1602. Chapter 1602 Wall-paper–scissors: Intelligence Collection Campaign

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    A few days later, the fourth assessment was finally over, and the number of candidates this time was really reduced, leaving only 48 people.

    However, the elites left by the elite are all left behind. The weaker ones are all dead on the island, and the battle is accompanied by life and death.

    After gathering on the ship, Feng Yu Chen came to the final examination room for the hunter assessment.

    A hotel run by the Hunter Assessment Committee.

    "Ah, haha, this year's newcomers are really a lot, and there are so many new innate Skills in the past."

    Netero looks at the list in the hands.

    "In fact, at the end of the third assessment, I think everyone is considered qualified. Then the people who were eliminated in the fourth assessment have strong Innate Skills, and some even match our professional hunters. It’s a pity to die there…"Ribe said.

    "Well, well, there is no way. After all, the law of nature is the survival of the fittest. Compared with the uneven candidates, the final screening of the elite is the real hunter assessment, and 48 people are already very much, this number will make the whole The Hunters Association injects a powerful new force…"Buha said with his belly.

    "What makes me wonder is the dark bone, is that human? It doesn't look like it…"

    A middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and a suit said that he was the fourth appraiser, Marsh, who was in charge of Netero’s request to monitor the head of Feng Yu Chen’s, but decisively opted out when he fought the skeleton 613. It is.


    Netero put down the list of candidates in his hand, caressing his beard and said, "with regard to these candidates, through the Hunters Association Channel survey, on a certain day, there are some people all over the world out of thin air, costumes are mostly out of step with the people around them, and the quality is very strong, Of course, this is only the presence of talent in the city has a record, and some appear in other parts of the forest, it is not possible to know …

    The recorded more than 50 people have participated in the hunter assessment, as if the purpose is this assessment, and people have to pay attention, but it may be that we are suspicious…"

    Netero said that he couldn't help but think of the Dark Continent, the outside world for the hunters, where there are various "different humans", and Demon Beast is also believed to have originated from the outside world. According to ancient books and relics, whenever human beings set foot on the ground, there will be huge disasters coming to the world. Therefore, the modern five continents concluded an inviolable treaty more than 200 years ago. If you want to cross the border to the dark continent, you need to negotiate with the Asians who are summoned by the goalkeeper. The world they live in is located on the huge lake Mobius in the middle of the dark continent. According to statistics, 149 humans have sailed to the outside world, while only 28 survived.

    Therefore, he is considering whether these people are different human beings from the dark continent?

    If so, what is the purpose?

    However, the candidates for the 287th Hunter Assessment were listed by Netero as the focus of attention.



    The fifth hunter assessment begins, the rules of the exam are –

    "A total of 48 people, then you start to draw the number, according to 1VS2, 3VS4, 5VS6…This style is fighting, the failed person carries out the lottery battle again, and the last one is considered a failure. In other words, 47 candidates will win and obtain the hunter qualification.

    As for the rules for victory, Rock–paper–scissors…”

    Netero said with a squint.

    “Rock–paper–scissors ????”

    All the candidates can't help but be amazed. What is this assessment?

    “It’s not a simple Rock–paper–scissors, the rules are like this…”

    Bean paste people came forward to say, "The battle of two people will stand up a wall, next door rock–paper–scissors, in the shot at the same time, said a word, the words must be with your next punch is related, the words should have ' scissors ', ' stone ', ' Cloth ' Three words at least one, this is the test of intelligence analysis, but also test the assessment of luck, luck is also a vital decisive element …

    If you understand, start the lottery game…"


    Feng Yu Chen and others selected the grades with doubts, then Feng Yu Chen was lucky to become the number one, and the second was Xisuo.

    This kind of battle…

    If it's not Rock–paper–scissors, then it will be interesting, it must be a big fight.

    Unfortunately, Rock–paper–scissors…

    After the assessment, Feng Yu Chen and Xisuo were opposite each other, and then a wall that could move appeared in front of them, blocking the sight of two people.

    "Please speak…"

    The bean noodle prompts.

    Sesso – "My scissors smashed the blade"

    Feng Yu Chen – "My stone is wrapped"

    The words of Xisuo represent that he may have scissors or stones. The scissors are sharply collided with the stones, so they are the two answers.

    Feng Yu Chen's words mean that he may have stones or cloth. The stone is naturally wrapped in cloth, so it is also the answer between cloth and stone.

    "Then please ask the two to shoot, regardless of the order, so this is invisible."

    The bean noodles said.

    Sesso reached out and made a look of scissors.

    Feng Yu Chen turned into a state of Byakugan, and then instantly returned to calm, reached out and made a cloth look.

    "Winner Z No. 1 Fu Xi Zoldyck…"

    Feng Yu Chen Eye changes, many people have captured, probably they know that Feng Yu Chen's eyes have a perspective of strength, so this time 'Rock-paper-scissors' is not simply relying on luck to win, but relying on The collection of intelligence.

    After Feng Yu Chen showed his perspective, other candidates also used a variety of abilities.

    Among them, the power of CC is…Ponzu's bee detection ability…Kongou's radar search…Busujima Saeko's fantasy snake…Esdeath's time and space ban…The speed of Emperor Jiang…Young Gon’s hearing…Xisuo's card reflection…

    And so on, Strength all moved onto the stage. Although it was not a battle, it was better than fighting. A Rock-paper–scissors of the field wall made the candidates look forward to it. The Rock–paper–scissors game without any interest was changed. It’s so lively…

    Even in the end, I forgot who the loser is.

    Through the detection of this information, probably everyone's strength has an impression, but also allows the examiners to understand the characteristics of the candidates.

    The last person who failed was willing to admit defeat and walked out of the examination room, leaving forty-seven candidates to successfully get the hunter qualification.

    The 287 hunter assessment ended with 47 people, registered in the hunter world event, this year is called the strongest assessment year. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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