1646. Chapter 1646 Esdeath's excitement: The Queen's contest, sudden!

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    Esdeath walked slowly through the sky, looking for her prey.

    One of the chimeric ants turned into an ice sculpture at the foot of Esdeath.

    Soon, Esdeath met her opponent, a wavy long hair, a dress that exposed the hot female chimeric ant with a huge iris, and the words that came out were powerful enough, at least stronger than the average soldier.

    It is her.

    Like a cannonball, Esdeath instantly reached the ground and kicked the prostitute out.

    Who was that? It is not enough for my queen! ”

    After Zazan escaped from the lair, he prepared to stand up as a new queen and then rebuild his own nest.

    "Shut up, humble hybrid! Killing me is your mission! ”

    Esdeath reached out and a huge Frost sword appeared instantly, slamming down!


    Frost's giant sword split Zazan into the ground, and the entire nearby forest was slammed into two halves, and Frost on the layer of frost fascinated the nearby area.

    "Ahhhh……Ouch……Zazan adults…I am here to save you…"

    A spider-type mosaic ant quickly caught it and fired a spider's silk into Esdeath.

    "Humble people…"

    Esdeath slowly raised his hand and instantly frozen the flying spider's silk, while the strong Frost chilled and spread quickly. In the blink of an eye, the spider-shaped mosaic ant was frozen into ice and shattered on the ground. Among them.

    Other chimeric ants who saw this scene suddenly retreated…

    However, Frost's cold spreads Speed ​​very fast, freezing them into ice…

    "Oh, you guy…"

    Zazan broke Frost like nothing, and she was surrounded by her body. She was not frozen by the Frost ice. Although it felt very cold, it didn't matter, strong chimeric ants, in any environment. Be able to survive.

    "Yes, it's a hard guy, I can have fun…"

    Esdeath double-handed quickly converges Frost's chill, and quickly slams the past towards Zazan…

    "It was just a sneak attack that was hit by you, now…That was close

    Zazan's Speed ​​is very strong. When Esdeath swans her sword, she has already reached her behind. Her imagination is very simple. Esdeath's swinging such a huge sword must cost a very large Strength…




    Two consecutive heavy blows, one is that Zazan broke 'Esdeath', and the other was that Zazan was hit…

    This statement seems to be very contradictory…

    In fact, Zazan hit only the Esdeath that turned into ice, and the real she had already waved her fist at Zazen's behind.

    "You are a prey, so don't try to make things that only hunters can do when you prey. Come on, let's start hunting, give you a minute, how about we play hide and seek…The rules are very simple. When I catch up with you, you can eat one of your own fingers. When you eat your fingers, you can eat muscles…In fact, I really want to take your skin down and see if it is the same as human skin…Ah, ah, so excited, what should I do? ”

    Esdeath's face appeared a glimmer of flushing, think of the previous play of their own torture game is very interesting ah, not do not want to be an adult husband to see their own such an elegant side, she has already wanted to continue to torture life ah, good want to use all kinds of torture means ah, listen to that kind of familiar moaning really great, Saigo Saigo High!!!

    Zazan looks at Esdeath. The pair of pupils that are not like humans. How do you say that she is a beast more beast than the beast? The terrible guy, in what kind of environment did he breed this human being? !

    The key is that the strength is too strong, Speed ​​is so fast that she can't keep up, what should I do? Escape must be unable to escape…

    Ah ah ahIt’s really bad to make a choice. Which one of your own hands do you want to eat? ”

    Esdeath tried to calm herself down and calm down. She couldn't split second to play with her. After all, it was just beginning. It is the best enjoyment to enjoy the fun of torture. Isn't the dregs supposed to be trampled?

    "I won't eat anything, I will make you regret and irritate me!"

    Zazan suddenly double-handed and grabbed his own tail, then broke hard with force –

    Ah ah ah

    Gradually, under the gaze of Esdeath, Zazan gradually became a dinosaur's mosaic ant, the second form.

    "Oh ?"Interesting, then you can just cut it, right? ”

    Esdeath double-handed once again condensed the Frost sword and slammed it against Zazan, but –


    Two huge Frost swords broke apart!

    "Now I can take you…"

    Zazan rushed toward Esdeath, and Speed ​​was much faster than before.

    "Where are you looking at, prey?"Esdeath still looks like Zadan’s behind, and kicks it out –

    "As long as the density of Frost is strengthened again, it is enough to open your carapace…In other words, your body shape is too small, right? ”


    Zazan's body broke a huge tree and finally broke into a huge mountain wall.

    Not waiting for her struggle, several Frost swords nailed her limbs to the rock.

    This time the Frost sword easily penetrated her body!

    "Ah, really, it’s not an obedient prey, so how to punish you, first of all – I want to strip your whole skin and collect it…Then, can the skin of your chimeric ants be regenerated? In fact, I want to take a look at the skin of a month…No, peeling is too simple…Or take your bones out and see if you can grow up again…No, no, no!Not enough. I heard that it is very interesting to sprinkle salt on the wound. Would you like to give you a whole-body sea salt bath when you peel off the skin? Well, many people who want to play can think slowly, the powerful vitality of your chimeric ants hopes to make me play more…"

    Esdeath throws the Frost knife in his hand, and for a moment, the arm produces countless afterimages, and then a complete chimeric ant skin is smashed down –

    Ah ah ah|

    Zazan suddenly mourned in pain, trying to struggle but found no use at all…

    "Ah, ah, the voice of ecstasy, can you scream again? I want to hear it, it’s so interesting, you will hurt too…"Esdeath said with a big excitement.

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