1544. Chapter 1544 is today without wearing a festival

    [Thanks to the fantasy Yang Ge, Xiao Nen, book friends 150421202958098 children's shoes, but also 20 tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward]

    "Hey, personal warfare begins, three wins in three games, five seconds to prepare, start to transfer…"

    When all the winning teams arrived at the lobby, a bulletin panel floated up in the space. Gradually, the light surrounded everyone, and after the time was over, they were sent out.

    In the first round, Feng Yu Chen's opponent is Otinus! !

    Demon God in the Magic Index (World).

    If her strength is unsealed, it is still difficult for Feng Yu Chen to win. After all, the existence of the Demon God level has been able to reconstruct the rules of the world, even in the non-Magic Index (World) world. If you can play one-half, it is very powerful.

    Demon God and the ability of the super power LV6 should be equal. Although many home fans on the previous network think that LV6 is not the opponent of Demon God, but this is all speculation, not the author of "Magic Index (World)" Said.

    If Accelerator is not the opponent of Demon God, then it proves that LV6 is not the opponent of Demon God, but Feng Yu Chen feels that even the black wing and White Wing Accelerator are not LV6 level.

    As for why it is so certain, it is because of the definition of LV6 –

    "To the field of God, to the body of God."

    In the realm of God, is this a simple Strength? The definition of Demon God is –

    Investigate the magic, so that success will be a foot into the field of God.

    In this way, it can be analyzed. Both Demon God and LV6 are people who have entered the realm of God, not the body of God.

    As for those fans who understand LV6 as not an opponent of Demon God, it is because of the ability level setting in the Book of Law:

    0=0Neophyte;1=10Zelator;2=9Theoricus;3=8Practicus;4=7Philosophus;5=6Adeptu*Minor;6=5Adeptu*Major;7=4Adeptu**EMP(Electromagnetic Pulses) tu;8=3MagesterTEMP(Electromagnetic Pulses ) li ;9=2Magus(Demon God );10=1Ipsissimus Evans KETHER;

    0—10 power stages are recorded in the book of law. Many people think that Otinus belongs to the ninth order strength, LV6 belongs to the eighth order strength, and the fire on the right side strives to become Demon God, it should be The eighth-order strength has made Demon God the ninth order. The eighth-order definition is the stage of the domain of God. According to the truth, LV6 is the stage.

    However, according to the settings in the book, Demon God and LV6 are people who are in the field of God. People who are not gods, LV6 may be the eighth or the ninth-order strength, just like the LV5 level. The ability is generally strong and weak.

    The definition of the book of law is not a complete hierarchical division. If you read the book of intensive reading, you will find that the division of strength between the eighth and ninth orders is vague.

    The eighth and ninth steps are the inhuman and the power of the gods.

    The reason why Academy City does not have the ability of LV6 is probably because of the limit of super power. Accelerator is only likely to be the existence of this stage. Even if he wakes up White Wing and Black Wing, he is not enough to enter this stage.

    Strictly speaking, Demon God of Otinus is not the ninth-order Demon God, because if the tenth-order existence is the Egyptian main god Iowas, then the cross-christian god, the Nordic protoss god Odin and various Angels are the eighth order existence.

    So, is Otinus the opponent of Jesus, the same level of existence?

    Ridiculously, if you say this, the members of the entire Cross Church of Magic Index (World) will be angry.

    The body of Jesus is not a human body, and Odin is also the same, so that Otunus is also the existence of the eighth and ninth order at most, although it is called Demon God, but this Demon God and the law The book's Demon God is not equivalent.

    And in the definition of the tree of the chop tree, the number of people, angels, and gods is fixed at the beginning, so the Otinus who said that the owner's body is not the existence of an angel, it is not the ninth order. Demon God, she is only doing things in the human body, so it is the eighth order, or the existence of the ninth order.

    Feng Yu Chen also had the potential to become an LV6 at the time, but he found it to be a very difficult thing. Gravitation to control the peak can destroy the planet while also creating the planet, but this has surpassed the point that people can reach.

    Therefore, Feng Yu Chen thinks that LV6 is the level that humans achieve, the level of human strength and the level that life cannot reach.

    Of course, these analyses are only to determine the strength of the current Otinus. Now, she is able to play what strength she can play. Feng Yu Chen is not clear, but he can defeat her because he is not a person!

    Not an ordinary human.

    "Lord of God, I have already wanted to fight with you…"Atkin Yuss at Feng Yu Chen, if Feng Yu Chen awakens Strength, then it will be the next one, and with this kind of existence, can also prove whether her Strength has reached the book of the law Demon God To the point.

    ting!Personal war content selection…"

    "Hey, the content is selected successfully, please ask both sides to answer…"

    As the system sounded, the two papers arrived in front of Feng Yu Chen and Otinus.


    Amount, the system is playing with your sister, it is actually an exam! Still a written test.

    Feng Yu Chen looked at his own test paper with three questions:

    [1] Are you lolicon;

    [2] Does Otinus wear *******3] How does Otinus become Demon God;


    Except for the third problem, the first two questions are special and abnormal!

    First, well, Feng Yu Chen blushes in filling himself with the option of lolicon…

    Second, Feng Yu Chen looked up at the bikini dress worn by Otinus and filled in the option that Otinus did not wear it.

    The third, simple –

    Through a special method, Otinus achieved wisdom and, on the basis of this wisdom, sublimated from the human body to Demon God by scooping out one eye and offering sacrifices to the "intelligent spring" ceremony.

    "Congratulations all three questions are correctly won through the first game, rest time is one minute, please wait for the start of the second game."

    Obviously, the opposite of Otinus answered the wrong question!

    "You guys are actually not wearing ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ On the go, the result QAQ, actually did not wear *** 岂 岂 repair, actually do not wear ******** you are not special not wearing **?"

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