1729. Chapter 1729: The incense burner and the latent snake

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    After deciding on the 500-year-old ceremonies, members of the Student Council began to arrange the runway.

    The start of the Dragon Festival is the college and Ansullivan of the city, the middle road will pass through the Fianna Forest, so in advance in the Fianna Forest at each midpoint station to set up animal repellent magic incense Furnace, the forest has winged lizard, double-headed snake and many other dangerous beast habitat, must do a good job in advance defense measures, Avoid the impact of the General Assembly process.

    Student's position is not easy, Rebecca can be able to deal with all the perfect, is also an excellent talent, it can be said that Ansullivan Dragonar Academy can run so normal all rely on Student the backbone of the It's rength.

    The disposition of incense burner is divided into three sections, and the members of Student council are divided into three groups for arrangement.

    "Okay, then about the arrangement of the magic incense burner, divided into three groups, everyone decided to draw lots, a total of Rebecca President, Olympic Scarlet Deputy President, Luca, Arthur, Shadru, Silvia plus me seven, according to 3, 2, 2 The queue is divided into three groups: ABC and Linda. The two students do not have the ability to defend and stay in the college."

    Maximillian took a box out and placed it on the table for a lottery.

    Feng Yu Chen pumped Group C, and he was in the same group as Rebecca, Luca and Shadru, Silvia was group A, Austrian scarlet and the Yankees maxi were group B.

    "No, this lottery I object, it must be a black box operation!"

    Eco and Linda suddenly opposed it. Although Feng Yu Chen is lolicon, the value of the cow is still very obvious. Moreover, the C group is relatively far away and may spend the night in the wild.

    “Is it, I am more compatible with Arthur?”

    Shadru feels that Rebecca President is absolutely suspected of a black-box operation.

    "Such an allocation is also reasonable, shadru you are interlopers, for Fianna Forest is not familiar, the layout of the node only as the original student of the group we know, so the distribution is reasonable, the card in Group A, AO Scarlet and Maxi in Group B, I was in Group C, so decided, And if you're together, you forget to decorate the magic incense stove in case you just flirt with it. ”

    Rebecca won't say anything about black-box operation. Isn't everything already drawn (arranged)?

    "I'll smell it!" ”

    Eco stared at Feng Yu Chen, saying that when he returned, he would smell the smell of Feng Chen body with the dragon's sense of smell.

    Pledged of


    Feng Yu Chen and Rebecca landed in the south west of Fianna Forest. There is a gap between the dense forests of the canopy. It is a small square in the forest, because it is often a place for trainees to train in the field, so there are some defects. .

    The large body of the Couflin is not suitable for action in the forest, so it is placed here to rest, while Feng Yu Chen and Rebecca begin to move into the forest.

    "The Magic incense burner to you, as a gentleman, is obliged to take the burden, but be careful." ”

    Rebecca threw the handbag to Feng Yu Chen and landed lightly.

    "Well, how do you arrange it?"

    Feng Yu Chen opened the package, which contains three stoves, the appearance does not look much different from the general incense furnace, but it is buried in the Dragon Crystal, as long as set in the forest will start the dragon-media magic, emitting the general beast disgust of the smell.

    Dragon Crystal won't have an impact on Dragon Clan, so it's only used for this fuel, right? He vaguely remembers the kind of incense furnace in Dragon, which is also crystal, in other words, Dragon Crystal's way of application is really extensive AH.

    "Really boring ah, lolicon Student, simple two people out, counted as a date, will not talk about other things?" ”

    Rebecca looked at Feng Yu Chen with his double happiness, saying that Arthur had grown a bit longer and his face was more attractive.

    "Forehead, I don't want to be said to be a lolicon by the President…"

    There was a bit of sweat on Feng Yu Chen's forehead, and it was really stressful to be with strong women.

    "To be honest, I also want to participate in the acting cute conference…"

    Rebecca held his lower abdomen in his left hand, and then his right hand pinched his chin to reveal a charming expression.

    "Hmph!"President is really a joke…"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but close his eyes.

    "In fact, I am also an ordinary woman. I naturally want to be praised and loved. I have always been regarded as a majestic and powerful woman. I am very tired…"Rebecca said with distress.

    (So, are you also acting cute? Meng your sister)

    "Get to work, President …"

    Feng Yu Chen thought about the threat of eco or not to engage in any ambiguity.

    "Actually, I actually imagined doing the same as Princess Veronica, and I didn't think I was preempted. It seems that my strength is not enough…"

    Rebecca changed his dark pupil and said in a snarl.


    Feng Yu Chen took the parcel of the magic incense burner and followed Rebecca slowly toward the forest.


    The atmosphere gradually became silent, as if there was any gap between the two, and soon the three magic incense burners were set up. The time was late at night. Because of the tight time, they set off in the evening of the same day, so they basically worked until the day. Black state, after all, time is very up.

    In the process of Homecoming, Feng Yu Chen and Rebecca remained silent, their footsteps gradually slowed down, and Rebecca took the dragon Crystal in his hand to act as the source of light forward.

    "President…We seem to have deviated from the original route…"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly found something wrong and felt what the crisis was lurking.

    "Ah! It’s gone, the reason for the sky is not back along the way, why don’t you give me a hint early…”

    Rebecca was worried, and it was clear that they were lost in the night.

    "Hush."do not speak. ”

    Feng Yu Chen immediately reached out and grabbed Rebecca's body, then took her to a dense branch.



    At the next moment, a few of them, like dragons with a fleshy wing and a python with two necks and snakeheads, appeared in the jungle, and then two forces began to confront each other, seemingly staring at Feng Yu Chen and Rebecca at the same time, but after their two moments disappeared, two forces confronted each other, It's going to be a battle of snakes.

    Rebecca's face suddenly paled, and she clung to Feng Yu Chen's body. She didn't feel the danger from the forest. Fortunately, Feng Yu Chen was able to see the night.

    "President, you relax a little …"

    Feng Yu Chen clearly felt Rebecca's slightly warm body temperature, and her aroma of breath continued to hit his face, because the branches were narrow and the two people's bodies were almost close together.

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