1630. Chapter 1630 Hunter Call Council

    [Thanks to the floating red shoes of Feifei’s fat children’s shoes, congratulations on the fat and fat children’s shoes that will fly, the eighth place in the book, the singer and the thorns, and finally become the hegemony]

    [Thanks to the great Demon Lord, drunk & play & red dust, fell in love with the second yuan children's shoes, but also 18 tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today the fifth is sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Climbing trees and treading water, Feng Yu Chen follows the Chakra application of Hokage World. The same is true for Wanqian Avenue. It is also Energy. Then there is a common place, Chakra can do it, and the mind can do it.

    When Leorio and others practiced, the Hunters Association's special assembly council team came to the friend Yorknew City.

    This so-called call to the parliamentary team is because there are important things, but it is not a major event, but it is very worthy of discussion. The meeting of the famous hunters gathered to comment on this matter can be said to be special. The hunter meeting was held. The team formed by this team is the special assembly committee.

    After the team led by Netero President arrived in Yokok York City, they used the commercial building operated by the Hunters Association to discuss the main venue of the parliament and recruited Feng Yu Chen to conduct the assessment of the new hunter type [Medical Hunter]. And verification and research for medical thoughts.

    When Feng Yu Chen took Leorio and they came to the center of the building, Netero had been waiting for a group of people, standing on both sides with some sturdy people, some of them special characters, looks and in the zodiac Those animals are somewhat similar.

    "Well, Mr. Fu Xi, who is now present, Netero President (Samsung Hunter), son of the Hunters Association 12-Palis Tong *sheele (Samsung Hunter), Chen-Porto * Kigant (Samsung Hunter), Shu-kee * Yorkshire ( Samsung Hunter), at the same time, members of the meeting also a star hunter, two-star hunter, Marine Hunter, Uma hunter, gourmet hunter, Relic hunter, magical Beast hunter, Wealth hunter, virus hunter and so on in various fields.

    The hunter who is connected to the "medical hunter" you are preparing to innovate is the 12 of the many of the more * Yorkshire, she is a difficult and incurable hunter, professional is a physician and legal scholar, 12 minds, heard that you want to innovate medicine, so special rushed over, as you think, Your medical skills must go beyond her career to be new and innovative. ”

    The bean noodles came to Feng Yu Chen to give instructions.

    "Well, please wait and see, if it is only ordinary medicine, then there is no need to show that the medical Hunter is classified as a specific profession, then it must have a strength beyond all modern medicine, and only the NEN can use the special medicine, can be called" Medical surgery ", The hunter who controls this kind of operation is the medical hunter. ”

    Feng Yu Chen Special looked at the * * * Yorkshire, green hair, nose like a dog nose, then ears…palm……

    It is completely the kind of Beastman girl in the Western magic, such as catwoman, wolf girl, fox girl, etc. She is a dogwoman, except for some special parts, the rest are exactly the same as humans.

    "Well, let's start showing it. Today, we have a few patients with Special. You start to treat them one by one, using your special medical mind."

    Netero waved, letting the two staff first lift a man with a broken foot, but now it should be an anaesthetic coma.

    The stretcher was placed in front of Feng Yu Chen's and two staff members retired.

    "Since all of you are masters, then I will not make a slow demonstration. I will continue to use the Medical Speed. Everyone pays attention to it…"

    Feng Yu Chen said that the double-handed condensed the mind, this thought gradually turned into emerald green energy, and then his double-handed index finger in the fracture of the place quickly moved a few times, the blood suddenly stopped flowing, Then double-handed in the fracture of the place a pat, instantaneous bone position right, and then he will be green double-handed covered above, slowly fracture of the place began to heal, less than a minute has been restored to the same, as if there is no fracture in general-

    "The current bone position correction to tissue reorganization and repair is the use of medical Nen to stimulate the energy and potential of tissue cells to repair, which is essentially different from the slow healing of general medical care. The body's meridian system and vascular tissue are both With interrelatedness, through the acupoint seal style, stop bleeding…"


    Netero et al. look at the heads, so that anyone who can use the ability to read can learn to learn.


    Two staff members carried a broken wounded person and then carried a poisoned person.

    "Leorio, take water…"

    Under the direction of Feng Yu Chen's, Leorio took a basin of water.

    Then Feng Yu Chen read on the double-handed attachment, then pressed into the basin, two strands of water polo wrapped in the reading, attached to his double-handed brought out, and then Feng Yu Chen put it in the area where the injured were poisoned, closed his eyes, and separated the toxins , and then the water polo on the double-handed began to adjust and spin up, a hint of silk venom was sucked into the water polo, poisoned people immediately restored normal life fluctuations, breathing is not tight-

    "Any toxin has a certain quality, and then use the mind attached to the water, the body's skin can penetrate into the water molecules, these with the thought of the water molecules into the body, attached to the poison molecule, and then through the hands of the water polo to read the resonance, you can pull all the toxins out of the body, And it takes only one place to apply the toxins out of the body, because the blood of the human body is circulating-

    In the chest pressure, blood to do a whole body cycle time in about 3 minutes, but through the stimulation, time can be controlled in half a minute or even shorter time, of course, strong blood flow to the impact of blood vessels is very large, especially capillaries, but through the full coverage of the whole can be completed, such as my master of the recitation, It takes about 10 seconds to five seconds to complete the purification of the blood. ”

    With Feng Yu Chen explaining, Netero and others gradually showed a surprised expression. This kind of medicinal treatment of poisoned patients is simply incredible. Is this medical treatment? Very good Strength.

    “in other words Can any toxin in the world be treated?”

    A hunter asked.

    "It is theoretically possible, but considering biotoxins, such as cancer, such patients need to use another special medical treatment, without me being able to treat…"Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

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