1629. Chapter 1629, Nianli Tree Climbing

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    On this day, Netero was working on the transaction, and suddenly a letter was presented by the bean noodles.

    "What's the matter?"

    Netero asked leisurely, drawing an eight trigrams chart on the table to study the principles. The more you study, the more you feel the depth of the picture, which is fascinating.

    "Back to President, is a new hunter" Fu Xi "a proposal to establish a hunter hospital, which said he mastered a nen can only learn the medical treatment, can solve many problems in modern medicine, regardless of any disease, all can be solved with medical treatment, And I want to use it to pass this medical treatment through the association's strength to more of the fellow aspiring to be a "medical hunter".

    This is a development proposal for a new field. [Fu Xi] application can be used to carry out various medical treatments to treat injured patients. At the same time, it can also dispel the mind, in other words [except the teacher] technology is also in this rank. Including…"

    Bean noodles think this is a very good new field development, so I hope Netero will solve it.

    "Medical surgery?" Yes, I also want to see, well, you go to inform Fu Xi bar, through our Hunter specific propaganda network for publicity, of course, live performance is needed, at the same time the new field needs the affirmation of the association, if possible, will be some authoritative hunters called to the scene, certification is necessary, small age, ambition is not small ah, Want to open a hospital for surgery … "

    Netero Think Feng Yu Chen seems not only to preach some of his medical ability in good faith, it should be in hunters association foothold, well, no ambition hunter is not called hunters, regardless of what as the goal, must have enough ambition to move forward , as his close disciple, to give some privileges also should be, if he has that ability.

    "Okay, I understand, this is to do…It is the summoning of prestigious hunters in various fields, or some authoritative hunters, and the specific promotion of the hunter's private network…"

    The bean noodles nodded and went out to work.



    The next day, Feng Yu Chen looks at Leorio and others who have already prepared, and suddenly said: "Used a night of coagulation, probably your control is also proficient, then when I say the numbers, you will acupuncture points. The name is written on the paper. There are a total of ten acupoints. If you answer all the questions, you will pass the customs…"

    "Please ask the teacher…"

    Leorio took out the paper and prepared to write the name of the acupuncture point.

    "In the human body, there are 12 meridians of the internal organs, and 24 of them are symmetrical. In addition, there are [Ren] in the center of the front of the body, and there is a special meridian in the center of the back of the body. The whole body, the body acupuncture points arranged on the 26 meridians, called [Zheng Acupoints], all have 365 places.

    What you are looking at is the 365 acupoints. It is a coincidence that it corresponds to 365 days a year. Heaven, Heaven and Man are like this.

    Since there are positive points, then there are [singular points]. If these odd points are counted, the total number of human acupoints is far more than 1000…

    So now you write down the names of the three acupoints 1…17…64…32…257…135…315…5…26…111…"

    Feng Yu Chen said.

    Leorio, Killua, and Young Gon both wrote and appeared without hesitation.

    After the inspection, Feng Yu Chen found that the three people wrote the correct acupuncture points. This is not a difficult thing. If you spend time, you can remember that lazy words can't be learned.

    "Well, if it is a pass, then even if you start to teach you medical treatments, we will exercise the training of the mind during the day and conduct in-depth study of the meridians and acupoints at night…Come with me……"

    Feng Yu Chen said to Leorio.

    "We also go…"

    Young Gon followed Killua and followed. As for Kurapika, he was also curious about what Leorio was going to learn. Since Feng Yu Chen did not reject Young Gon's onlookers, his onlookers are OK?


    After coming to a forest outside the friend Yorknew City, Feng Yu Chen pointed to the big tree in front of him and said, "Look at it, control it in the foot force, form the grip, and attach it to the bark…Use [condense] to look carefully…"

    Feng Yu Chen gathered Nen on her feet and walked straight along the trunk like a flat walk. The whole person was almost parallel to the ground, but it did not fall to the ground.

    That's awesome!

    Young Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika, as if they had discovered the new world, their eyes widened. This technique is almost fascinating.

    Then Feng Yu Chen rushed to a branch, his body turned downwards, and suddenly his head turned to the ground, but his feet were tightly attached to the branches.

    "See, this is the skill that can be achieved after mastering the nuances, attaching the mind to the feet, adsorbed on the tree like a magnetic field, as if the gecko were crawling on the wall, like the ability of a sucker, and that's what you're going to achieve next, to be able to practice in one day, Can be called a minor operation of the genius, the standard of eligibility is completed in one weeks, of course, beyond this standard also represents the practice of not suitable for medical surgery. ”

    Feng Yu Chen released his mind, and the body tumbling in space, falling lightly on the ground.


    Leorio suddenly swallowed. If yesterday's cultivation is just a rote, then today's cultivation is to make the impossible possible. Isn't the cultivation of medical thoughts so easy?

    MEANINGFULI have to try…"

    Killua attached to her feet on her feet and ran to the trunk, but she jumped halfway through halfway.

    Young Gon and Kurapika are the same.

    Feng Yu Chen patted Leorio's shoulder and said: "If you want to get some powerful Strength, you can't do it with your head. It's better to wait and see if you can do it. If you can't do it once, you can do it ten times…A hundred times……Waterways (km)Ten thousand times…100,000Million1,000,000,000What you need now is not to think about whether you can do it, but to not do it! Back OR forward…"

    "Ahhhh…" No matter what, I have to do it in such a way! ! ”

    Leorio ran wildly to the trunk and then fell in an instant, but he still refused to give up and continued to move…

    One of the medical practice cultivation – the ability to climb trees.

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