1678. Chapter 1678 is more in-depth pleasure

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    After Silvia and Shadru left, there were only Feng Yu Chen and Rebecca left in the private room.

    No problemSo,

    Rebecca stood up from the inside window, double-handed pressed on the table, the upper body tilted slightly, and the face almost reached Feng Yu Chen's…

    The white **** can be captured very clearly from Feng Yu Chen's Kakuzu. At this time, there are no other people in the private room. At this moment, he realizes that the two are co-located, so subtle 暧昧Let him be a bit of a parry, a faint rose-like scent into his nostrils.

    "What are you talking about…this King also things to do…"

    Feng Yu Chen had a heavy breath and couldn't help but look away.

    "Well, don't be too nervous, Arthur-chan…"

    Rebecca slowly stood up and sat next to Feng Yu Chen's, like the beauty of a marble statue and the flaming hair, creating a sultry momentum. In addition to the face, the body is nothing to say, the full body of the body is bumpy, the uniform of the college can not cover the exquisite figure.

    And this graceful body is tightly attached to Feng Yu Chen's body, and the little white hand rubs slowly on his thigh…

    "If you want to seduce, it is better to be human first…"

    Feng Yu Chen can't resist the invasion of this Queen Fan. If it is Little Loli, it's light and easy to push down. How can it be done, but the Queen's words can't be sustained…

    The last thing he can touch is the queen-type character, because there is no way.

    "Arthur seems to have that kind of emotion for people, then…We said that the right thing is good, don't leave me too far, it would be rude to do this in front of women, if you want to have a good jealousy with human women…"

    Rebecca reached out and twisted Feng Yu Chen's head and whispered, "Do you want to be in love with Shadru? I can see it. Compared to Eco, you are more interested in Shadru. I want to know what you are doing at night…"

    "Knowing too many people will be unfortunate…"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed. He admitted that he did have an unusual relationship with Shadru. It was not just limited to the connection of [Stars], but more complicated and subtle feelings. How to say, Shadru for him Like…LikeIt’s the feeling of my sister, everything depends on him, and even if there are any taboos, I still won’t refuse.

    At first, he really kissed Shadru's body with the instinct of the baby dragon, but gradually, he consciously kissed actively, and Shadru let him suck the crystal skin for some kind of feeling, and sometimes even made some The stiff response seems to be his behavior, and Shadru has recently become unsettled.

    "Unfortunately? If there is any misfortune, then I will pierce it with a magic gun…Now let me talk about your future, the combination of dragon and man, maybe you and Eco are carrying this mission, maybe God Dragon deliberately, but do you consider this consequence? What kind of life is needed behind the combination of man and dragon?

    Also, Shadru's recent appearance is very strange. I think you still live with her separately at night. After she can properly handle her feelings, she looks like a girl who is in love, but she is not sure that she is in love. ……

    Well, I said that you can understand this? I think you are a special dragon with a very high intelligence…"

    Rebecca said slowly, the body is constantly close to Feng Yu Chen, how to say it, no wonder what Shadru looks like, Arthur's body exudes that unique charm, the body is very rich, and this body fragrance is in her It seems that there is a lot of power in the "Star", and it is no wonder that Eco is attracted to it.

    "Man and dragon…Perhaps the combined offspring can change both the dragon and the adult…Or a dragon man with the power of a dragon…In short, it is not clear at present. As for the things with me and Shadru, the President should not worry about it…Student Council We choose to join. After all, I know my situation anyway. Therefore, it is also feasible to use the channel information of the Student Council to get what I want…

    My enemies are not just Necromancia yesterday. I feel that I may face a drastic change in the whole world. Therefore, please don't regard me as a kind of dragon. I also have thinking and making decisions. As Shadru said, I and she. It is a relationship with my peers. I never thought I was a pet. ”

    Feng Yu Chen sighed, and it was very troublesome. Now Shadru can't think of these things, but in the future, he must be prepared to make the world's trajectory correct as the king, while constantly honing. His own ability, as soon as the super-Holy Dragon exists, became the master of Dragon Clan.

    "I really have the temperament of a king. The king decided at the beginning, then…Can you let me join your front? ”

    Rebecca's body is closer to Feng Yu Chen, the two people's nose stick together, and the lips are about to be attached…

    "You are Arch Dragonar, don't you join Lautreamont St. Dragon Knight Captain? There seems to be more promising there. My future is not limited to Lautreamont. You are a smart person. You should understand what I am talking about…"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes did not shake anything, looking directly at Rebecca's emerald eyes, clear and transparent, really a woman who could not see through.

    "I refused to dig Kakuzu, the first Princess Veronica of Lautreamont's first Cavaliers, in order to enjoy the current student life, so that the relaxed and happy everyday is suitable for me…For the sake of this school, I must have some action…Of course, more, I saw some possibilities from your body.

    How can the future be considered now, but there is a saying –

    Only things that are done inadvertently are worthy of the end; and what is expected and then done is only superficial pleasure.

    I don't just want the pleasure of this surface, I need to deepen my deeper love, Arthur-chan, you will make my body feel happy inside? ”

    Rebecca's face showed a smile, and Arthur's plasticity future is very much worth looking forward to. She has not regarded him as a dragon, but as a 'person' who can communicate.

    "Speak not so embarrassing…Just like yours, as long as you don't create trouble…"

    Feng Yu Chen feels helpless and can't understand what she is going to do, but there is no hostility, then there is no way…

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