1645. Chapter 1645 Kuroko Dance VS Shura Devil

    [Thanks to the second element of the small Demon Lord, Long Lin i, nightmare eternal 15 children's shoes, but also two monthly tickets plus more, everyone work hard, today the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Shape recovery, full strength!

    After throwing Neferpitou, Feng Yu Chen's body changed rapidly and changed into his original body. At the same time, his eyes became yin and yang, and although Energy did not expand much, the density doubled. .

    In the direction of Energy quality, two rounds of Primal Chaos Ying and Yang eight trigrams chart appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's and behind.

    The density of the mind even twists the entire space.

    Feng Yu Chen's direction of cultivation from the beginning is different from that of ordinary Nen. He is not paying attention to the growth of weight, but focusing on qualitative changes, in the most appropriate example,

    The ordinary Nen's thought is [egg], and Feng Yu Chen's is [stone], the result of egg-rocking is obvious, and no matter how big the egg is, it is impossible to break the stone.

    This is the difference, which is why Feng Yu Chen has a confident battle.

    "The way of fire – gossip reincarnation *Kamui as prison!!"

    Feng Yu Chen stretched out his hand indifferently, followed by a strong flame that came out of his feet and dyed the whole world into a space of flames. The magma-like river on the ground was slowly flowing. Feng Yu Chen looks like everything around Shinjami.

    One of the divisions, Captain, fled and retreated. This is not the Strength they can touch. Now they finally understand one thing. No wonder Feng Yu Chen can fight the king’s direct guard for such a long time unbeaten. It turns out that he is a human being. The spy, probably the chimeric queen is killing him.

    "You guy! You guy! ! ! ”

    Neferpitou's scary, scary teeth rubbed between the sharp teeth, as if chewing on the bones, the muscles of the whole body skyrocketed, and a huge ballet form of the one-eyed black cat appeared. In the behind of Neferpitou, the huge dark shadows are a bit horrifying.

    "I didn't do anything wrong, just killing pests. Your thoughts can be started, although it is short-lived, but…"

    Feng Yu Chen's right hand suddenly gathered a glimmer of electric light, like a thousand birds in the same sound, sang the chapter of the battle of the night…

    Thunder Road – Thousands of Birds!

    Feng Yu Chen's body left an afterimage in the space, and the thunder in his hand suddenly smashed the black cat that Neferpitou condensed into pieces!

    Neferpitou's combat experience is much different from Feng Yu Chen. Although Neferpitou's thoughts are much larger than him, the experience is much worse than Feng Yu Chen.

    "I want to catch you to make my toy!!"

    Neferpitou's Speed ​​has improved a lot, unexpectedly came to Feng Yu Chen's behind, a strong projection attack to Feng Yu Chen.

    But her legs passed through Feng Yu Chen's body, but did not cause any harm to him, not to the afterimage, but to the entity, but…

    Feng Yu Chen's body is once again aggregated like water.

    "Try my murderous aura!!!"

    Feng Yu Chen's right hand condenses a strong pale light, and gradually a light ball wrapped around the white dragon instantly forms, then the light ball flies out, a huge dragon opens the dragon mouth and bites Neferpitou's body, and integrates her into the ground. Among the magma rivers!

    Kamui is like a prison – a bone hand sticking out from the magma to the body of Neferpitou, grabbing her and not letting it loose, gradually creeping over the body of Neferpitou, but –


    Strongly exploding, all the bones were shocked into Crush, and Neferpitou's body did not have any injuries, but at this time, there was a translucent ghost in the magma river, and the ghosts gradually surrounded. Neferpitou's body continually swallowed her body's mindfulness –


    It was a fierce explosion, but the ghosts were not dead, and they continued to besiege Neferpitou…

    If the other person is a human being, it is already scared to death, but Neferpitou is a beast, simply fighting for the beast…

    So after she struggled once, she didn't care about these dead souls. The pain and terror didn't matter to her…

    Kuroko dances.

    Neferpitou struggled, behind again condensed the black cat, and manipulated her to play the ultimate fighting skills, rushing to Feng Yu Chen. For a time, Neferpitou was worn from Feng Yu Chen's body.

    As before, Feng Yu Chen's body was once again aggregated.

    "Do you know what is powerful? The unknown is powerful, human beings in the challenge of the unknown will always be like things to a very high and high position, even if their efforts are impossible to reach the height, intelligent creatures are the same, your combat effectiveness is really strong, people like me enough to do the point of the second kill, but Ah, This is the only one who can kill the average person, you know?

    My ability is close to the creation of this world, so even if your strength is ten times or even ten times stronger than me, you still can't kill me. This is called unknown. The unknown Strength is terrible, sorry, and The general Nen, I have the essential difference…

    Your body is really hard, I am difficult to strike to kill, so the key to the success of this battle is –

    Can I kill you before you know my unknown?

    So our winning percentage is mixed, so do you understand? ”

    Feng Yu Chen's double-handed turned into a gray and white and caught it on his face, gently tearing it off, his face was pulled down, and then Feng Yu Chen's face turned into a black and white demon form. The whole person’s thoughts have also begun to change, becoming a chaotic color mixed with black and white.

    "You are very good, so I will not be naïve to use the strength of the Taoist division to deal with you, I have two kinds of characteristics of the nen, the Taoist is a kind of" Chaos Demon "is now another, in this time of cultivation, I also completed another kind of cultivation, and now let the non-human me to end the non-human Hello, Keep your eyes open and take a good look at the unprecedented strength show, the real-Thurus demon. ”

    "Go to death!!!"

    Neferpitou is incapable of being attacked by Feng Yu Chen's, who is even more evil than her. But in the state of Kuroko, she can fight as usual, just kill Feng Yu Chen…



    A dark ray of light instantly penetrates the chest of Neferpitou –

    "Is it right if you want my form now you can strike to kill it, unfortunately, there is no way to make water, it can actually cause harm, but unfortunately, can you hit me? Now I am even afraid of myself, I am not a person! ~! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen pouted Kakuzu, said indifferently, abandoning the human feelings and thoroughly evolved into Shura. This is the complete form of Shura after the tower of the trick! !

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