1768. Chapter 1768 Mech Dragon Knight

    [Thanks to Xiaonen, I like to watch the big gods say, ShiroiNaoto children's shoes, the monthly ticket plus more conditions to meet, decisively add more, today is even more ambiguous, the first more sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    The blood of Holy Grail and the true face of Espada have surfaced. Ash can't follow Penelope for the second time. At this moment, he also understands that it is his own stupidity. Feng Yu Chen never confronted him. The person he is doing is actually the one who uses him.

    However, sometimes, even if you know that you are being used, you can't refuse to be used. He is just a weak person, and he has no real strength to control everything in the world.

    "Ash, have you forgotten who this King is? The king of Avalon, Avalon, this King is only possible to protect you and Linda by watching your powers? It can be imagined that if the cardinal's words are true, then the world is bound to be involved in the fierce battle, there is no righteousness, only the winners and losers.

    This King can't understand the action of the Holy Hall, but this is not an excuse for [Demiurges] these garbage to launch wars and terrorist attacks. Some people abandoned by the world are always talking about some high-spirited words, they are innocent, wrong. The whole world is ridiculous!

    Seeing the essence of the world, no matter what era has light and darkness, sunrise and sunset, life and death are the phenomenon of natural world, there is no absolute justice and evil, what is the greatest courage?

    The real courage is to let go of life, not to usurp life. It is easy to kill someone, but to let go of one person but to measure everything, I have not killed the demonized you, and the Austrian Scarlet, not this King is kind, and I feel that it is not necessary.

    Weak people, choose to follow me, powerful people, fear of me, in the eyes of this King, you are all the same small, you sad people are not worthy of me to kill! ”

    Feng Yu Chen looked cold and slowly walked toward Ash and Penelope.

    "Okay, then please imprison me at Avalon in Isuka, the moment of death. Although it has been used, the sins I have committed are really difficult. I believe that you will make this world into a different future."

    Ash nodded and returned to prison.

    "You, Penelope, according to some of my enquiries, your purpose should be five stars. For the five major things, you seem to be very clear. Come, tell us everything you know, otherwise ……"

    Mirabel waved the Western sword and showed his edge to Penelope.

    "It seems that it is time to launch a real offense…"

    Penelope said helplessly that it did not seem to be a prisoner's consciousness.

    "No, I think you are wrong. It is our side to really do it!" Do you think that this King has been crouching until now, just waiting for the progress of the situation, and then you are led by your nose? In this world, the new Dragon King will be me. I have read the Old Stars and the likes. I have read the records of the Willingham Temple.

    The five major stars represent the Imbolc of the Dragon King. You will probably use it to change something. Unfortunately, after the resurrection of the Dragon King, can you manipulate it? Can be handed over to me to swallow it, is the real road…Needless to say, I will also announce the true face of the Holy Hall to the public. It can be said that the more chaotic the world, the more my victory is. ”

    Feng Yu Chen slowly extended his hand, a Frost sword gathered in his hand, the next moment, Feng Yu Chen's body message, and then, the Penelope ready to get started was pierced! However, because of Frost's reason, her wound did not flow out of blood.

    "Let her go, let me be your opponent!"

    At this moment, the walls of the prison were instantly broken, and a mech dragon appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen.

    It has a pointed Kakuzu's head, a thick and long neck, a powerful body, powerful limbs, claws like claws, sharp wings at the end, every part, and the dragon is extremely Raidou, and that The body of the thing is bigger than the usual Holy Dragon, covering the dark armor of the whole body. From the top of the head to the tip of the wing, the body of the thing is made of metal.

    On the shoulders of mech dragon, each one carries a large and long magical cannon. In the center of its head, a strange sphere is emitting red light, as if you are carrying Feng Yu Chen and Mirabel. The sphere is really Has the role of replacing the visual organ.

    "Anigrot, the sixth emperor of the Zepharos Empire, it seems that you also have a relationship with the magical guide Demiurges. It is really amazing. I didn't think that even you are involved, so it seems that the whole continent will be involved. ”

    Mirabel looks at mech dragon, the mind may be even more powerful than the average dragon.

    "Looking at Penelope, let me take this Mech Dragon Knight…"

    Feng Yu Chen's current strength is already at the level of Arch Dragonar, but it may have been far beyond this level, and his strength is gradually unblocking…


    Frost's sword slammed into the body of the mech dragon, and it didn't do anything. Instead, Feng Yu Chen's Frost sword broke, which was really a bit solid. Feng Yu Chen's Frost sword density is still strong enough to break. ……

    "Haha, see the defense of this child, let it die! ~”

    Standing on the mech dragon, the girl in a dark dress is reminiscent of the dazzling silvery new moon in the night. Her age is about fifteen years old, giving a feeling of being refined. The strong eyes are a bit like Danfengyan. The eyes are emerald-colored, with a gorgeous long blond hair, and the curls of the hair are hanging around. Her right hand is holding a long gun. It should look like Zepharos's magical weapon.

    "Call ~~~~~~"You have to be grateful to see such swordsmanship, Mirabel, with a big eye and optimistic…"

    Feng Yu Chen seems to haven't paid much attention to the dress girl Anigrot. Like teaching the Mirabel sword, a shining sword is projected in the hands of Feng Yu Chen's, the vow of victory, Holy Grail Form of Excalibur.

    Then Feng Yu Chen jumped back and forth in order to pull the distance. At the same time as landing, he launched a sudden attack. The whole body was like a comet, and the tail of the glowing tail rushed from the front to the huge mech dragon. This is Asuna. One of the most advanced fine sword techniques [Flashing Penetrator]!

    The comet, accompanied by the sound of a sonic shock, runs directly from the mouth of the Mech dragon to the tail, and when Feng Yu Chen stops after a long glide, the Mech dragon fragments of the behind fly around, and after a while, the sound of a broken noise causes great dust throughout the prison Aye, at the same time, a young girl with a long Kakuzu on his head was liberated from the body of Mech Dragon.

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