1677. Chapter 1677 Shadru's teenage troubles

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    After Milgaus and Anya left, Rebecca arrived at the scene, with a remnant Imperial warship in the jungle.

    Then this is the case…

    Rebecca can't help but think of a history –

    Fifty-two years ago, the [Sinogora Rubia War], the Latreamont Knights State, the first time since the founding of the Dragon Clan, the cause of the war began with the military actions of the Zepharos Empire in the north to invade the southern Chevron Kingdom. The imperial army's war machine has an amazing destructive force, instantly destroying the Chevron kingdom, the most powerful king of the king.

    The worried king of Chevron sent emissary to the Knight of Lautreamont, so for 450 years in the breeder of the war, in order to save the Allies, once again on the battlefield, Knight Wang personally led the Lautreamont St. Dragon Knight Regiment to join the battle , which created a glorious record, forced the heavy imperial army to withdraw from the Chevron Kingdom, after which the kingdom signed a truce with the empire.

    However, the seemingly calm Ansullivan Dragonar Academy is not as simple as cultivating the Breeder. Ansullivan is not only a foster institution for the replacement of non-commissioned officers, but also a production plant for large-scale destructive weapons. In short, it is an important military facility. In the sense of the layer, Ansullivan is very likely to be the target of the Zepharos Imperial Army.

    Although the Sheriff of Ansullivan City can manage the city, there is no way for the Zepharos Imperial Army. The truce agreement is just a verbal balance of interests. Once there is anything that can break the current embarrassing situation, then there will be abnormal turmoil.

    As a Student President, she has an obligation to manage the normal operation of the entire school. It seems that she should consider a few things.


    As the winner of the Dragon Festival, Shadru and Silvia naturally received the winner's reward, with the Student President Rebecca * Randall's one-day date, of course, Feng Yu Chen followed, and also the Silvia maid.

    "Shadru Student, I want to invite you to the Student Council…Arthur is a newly born sky dragon, no, Celestial Dragon, but the battle is worth looking forward to, so you are invited to join the Student Council that I lead…"

    Rebecca looks at Shadru, who is holding Feng Yu Chen's hand. She feels that she must have a special idea for Arthur. Can people and dragons really?

    But maybe the Pendragon king is probably this way.

    "No…I am not interested in that place…"

    Shadru carefully looks at Rebecca, she exudes a charming and charming temperament, as long as the male can not avoid being tempted, and the kind of heroic gesture, even if the woman is with her, I feel the gentleness of the approachable, in short It is a bad woman.

    "In fact, joining the student is also a kind of protection for Arthur, before I said things are not fabricated, with the star Essence and the human form of Arthur, there is a good chance that the misdemeanor people plunder the past for breeding, although the present Dragon Clan is not gender, But have to consider some special things, since the ancient dragon can become the dragon of the present, then the blood is similar to them must have something in common.

    And I thought about it later. The objects that may be planted are not limited to dragons. Can people actually do it? After all, Arthur is a humanoid dragon. I have read some books before. The ancient dragon is actually very similar to Arthur. The ancient dragon has sex and some powerful Bloodline dragons can turn into human beings, but it is not clear whether there is a star.


    Including Ash is also in my invitation, Arthur and Eco are also to join, the college and the imperial party have decided to be the authority of the research of Dragon Clan, the talented girl who graduated from the University of Fronten, studying at the highest school in the Kingdom of Chevron*, Fairchild University, Professor Angela *Cornwell will come to the college, she will help us…"

    Rebecca stared at Shadru's eyes seriously.

    "How about that, even if you join, what can you do?" I won't let my Arthur be a professor of biology, Arthur is my companion…"Shadru grabbed Feng Yu Chen's hand and she definitely didn't allow her Palm to do any strange research.

    "Mm."Just doing some simple investigations, but the matter of joining the Student Council is that you need to think about it, then…Next, with His Royal Highness Princess Silvia, you will visit Ansullivan with His Royal Highness Shadru. I have something to say to Arthur…"

    Rebecca put away her posture and felt that Shadru was like a girl in love. She couldn't communicate. It was better to talk to Arthur than to talk to her. Although Arthur is a young dragon, she doesn't feel so simple, maybe He has some memories of ancient dragons, which is very important for future humans and Dragon Clan.

    "This…"Shadru was a little reluctant. Now her head is very messy. Arthur is doing strange things to her every night, even though she is unconscious in her sleep, and she enjoys it…Recently, she felt that she had changed too much. Compared with her own self, she was almost turned upside down. She was not sure what her feelings for Arthur were. The life that came here seemed to be dominated by Arthur.

    probably is……are you tired.

    That in the dominant environment, and then to the world to compete for the fire, her spiritual state has been tight, but came to this only one of her players, perhaps the inner tension is not, and PAL this setting, two people continuous life track, Star Jing Road, let her unreservedly to Arthur Open the heart, there is no package will be the real self show, now she may really be just an ordinary maiden.

    Sometimes, she even wants to spend a lifetime with Arthur in this world. She has forgotten what the system calls Quest, and basically what Arthur said about her.

    Although she knew that this was a bad situation, she was not the Witch of Hades, but she was not asking for an ordinary girl.

    In this world without any familiar people and things, only Arthur is her closest person, but this calm will be broken. She understands that Arthur has an unusual Strength, and the beggar is sure…

    "What do you want? Don't worry, I won't have anything…Shadru, you have been a bit dull lately, still need to be quiet…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Shadru, who is unscrupulous, how does it feel that she has misunderstood her like this…

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