1609. Chapter 1609 Hunting and Hunting

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    Kurapika saw the Neon running out and suddenly realized that if she died, then the Nostrade pull family he attached to would be destruction in an instant, and everything he did into the dark forces would be destroyed in split second. It will have a big impact on the eyes of his additional people.

    Therefore, it is impossible to make the plan fail.

    Hello?Hello?Leorio? Well, please help me now, find the location of Fu Xi, and then send him a message telling him that the 'masked hunter' has appeared, ask him his choice…By the way, help me find Arturia's contact style, I want to hire her…By the way, look for CC…Please

    Kurapika decided to use all available conditions, in the assessment, he clearly, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia Two people should be a companion relationship, then, Arturia strength can believe, of course, he also did a good job of Arturia refused the conditions, so he considered C. C. This maiden, her code of conduct is entirely for the fun or messing with everything, she seems to have no desire for her, if there is a raging undercurrent, then there must be some action.

    Phantom Troupe, they don't want to escape his trial!


    Leorio, who is picking up a Reiki collection with Young Gon and Killua, received a newsletter from Kurapika. His face was a serious one. Although it was very dangerous to be asked, Kurapika asked him for the first time. How was it? Can you let this friend down?

    "What's wrong, Leorio?"

    Killua's face is filled with satisfaction. Through Taobao, they have already earned nearly 100 million renminbi. They continue to squat and will soon be able to get close enough to Young Gon's auction of the 'greedy island' game. The experience is something he has never tasted. It is really an opportunity for him to be with Young Gon.

    "I have to do something, you first Taobao, I am going to do something, don't wait for me…I will contact you after I have done it…"

    Leorio walked quickly with his suitcase, and the expression on his face made him mature.

    "Oh, yes, then be careful…We have to play again…"

    Killua nodded, knowing that it was not an easy task.


    After arriving at the Internet café, Leorio made a single room, using a hunter's license to enter the site, and then search for Arturia and c.,c. Two people, soon, on the contact Arturia, the result, Arturia's request is very simple, the reward is money (this guy spends money on the speed Super fast, eat Large), and c.c. Just ignore Leorio, but he will c.c contact style told Kurapika, so on the line?


    After Neon ran out of the house, he was physically evasive of chasing one by one. During this time, she was desperately training herself, in order to escape from the golden cage.


    As the rain grew, Neon had to wave to stop a car.

    "Get in the car……"

    A man with a cloth covering his forehead opened the front passenger's door.

    "Oh ?"Try to go far away…"

    Neon slaps the rain of the body and says casually, "Your face…Where are we at Satomi? (The Chrono that Neon draws after divination is tattooed on the forehead, and the face is similar to the driver in front of him…"

    "Yes, then it is really my honor. After all, people like me are everywhere on the street…"

    The driver's mouth Kakuzu brought a smile, and now he is just an ordinary person.

    "Where are we going to go?"

    Neon felt that something was wrong. It was a road to a group of buildings abandoned in the suburbs, but there was nothing to smoke.

    "Are you not going to the distance? And only by leaving the downtown can you open those people…"

    The driver of the hooded head said without thinking.

    "Really?" This way…"

    Neon opened the window and pretended to look at the team behind him, but sprinkled the perfume in his hand to the ground a little, and put the perfume on the handle outside the door, half-tilted, as long as the car bumped, it would There is a perfume spilling out, which leaves a signal.

    After doing this, Neon calmly lay in the co-pilot position and pretended to be calm, pulling the windshield of the door.

    Gradually, the driver of the hooded head came to the suburbs with Neon.


    When Neon left, it was the preparation of the underground trading auction site. At this moment, Ten Mafia Dons called the leader's parliament and brought in several assassins of the world. Two of them were Zeno Zoldyck and Zombiyck family. Pakistan Zoldyck, Light Nostrade can also not participate in the leader of the council.

    Kurapika also got in touch with Arturia, and after finishing the dinner, Arturia began to chase Neon…

    At the same time CC has arrived.

    "If you want me to help, the reward is not normal…"

    CClooks at Kurapika said.

    "Well, I am naturally clear, but Fu Xi, which you appreciate, is also involved. Don't you mix it? Pay, I have, can tell you the purpose of Fu Xi…"

    Kurapika knows that CC is interested in Feng Yu Chen, so he has come up with the reward that can be solved without money.

    "Really?" Dealing, then, what do you want me to do? ”

    CC said.

    "How much can your ability to manipulate?"

    Kurapika asked.

    “Those who are simple-minded are easier to manipulate. Nen who use the state of flow and flow are not easy to manipulate. The powerful force may struggle. My Strength is not complete yet…”

    CC said,

    "Is the mind simple? so nice……You manipulate this guy and let him go to this place…Just leave the rest to me…"

    Kurapika took one of the few portraits that Feng Yu Chen gave him. It was a burly big man and a map was also displayed.

    "Well, this painting is his handwriting. It has his taste. Well, this painting is also one of my rewards. I want to warn you that after my order is issued, I will go to the position marked on the map. His manipulation effect will be lost, and once again he will have no effect on his use. Now the immature Strength can only play to this extent, you understand?"

    CC puts up the portrait and the map.

    No questions foundThen give it to me to solve it, I will kill him by hand…"

    Kurapika's eyes gradually became red, and if not wrong, a member of the Phantom Troupe was destined to die. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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