1686. Chapter 1686 Fragmented armor and phantom Sword Technique

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    The contest of swordsmanship is dazzling to outsiders…

    But in the eyes of real masters, it has different meanings.

    Feng Yu Chen and Veronica's swordsmanship is not like the aristocratic fancy swordsmanship. If the aristocratic swordsmanship is for the gorgeous swordsmanship, then Feng Yu Chen and Veronica's sword skills are used to kill people. The sword technique, each type of sword swings with a strong murder, directly hits the person's key, and cuts into the death.

    In the rumor, Veronica, the vulgar woman, was able to bring up three human heads for the first time, and her sword was the first to be killed. Few people could save their lives in a sword.

    It is this sword-sword-killing sword technique that seems to be exceptionally beautiful in the eyes of the onlookers. Veronica seems to be dancing in a waltz, and the graceful body and the brilliant silver-like armor are slowly in the space. Washing one afterimage, fast, extremely fast, without any extra movements.

    The beauty is so thrilling, so it is the Valkyrie, the beautiful and beautiful life-threatening rose.

    However, in the face of such a lightning-fast attack, Feng Yu Chen's body did not move, did not use any of the dragon Clan's so-called magic, just waving a huge ice sword quickly, and even gradually his eyes closed.

    Everyone on the scene can't help but wonder, close your eyes, isn't it looking for death? Such a gorgeous and deadly sword technique is ugly and clear with your eyes open.

    It’s because it’s hard to find with your eyes open, so the eyes are superfluous at this moment. Veronica’s body moves very fast, and the attacking Kakuzu is spread over the body of the week, waving the impenetrable sword skills. Can't take the next step, so –

    Therefore, Feng Yu Chen used the sense of combat straight, combat straight sense is not a skill, nor a bloodline, but a combat skill, the skill of the heart to understand, the so-called sense of combat straight is in the battle split to determine the "best for their own action" ability, can pass the sound of T He wind and intuition predict ballistics, avoid firearms and firearms attacks, and at the same time can be ineffective to a certain extent of visual and auditory obstruction, to achieve advanced standards can even predict the future of the field.

    This technique was learned from the Arturia body, but the professor gave Feng Yu Chen's "darkness", well, in short, this is his own.


    At the moment Feng Wen Chen closed her eyes, Veronica's eyes widened back and shunned, but it was still a slow step. The armor in front of her neck was instantly cleft, and there was a blood mark on the white powdery neck. !

    If it weren't for her intuition that was strong enough, I am afraid that it has already landed.


    But without waiting for Veronica's buffer to be surprised, Feng Yu Chen's right foot stepped on the ground, and the whole person leaped like Spirit. Gradually, there were countless Feng Yu Chen in the sky! !


    The Assassination Technique in the Hunter x Hunter, but Feng Yu Chen clearly improved it, even in the sky, the same effect, countless afterimage wrapped around Veronica's head, one by Feng Yu Chen The ice sword slammed down towards her!

    "Foul, this is…Magic? ”

    One student could not help but say.

    "How could it be magic, there is no energy fluctuation at all…"

    Shadru coldly snorted said that he was really a group of people who had no knowledge.

    "The sword technique made entirely by the body, Arthur-chan's Sword Technique is already a guru level…"

    Rebecca can't help but say, who can pick up such a Sword Technique?


    At the moment, Veronica's mouth Kakuzu showed a hint of excitement, and the sword in his hand and the whole body suddenly went in a direction –


    A dull sound, Feng Yu Chen's sword slammed into Veronica's sword.

    It turned out to be next!

    Everyone can't help but feel relieved, but +

    The next moment, the Veronica body's armor broke into pieces of steel and landed on the ground, making a metal impact, her pearl-like crystal delicate skin perfectly exposed to the air, the plump two The softness sways slowly in the air, and the blushing **** is clearly visible…

    For a time, the onlookers suddenly covered their eyes with their hands. How can they see the naked upper body of this bloody female Valkyrie? It will definitely be killed by her…

    "With his own way to his own body, will Veronica's Highness be as shy as Silva's Highness?"

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu reveals a hint of play.

    "Really?" You really stopped, good, very powerful sword skills, in the battle, surrounded by countless people is not once or twice…If I want to cover my body, then I will definitely point your finger at the neck with your sword? Unfortunately, I am not the kind of person you imagine, how? Do you like my body?

    However, our battle is not over yet, you can try to explode my lower body armor, but I have seen the sword skills like that, not the second time…"

    Veronica's body is only pressing against Feng Yu Chen, and the body's fragrance is sucked by Feng Yu Chen…

    "It’s a terrible woman…"

    Feng Yu Chen's face showed a faint blush, but the heart is clear that what Veronica said is true, she will definitely not be the second move, and she should have been able to avoid it, but it seems to be studying His Sword Technique, so I did it…

    Sword Technique Innate Skill Awesome, Sword Technique master between Esdeath and Akame, with wild, cold, brave Sword Technique…

    "Well, the farce is up to now, Your Highness Veronica…"

    Rebecca sighed and stopped. "Citizens are still waiting for your condolences. Sword Technique can be a duel whenever…"

    "Don't cover it for me, it's me…Lost, Arthur's Sword Technique is still there, the gap is great, I should be glad that I have not died…"

    Veronica took a deep breath and missed Feng Yu Chen's body and went inside the college.

    How come?

    At this time, Silvia couldn't help but widen her eyes. The strong Sword Technique's unparalleled emperor actually admitted that she had lost. This is the only time. She can't believe this is a fact. How could the emperor…

    "His Royal Highness, there is no doubt that Arthur-chan's Sword Technique is already a master level or higher. I haven't seen the sword just now. I didn't think Arthur-chan still hides this strength…When will Dragon Clan use the sword? ”Rebecca responded to Silvia's doubts and looked forward to Feng Yu Chen's more…

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