1608. Chapter 1608 Divination Prophecy

    PS: Watch the exclusive story behind "Unlimited Anime Record", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), tell me quietly!

    [Thanks to the 缥缈天痕, reading the wet children's shoes, the monthly ticket plus more conditions to meet, decisively add more, today's six more 喵, today the first more sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    There are fewer pedestrians in the city where the rain has been dyed, and the calendar has opened a new page.


    After Neon wrote a line of poems, he paused and held the pen in his hand. The anxious wait in her heart made her unable to settle down. She was prepared to write a short poem in the rainy season, but it was also stopped.


    “Miss, Kurapika Captain brings people…”

    A maid opened the door and said.

    "Oh ?" Please ask them to come in…"

    Neon’s eyes lit up and said.


    The maid double-handed grabbed the apron and stepped back.

    At this time, Kurapika and Feng Yu Chen came in.

    "I understand that this guy is you, how? Is it forbidden? Now I have no interest in playing with you, I have something to do…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, sitting in front of Neon, telling Kurapika to sit down. "No longer restrained. This guy is my former employer…A vase only…"

    "I am not a vase. Have you been practicing recently?"

    Neon hated it, and if it was someone else, she was driven out now.

    "Hey, what is the purpose now?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "No, just want to see you. By the way, please take care of my guard…Didn't I capture the diviner's Crystal ball some time ago? After my study and research, I can predict myself with the Crystal ball. One person has to take my ability…"

    Neon quickly drew on the diary with a pen. Gradually, Phantom Troupe's Captain Chrollo appeared on paper.

    "Be able to predict yourself…"

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but feel awkward. "So in other words, is my arrival also in your prophecy?"

    "Well, 'The red-eyed messenger will find safe shelter for you…When you are angry and left in the rainy night, you meet the hunter of the hood…You lost the most proud of the conversation…In the conversation, you get the salvation of the sea…"

    Neon drank the juice and said, "This is a prophecy. The first two sentences are positive. There will be two branch points in the last two sentences. There is a distinction between divination and prophecy. Divination can predict what has happened recently, and prophecy predicts what will happen in the next month. It predicts that there will be no change except for Special, and the divination will There are two very different results…At the same time, the divination will show the appearance of some people in the future…"

    "Oh, then what about this?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "Ten Mafia Dons will die in the hands of unscrupulous people this year. It has been predicted that my dad will become one of the leaders of the Criminal Syndicate, and he will allow me to become a hunter. I already have a goal, to be a ' Predicting the hunter' is not great?"

    Neon put down the straw in his hand and said.

    "Forget it, you will die in the assessment when you take the assessment…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, swinging his hand.

    "|Don't underestimate the dual power of prophecy and divination. In short, it is so decided. Then you can't do my guard now. If my ability is taken away, then I will not be qualified as a hunter…"

    Neon asked, hoping that Feng Yu Chen would support her decision.

    "boring, you can be your hunter yourself, I also have things, by the way, next time, you ask anyone to come to me, I will not come, really, interrupt my practice… ”

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and went out. He didn't have time to play with an Ojou-sama. Then, while practicing Nen, you need to find other players to hunt. Now you can basically confirm that Lilith is also The player, Arturia is also a player, probably imagined that the child's words may be players.

    There are so many young girls participating in the hunter assessment. There are not many adults, and it is certain that these young girls are the targets that can be hunted.

    Killua shouldn't be, after all, he was the original Zoldyck family.

    Young Gon, who has also investigated people in this world.

    Then the remaining candidates who are similar to his age are probably players.

    However, after the end of the assessment, these people are scattered all over the world, so to search their location through the hunter's exclusive channel website, strikes to kill them ~!

    Hunting is starting now.

    Look at Feng Yu Chen's Discrete, Kurapika said, “Now I can be a signing hunter for the Nostrade La family (also known as a hunter or Quest hunter, employed by a hunter with powers). Collect what the employer wants, as an employer's guard, etc.) Neon Miss ”

    "Well, if you bring him over, it will be a success. Now you are the hired hunter of our family. Of course, the underground intelligence network of the black market is also available for you. I went to Dad to discuss the hunter’s assessment. I must Go to be a hunter…"

    Neon stand up, in fact, she just lie, her father will not allow her to become a hunter, she just want to ask Feng Yu Chen's understanding, will his resolution told him, do not want to make a vase, if continue to be imprisoned by dad in the golden cage inside, then she really is a puppet, She also has her own life, although at first she was really carefree, but now she wants to try a different world.



    "What, you have to go out to be a hunter, no, even if I sit in the position of Ten Mafia Dons, you can't go out, it's too dangerous, in case anyone who is ill-intentioned uses…Can't let you go…"

    Light Nostrade pulls the look at the Neon, which is getting more and more worry-free. Some of them are out of anger. In fact, they are more afraid to predict that the patron saint will leave him. He can't have Neon, everything he has now. Wealth, status, and power are the strengths of Neon, so he can't let her go outside like this…

    "This is the case again, always like this, I hate you, Dad! Don't come over, or you will only get my body…"

    Neon put a dagger on his delicate neck and pushed it away.

    "Dazuo…Go and chase, bring Neon back to me…"

    Light suddenly said to his home's guard Captain.

    "Okay, Kurapika…You go with me…"

    Dazuo nodded.

    At this time, Kurapika felt a hint of Prediction. He had heard Neon's diviner before. The first sentence was –

    The flaming red messenger will find safe shelter for you…When you are angry and left in the rainy night, you meet the hunter of the hood… (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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