1685. Chapter 1685 Comparison of Dragon and Girl's Sword Techniques

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    Rebecca looks at Feng Yu Chen who released murderous aura, and suddenly knew that Shadru was a very important existence for him. The kind of scale that was touched by the dragon was terrible, even if she had a kind of Shocked, there is a voice as if to tell her –

    Do not shake, or die.

    A voice like this echoes in everyone's heart.

    Then Veronica smiled at this time –

    "Interesting, terrible murderous aura, I appreciate, juvenile, report your name, how is my man?"


    Everyone is sluggish, no kidding? The rumored bloody female Valkyrie actually wants a man?

    Veronica was a strong person since she was a child. When she was very young, she was afraid. The reason why her natural and powerful person was defeated in the ceremony of the "Dragon's Instrument" was that the mother of the dragon felt that year. Veronica's eyes, only seven years old, are too horrible.

    Therefore, Feng Yu Chen felt that she was like Esdeath at the beginning, because Esdeath is also like a child in childhood.

    In order to make up for the inadequacy of the inadequacy, it is destined to become Dragon Knight. She started to march out of the army only at the age of twelve, and she was extremely powerful and brave on the battlefield. Every time she went to battle, she would take the lead and ruthlessly Stumbled.

    Wise Fortitude, Victorious, Invincible, so that the skill of the sword can be called unparalleled, Veronica alone by a sword to repel the story of the winged lizard is famous, and even won the favor of the Bard to create poetry, the winged lizard is a large and violent lizard, others see it as a close relative of the dragon, And the human flesh and blood to repel its Veronica is a female warrior, coupled with the military above the famous far broadcast, Veronica eventually was people took the "iron-blooded female martial Arts."

    Veronica, who is just a teenage girl, has experienced countless battles. In order to fight the war, she fought bravely across the mainland. However, now she has become a headache for chaos…

    Such a woman, ask, what man can surrender to her?


    This is the unanimous answer in everyone's mind, and now it is a man…

    "Women who want to be this King must also see that you are not qualified enough!"

    Feng Yu Chen said coldly.


    If Veronica's words surprised everyone, then Feng Yu Chen's words even surprised them, this…

    “Bold, the district college students claimed to call this King, and they are so proud, give the Princess His Royal Highness!”

    The couple of Veronica behind were dissatisfied, and the only one who didn't say anything was the knight wearing Ark Creation.

    "The dregs give this King shut up!"

    Feng Yu Chen raised his left hand slightly and pointed to the knights who were arrogant.

    Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push)! !


    Split second, when everyone did not feel what happened, several of the Knights of Veronica behind were instantly bounced out and slammed into the magical warship and stunned.


    The knight wearing Ark Creation suddenly frowned and took a step forward…

    "Retreat, my man, don't let go…"

    Veronica reached out and blocked Ark Creation's knight, then waved to Feng Yu Chen. "Come on, let me see your sword skills, don't keep your hands, killing me is my fate…Of course, if you didn't kill me, just be my man…"

    Pledged of

    Unavailable Princess Veronica, Arthur is a dragon, you are not his opponent. ”

    Rebecca quickly said that she was sure Veronica had become crazy.

    "Oh, it turned out that he was the hero dragon who killed Necromancia. It turned out to be…"

    Veronica swayed the chin, in the secret history of the palace, King Pendragon was once the heroic and invincible Cavaliers, and the wife of King Pendragon was the dragon, Arthur was able to have such a strong murderous aura, it seems that there is no reason, it may be inherited The force of the king of Pendragon, right?

    Hu …

    Everyone was relieved and thought it would finally be over.

    "That doesn't matter, Arthur is it? Just use sword skills to compete with me. If you can't beat me, be my man, I don't mind if you are a dragon. Can you not become a person anyway? ”

    Veronica went on to say something that would turn all of Byakugan.

    Pledged of


    Princess Veronica is already crazy…

    "No."Arthur, don't accept her provocation…"

    Shadru finally understood what the sense of disgust was, although she hasn't decided on her relationship with Arthur yet, but how can she get rid of it?

    "If you are a man, fight me, the swords are taken out, and there is no war…"

    Veronica ignored Shadru's words and said to Feng Yu Chen. She can see from the eyes of Feng Yu Chen's that this man is not simple, and is essentially different from those who are naive. The deep pupils attract her and think about it. If looking for this person to be her man seems to be very good, right?

    Good.But no matter what the outcome, there is no relationship between us. ”

    Since the other side has said this, Feng Yu Chen does not need to hide, it is necessary to let Veronica understand the gap between their Sword Technique.


    Slowly, Feng Yu Chen puts aside the murderous aura, and the momentum is condensed. The onlookers are retreating, but it is a good experience for them to see the swordsmanship of the Vulture.

    Just in this split second, Veronica's body spurts a strong breath, not what is imposing, but the breath, the spurt from the pores in his body, which seems to be like the temperament in magic novels. Strength,

    Compared to Feng Yu Chen, who is agitating, Veronica's momentum is actually strong, strong Strength extends to the soles of the feet, split second breaks the ground, and Veronica's body instantly disappears in front of everyone's eyes—

    The next moment, she appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's, and the huge broad-edged sword slammed down with Hayate's Thunder-like Speed.


    The light voice, Feng Yu Chen's ice sword and the giant sword smashed together, making a stone-like sound.

    "The reaction is OK, then!!"


    The sound of a slap in the air, Veronica's pressure is getting faster and faster, beyond the limits that humans can reach, and even giving people an invincible feeling, the quick figure and the unmatched Speed ​​for everyone. The eyes should not meet…

    But Feng Yu Chen's body didn't move at all in the same place, only using the entire right arm to keep waving or left or right or up or up, for the first time perfectly blocked Veronica's attack…

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