1648. The end of Chapter 1648 [self-suggestion]

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    The dark chain binds Neferpitou, and no matter how she struggles, she can't break free.

    "The end, a short life…"

    Feng Yu Chen slowly extended his index finger at Neferpitou, and the darkness of the light converges. It condenses more than the quality of the previous ball, at this moment…

    "Yu Chen…Hurry to retreat…Netero President wants to use the taboo [the rose of the poor]…Your scope is right at that stage…Not a general poison can be compared…"

    The purple light curtain unfolds in front of Feng Yu Chen's and spreads the message.

    "Okay, I understand…"

    Feng Yu Chen closed his eyes, the body's darkness gradually disappeared, and his face returned to its original state and became what it was before.

    It’s just that his face is a bit pale at the moment, and using the Strength of the Devil will have some burden on the body.

    After the restoration of the original state, Neferpitou's bondage was also untied.

    "The chimeric ant king is going to die, my Quest is reached, let's go…"

    Feng Yu Chen said to Neferpitou.

    Neferpitou at the moment felt that Fei Yu Chen's weird, obviously can kill her in an instant, why did you stay, pity? She doesn't think so.

    "Do not doubt my behavior, to let you die, I will not stop, in fact, the reason is very simple, one," demon "strength, although I can control, but very consume" spiritual force ", because before taking" read the increase agent "and completed the strange Heaven and earth, Spiritual Sea has been expanded very powerful, strong enough to control the "devil" of the strength, of course, there is a time limit, well, do not listen to understand it does not matter, you just know, I use "demon" time is approaching, in order not to make themselves really out of control, Just put an end to this strength.

    Second, I am just executing Quest, just dragging you, now that your king is going to die, so I think it is a king, so there must always be someone who knows to collect him, so there is no kill. If you fall, I advise you not to move forward, or else you are dead, your king’s real death is nowhere to be buried…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, he put his hand in his pocket and turned and walked out.


    Neferpitou looks at Feng Yu Chen who turned around and knows that if she does, she will have a very high success rate, but she has no brave hands, because she has seen the [devil] before, and now the whole body is stiff…

    Then she turned and looked at the direction of the chimeric ant king, a blushing color dyed the entire sky red, and the huge rose flower was sung in the split second, at that moment, under the beautiful appearance. But it made Neferpitou feel desperate…

    Banshō Ten'in (Universal Pull) ! !

    Feng Yu Chen, who was stepping back and retreating, had to suck Neferpitou over, otherwise…

    Neferpitou was caught in the hands of Feng Yu Chen, and even forgot the struggle. She felt the idea of ​​a demon like a general, like the evil thoughts of Feng Yu Chen. It was the horror that only [Devil] could have.

    "Don't underestimate humans…Although there are countless species in this world, you may be stronger than humans when you were born, but you must understand that the power of human beings does not come from the body, but…"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed and didn't go on. Netero must have already adopted a suicide style, and Neferpitou alone is beyond his power, Ant King?

    So I have already done a good sense of death, so no matter how the process is, he is enjoying it. The stronger the enemy, the better. After all, it is a luxury to have a strong burial.

    Sadly, the ant king, just after he was born, died, maybe it is the king born of the genes of countless species, but it will die in the hands of complex emotions.

    Human beings are complex creatures. The reason why humans are not animals is because human races are not derived from genes, but the collection of good and evil that has been precipitated in countless years. Human beings can use everything to embrace everything. You can destroy everything with evil.


    The flower of the rose gradually faded. Although the ant king was alive, it was poisonous and eventually fell under a tree.

    Neferpitou found him –


    "you are……"

    "The king's direct guard Neferpitou…"

    "Oh ?"Really? It turns out that I also belonged directly to the guard…"

    WangYou can rest assured that I will treat you with everything…"

    "Ahhhh……Really?I really want to sleep…"



    "I'm here……Wang

    "Don't be an enemy of mankind…Surviving chimeric ants…I hope to continue to survive…"


    "I am leaving, my mother is calling me…"



    Neferpitou hugged the king's body…

    Look at this final scene of Feng Yu Chen, only to find that the chimeric ant is also a creature, is a creature can not avoid a thing, then when it is dead, I suddenly found everything…

    "We should go back…"

    Busujima Saeko came to Feng Yu Chen's, and the knife in his hand was stained with the blood of a drop of chimeric ants…

    For Fei Yu Chen's behavior, she doesn't quite understand it now. If it was before him, Neferpitou must have died.

    "What, what's on my face?"Feng Yu Chen looks at Busujima Saeko Amazed expression.


    Busujima Saeko doesn't know how to express his emotions.

    "I just think that the ant king should have someone to take the corpse. That's it. The end of a king, watching the end of it, doesn't it make sense?"

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu a smile, he is not a "demon", the devil is only his weapon, used to fight the weapon, not the excuse to kill, according to the so-called bloodthirsty state of random killing, in fact, just a kind of self-consolation, learned gossip Tao He no longer has such ' self-deception ', he created demons, but how to move forward, that is his thing.

    This time, his greatest achievement was not to master the weapon of [Devil], but to discover his true features, to release his own 'self-suggestion' and to end the so-called 'bloodthirsty killing'. He is his For himself, the devil is not able to influence his thoughts.

    "Saeko, actually, I really want you to see my battle…Want to redeem you…"

    Feng Yu Chen took the small hand of Busujima Saeko, she may be the same as herself.

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