1649. Chapter 1649 Redeemed parties

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    One of the two diseases – self-suggestion.

    Those who cannot be accepted by the world strive to create a new existence in their own hearts. They are confident that such a presence will be noticeable if it is displayed, and it will be unprofitable.

    In the real life, it is certain that the species will be ridiculed as 'naive' or 'this person is sick'.

    But this is a system that can exist in Dimensional World. Feng Yu Chen actually surpasses his limits by creating [dark], "light", and "demon".

    If you can't do things that you can't do, then you will destroy the inferiority of human beings in your body to create a new type of character. Is it possible to do it with 'he'?

    These Strengths belong to his own Strength, but he can't understand the height he can achieve with his current ignorance.

    So for a while, Feng Yu Chen was quiet and could not survive in the real world of the second dimension. Is this grotesque life just suitable for him?

    It is only today that Feng Yu Chen, who has been expanded by the spiritual sea, learned that the devil was controlled by himself, and that he could not control the devil. Therefore, the growth direction of the devil is led by him. And the origin of the devil is his own.


    "Saeko, let's date?"

    Feng Yu Chen pinched the hand of Busujima Saeko.

    "What?what? Suddenly like this? ”

    Busujima Saeko’s face showed a faint blush, the expression of the boy’s face that was so transparent and pure, which made her feel like she was jumping, when she became so innocent, and some made her unsuitable. If it is the kind of tough attitude of the original, she may…

    "Well, come to want, school time Ah, has been fighting AH fight ah, and then ah no romantic experience, I, suddenly there is a feeling-now the Saeko is really beautiful, this for the eyes of the people, has been silently doing their own things, even if not to be looked at, but also still stubborn forward you, really …"

    Feng Yu Chen held Busujima Saeko in his arms and said gently to her ear, "I like it very much!"

    "It’s been a long time, it’s like this…"

    Busujima Saeko double-handed on the shoulder of Feng Yu Chen's, the feeling of heartbeat seems to be back, compared to the world in the school, she wants to find a boyfriend, but now it is real I think 'ah, if he is my boyfriend, just like it.'

    "We all came together because of some of their mistakes. We really have love between us, but the real love is just beginning. Is it possible to start dating today?"

    Feng Yu Chen closed his eyes and enjoyed the fascinating aroma of Busujima Saeko's hair. It was so charming, charming, and charming.

    "We all have the wrong perception, Yu Chen, should I have a date…"

    Busujima Saeko was so overwhelmed by Feng Yu Chen's quiet gentleness, but it was very happy, right?

    "So, the first date, our date…"


    At dawn, the sea breeze blew a ray of light onto the face of the person, and the moist air made the dry skin relax.

    The sound of the seagull sings and spreads the blush of the water and the sky to bring a picture of oil painting…

    "Sure enough, the sea is the best…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, picking up the juice and sucking it.

    "Well, ah, I really want to see such a sunrise, blowing the sea breeze, bathing in the slowly rising sun, the mood of being illuminated by this first light is really great…"

    Busujima Saeko looks at the seaside. Sure enough, this is a place to be emotionally sensible. Although I have thought a lot of places, I still want to start the first stop of the date here.


    Feng Yu Chen slowly put down the cup in his hand and said, "Saeko, you are the first girlfriend I met in this world…"

    "Well, don't say anything in the past, we have started again, aren't we?"Busujima Saeko patted Feng Yu Chen's hand, forgive him, and at the same time…Also forgive myself.

    "No, you have to say, man, always have the time to dare to be dare?"

    Feng Yu Chen self-deprecating at the cold stone table –

    "Just entered the dimensional World, I feel that my fate has really changed, and then with the zombie of the fight, I, awakened the soul of their two, then very silly think that the" soul of the bloodthirsty "of their own is really special ah, and then see you, At that time the confession was rejected not much, so I feel awakened by the "soul of bloodthirsty" I must not be the same, and then all kinds of anyway I kissed you, think if you this kind of female protagonist I can conquer on the verification of my change of the ocean, right?

    As a result, you also have the trauma of your heart, and you can't accept the blackening of yourself. I can say that it is a sinister, really bad, right? Very bad first love, then Nakaoka Asami took advantage of it. I didn't really have the anger at the time, thinking that the change myself was really eye-catching…

    But when did it start, probably after meeting Little Inori, her song planted seeds in my heart, and then in Accel World, the seed sprouted, then I realized that I was wrong, so I I think that as long as everything is protected, just use your own strength to protect the loved one…

    But I am still wrong again. I just think that I am doing the guardian work. Is it really work? Oh, then I ignored your feelings. As I grew up, I realized that no matter what I did, I thought about what I did from my own Kakuzu. As a result, I was only redeemed by myself…"

    Busujima Saeko reached out to cover Feng Yu Chen's mouth, shook his head and said, "I am the same, just do not want to be shrouded in their own darkness, by relying on you and let oneself be redeemed, the result of redemption is only me, so we are all wrong, but, can confess to me, This is your difference, I like you, such you, favorite, and I–

    I also got redemption. I understand that everything you have achieved now just makes me understand that I am actually a virtual personality created by myself, and no matter what kind of darkness, I am just me, so I Redeemed by you, you are wrong, it is not just you who are redeemed – we are all redeemed, well, start today's date? ”


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