1601. Chapter 1602 and the first contact with Sissot

    PS: Watch the exclusive story behind "Unlimited Anime Record", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), tell me quietly!

    Re-soaked in the hot spring, Feng Yu Chen put on the clothes and continued on the road, with 613 in his hand, so it was three points, three points worse. His brand 555 was taken away by Ponzu. In fact, Feng Yu Chen didn't like it very much. This grade –

    Boo hoo hoo…


    Ok, kidding.

    The grade was robbed. Feng Yu Chen didn't let Ponzu go so easily. If he was poisoned (blackened), Ponzu would probably be torn into pieces. At that time, he was not alone. The existence of it.

    However, now, Feng Yu Chen is not so bloodthirsty, but it is to scare the guy. The brand has been robbed and there is nothing to regret. After all, it is indeed Ponzu design, he is worthy of praise, this is also Let him be more alert to his own safety, which is equivalent to three points to buy a lesson.

    So whether the grades don't matter, scare her down.

    On the way, Feng Yu Chen grabbed a guy's brand and hung it on his chest, but he met Sissor. In short, he killed Sisa's prey.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen found that the current Xisuo, his face is very poor, the emotion seems to be a hunter found the prey, but can not eat, have to find other prey to solve their own hunger and thirst.

    Unfortunately, Feng Yu Chen grabbed the prey of Sesso.

    Da da da……

    At this moment, a guy with a needle in his face appeared from another intersection (Illumi), and three people gathered at the three forks…

    Feng Yu Chen stopped, and the bodies of both of them revealed murderousness. Is that going to fight?


    Sesuo and Illumi swept past Feng Yu Chen's and walked toward him behind him. I thought the battle was meaningless.


    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu stunned and wanted to move down the body. It seems that there is no chance, then continue to find Ponzu…

    Sesso suppressed the body's murderous aura, his arm trembled, and wanted to shoot Feng Yu Chen, who was full of flaws, but felt that he couldn't start, or stayed until later, and he would fight one day. He wanted to see Feng Yu Chen. If you can get to the point, it’s too boring to talk now.

    It was because I couldn't see the strength of Feng Yu Chen's, so I was excited. Once I understood his strength, I didn't have this excitement.

    Just like eating, if someone tells you what kind of food is delicious, and you don’t eat it, you will definitely have all kinds of fantasies, but after you really eat it, you will find out, oh, it’s the smell, the fantasy Not so strong.

    So siso look forward to Feng Yu Chen can become stronger, until that final moment, will taste ah, the perfect delicacy ah.

    Illumi not to Feng Yu Chen shot because if he shot, Siso will surely kill him first, although can kill him is a problem, but then the trouble, this hunter assessment let SISO is not stop excited, the reason is naturally too many strong, as far as he knows, Siso in a fight called Emperor Jiang for a night did not distinguish between wins and losses, of course, do not use the case of reading …


    Gradually moving forward, Feng Yu Chen found Ponzu, but a guy with a square face rushed in front of Feng Yu Chen's to fight Ponzu.

    The face of this square face is very special, like piled up in a rectangular parallelepiped. Ponzu's bee needle is not penetrated into his body.

    "I really don't understand, how do you get the 555 card? Forget it, I only take your brand. The 555 brand is a trouble…"

    The square man stepped on Ponzu's body. No matter how he played Ponzu, Ponzu stood up again and again, as if he was an unrelenting cockroach.

    (The reason is to use one of Nen's skills – wrap: to make the body's flowing gas stable, equal to a layer of defense on the body surface…Increase defense power vitality)

    However, in the end, Ponzu was still learning to read, and soon he was exhausted. With no special attack skills, he was quickly knocked down by the boxers.

    It’s just that Ponzu still refuses to give up. She has already played against the terrible guy. Is she still afraid?

    "It’s really hard, forget it, give you a fatal blow…"

    The square man raised his square feet and stepped on Ponzu's head…

    Ponzu closed his eyes and thought: If you die, you will die. After all, you don't have to be afraid of Feng Yu Chen's tracking. It is death. It is better to have a whole body than to be torn into Crush.

    But death did not come, but a warm blood sprinkled on her face.

    For a time, Ponzu opened his eyes in horror, and then found a hand penetrating the square man's chest…

    "Ah…It’s really a hard body, it’s much harder than the fine iron, and the arm is almost broken…”

    Feng Yu Chen pulled out his bloody arm and threw the boxer aside, then looked at Ponzu…

    Don't……Ah ah ah

    Ponzu was frustrated with the back, and the bee flew out of her hat to lick Feng Yu Chen, but it did not affect him.

    "Well, I designed it with a drug. How did you run away last night?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Ponzu The horrified expression feels funny, is he so terrible and?

    "Don't tear me apart…Make a deal…I will give you the grade…And how was it?

    Ponzu immediately threw 555 (who is oh, who took 555) to Feng Yu Chen.

    "No, don't worry, I won't kill you. I won't have to take it away. I just want to ask you, how did you escape?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked the 555 brand in Ponzu's arms.

    "No…Do not tell you ~ Kill it and kill it! ”

    Ponzu won't be able to solve the problem with Feng Yu Chen's embarrassment. She still has personal dignity and humiliation, and she won't say the shameful night.

    "Well, this is also reasonable. After all, this is your personal information, although some disappointment…"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and took the box's brand in his hand, then left.

    But Ponzu stood up and threw the 555 brand to Feng Yu Chen: "I don't want your pity, take your things!!"

    "Choose 'death' or 'yes'? And I am not giving you alms, you took my grades with the plan, this is also strength, I just want to see what kind of expression you will have after taking my grade, this frightening expression is very good, I Very satisfied, that's it, and my score is enough…But to help you kill the box, but it is to pay, after the end of the assessment, help me find a place …"

    Feng Yu Chen said that he left slowly. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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