1728. Chapter 1728 'Festivals are lost' meeting

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Sword skills contest, see swordsmanship contest, the last Feng Yu Chen burst Veronica's armor, and yesterday broke the Austrian Scarlet Ark Creation, this time to burst Mirabel clothes?

    (Blasting Dragon Knight)

    Well, in fact, for Feng Yu Chen, what the girl killed is too bloody, but there are always some Tsundere to act cute, so it doesn't work, so there is a sniper sword.

    And compared to the ordinary sword skills, the blasting swordsmanship can be said to be absolutely difficult to exist. It is difficult to think about it. One must wear the clothes armor all Crush, and the second one must not hurt the girl's delicate body. Not people do it!

    (Tucao: Of course, I can’t do this with a burst of clothes)

    "I refuse, Mirabel Principal…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and took a shot on the table, emphasizing.

    "Oh, is that? Refusal of the conditions, you have no right to refute, Shadru sister also has a desire to achieve it? ”

    Mirabel ignored Feng Yu Chen and asked Shadru.

    "I want Arthur to promise me one thing."

    Shadru thought it was a very good opportunity to hand over her soul to Feng Yu Chen and agreed to wait for her to let go of her day and then marry her.

    If it is normal, Shadru's dream may be very selfish, after all, to let a man wait for her, and this time does not have a specific limit, may be a lifetime, such an oath is really hard to accept, and although the oath, but Shadru will not let Feng Yu Chen Close to her to do something intimate, only when she felt it was OK, it was a great ordeal.

    That…I also have a wish. ”

    Silvia said, raising his hand.

    "Do you really want to pedal two boats?"

    Feng Yu Chen is only full of Silvia, when did the little nephew actually attack the big brother-in-law?

    "I am not so embarrassed…I just let you fix Veronica Elder Sister in front of me…"

    Silvia suddenly said excitedly, haha, the brother-in-law came out too soon, and the older sister had a nemesis, she could incredibly moe moe.

    (Meng your sister!)

    "In this case, then I have to…Can you let Ash wear a women's dress…Then date me…"

    Maximillian said very seriously, pushing the glasses.

    Staring ——

    Staring ——

    Staring ——

    "Maxi, I didn't think of you, this is the mouth…Nothing, President, I…AHEM!agreed! ”

    Rebecca was suddenly stunned and slammed Maximillian's shoulder. The Student Council had a hidden base.

    "This…this…"How could this be! ! ”

    Silvia suddenly blushed, thinking about the two big men together, she wanted to spurt blood, your sister's, the Student Council, the festival has been lost? (Your exercise is also gone.)

    "Well……Don't get me wrong…"

    Maximillian blushes and squints at his face, shyly said, "I dreamt of Ash in the evening last night and put on women's clothes, suddenly feeling…That is the goddess of my fantasy, I have already thought of the name for Ash's women's dress…How about Ya Xiuli? ”


    Mirabel, Rebecca and Shadru also sprayed out the morning tea in their mouths. Well, their values ​​have been seriously affected.

    Rebecca and Luca looked at each other and wondered that Maximillian didn't have any thoughts about the beauty of the two of them. It turned out to be 'the heart belongs.'

    In fact, it proves that the world is also based! @!!

    "Ah, I also want to see Arthur Student's women's clothing…"

    Rebecca suddenly mouth Kakuzu reveals a strange smile.

    Pledged of

    Feng Yu Chen wants to vomit, sure that this is not the Student Council, but the spoofing conference?

    "Then everyone seems to have a wish, then it is settled. The Dragon Knight Run and the Sword Skill Conference will be held the next day.The participants were Rebecca, Lulu, O ' Scarlet, Shadru, Silvia, Maximillian, Arthur also I eight, Dragon Knight Martial Arts Conference, Arthur just as Shadru PAL competes, you can get a wish reward for winning a martial arts conference, as for the Sword technology Conference only I and Arthur two people, the Sword technology Conference as the end of the 500-year festival conference, this is it … "

    Mirabel put down the teacup resolution.

    "I object!"

    Feng Yu Chen, Eco, Linda (although not a member of the formal student council, but the relationship with Eco, logically joined student council) three people said in unison.

    "That's great, Eco, Linda, you are my sweet little cotton jacket…"

    Hearing the opposition voice of Eco and Linda, Feng Yu Chen was moved, and it was still [Loli sauce high], Loli is justice.

    "I want to join the competition, I have a desire to achieve…"

    Eco and Linda Two people said at the same time.


    Sluggish…The ideal is destroyed!

    Feng Yu Chen was powerless on the table, and he believed in them. They also wanted to get some benefits.

    "I want Arthur to promise that I am big and that Veronica is small." ”Eco proudly said, "As a royal princess of Avalon Holy Dragon, how can I be a little wife, I want to be a big wife!"

    "I want Arthur to sign a marriage contract with me!!"Linda said with a red face.


    Uh, to kneel, sure enough, still ran to the monk can not run the temple, want to play ambiguous Feng Yu Chen has been Linda forced marriage.

    "Yes, both of you will perform acting cute, and it will be a grand finale for the 500-year festival. Who will let you both represent the cute members of the Student Council…"

    Rebecca agreed in a hearty manner.

    "Well, I don't mean anything…"

    Mirabel nodded.

    "May I join acting cute? This can have another wish…"Luca incredibly Moe Moe asked.

    "Meng your sister!!!"

    Feng Yu Chen said pale, incredibly acting cute as a weapon, is a brutal loli sauce!!

    The rhythm is particularly ruined, hurry up = pick it up!

    "Arthur, the better the person, the more committed to the corresponding responsibility, is the so-called strength of the greater responsibility, the Student …NoThe future of the world is counting on you! ”

    Maximillian pushed his eyes and patted Feng Yu Chen's shoulder.

    "You are a foundation, it is wonderful to touch me!!"

    Feng Yu Chen immediately away from the Maximillian, cherish fate, away from the elder brother!

    "Decided……I also participated in the acting cute conference? ”

    Mirabel looks at Feng Yu Chen bitter expression, suddenly feel good interesting look.

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