.

    This is definitely not a strength of justice.

    Gangunir, Feng Yu Chen whispers the name and translates the language of the world into English, that is,–gungnir, the translation of Chinese is Gongenier, which is the mythical language of northern Europe, the declaration of the Great God, the weapon used by the great god Odin in Scandinavian mythology, is made by the dwarf with the branches of the World Tree Igdera, the spear is sacred, the oath to the tip of the spear, never remorse and will be realized, itself is used as a guns, powerful, projection as if meteor cut through the sky, also known as Meteor Gun.

    The gun's ability is quite simple and powerful, that is, "it will hit the target when it is thrown out". It is a hundred-hundred-and-a-half-shot gun that can penetrate anything it hits, and the power of the gun is said to be Crush Saint Sword Gram. Saint Sword Gram is also one of the reasons for the vow to win the Excalibur.

    The creator of Starbrand's worldview probably borrowed the myth of Northern Europe, and at this moment Anigrot's gun was blackened, but the character of the sword against the vow of victory was revealed. The so-called black light of Avalon was blackened. Ai Avalon refers to Eco, and Eco's intrinsic costume is Axel Kay, which is Excalibur.

    Understand the essence of the gun, Feng Yu Chen dissipated the projection of the sword of victory, and then gathered a spear in his right hand.

    "Haha!"Interesting, let me see who the spear is the strongest…Let your humble people see my esoteric, projection magic –

    The Nordic mythology, the beginning of the world, there are four treasures that have always guarded the world from the Titan clan, the fairy bow Sheele, the flame sword Revotin, the dragon treasure jade, Meteor gun Gungini Seoul.

    Burning things are not clean! ! Fire Titan Suter's Sword! Burning forever flames! The light is as dazzling as the sun! Its name is –

    Flame Flame Laveatein! ! ”

    As Feng Yu Chen's sang, the people of the whole Tien City gradually saw the sky burning like a flame of fire, a sun-like sword descending slowly from the sky, and then Speed ​​instantly accelerated. The prison in Feng Ting City was instantly broken, and they appeared to Feng Yu Chen in the middle.

    Feng Yu Chen Like a vulcan, the whole body is entwined with a tyrannical flame, and a huge dragon of flames gathers in his behind, roaring! !

    Anigrot couldn't help but be shocked by the majesty of Feng Yu Chen. The feeling of being like a god made her question whether her strength could defeat such a great existence.

    With the light of the flames, people have also discovered that the mech dragon lurking in the night is gradually invading the city of Feng Tien.

    "All Dragon Knights are ready to defend against foreign enemies and charge with me!! Listen to the call of my Silvia *Lautreamont, Lancelot! ”

    Silvia looks at this scene, suddenly summoned Lancelot, put on Ark Creation, which is owned by Arch Dragonar, and took out the intrinsic magical mount.

    Rebecca, Luca, Scarlett and others have summoned their respective Holy Dragon to wear Ark Creation, and Veronica and Shadru have also started their own attacks.

    "Oh, the existence of a traitor in the Espada sanctuary…"

    Ladul's looks at the city's auxiliary armor Dragon Knight's Holy Wing Knights, a strong shock, how come, the loyal Holy Wing Knights have so many traitors!

    "Pope of Your Excellency, follow me to Avalon in Isuka, your holy ship can't go back, but now there are many enemies…"

    Eco suddenly matured and pulled Lamuer to the Asuca Avalon.

    "I will cover you!"

    Rebecca, Luca and Shadru have protected Eco and Lamuer.

    The war has already ignited!

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