1543. Chapter 1543 Bai Hun Life: Tomb of Fu Xi Nuwa

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    Atkins at Feng Yu Chen, who had previously learned about the sacred God Child, who appeared in Japan Tokyo, did not expect to enter the world of Magic Index (World) as a player, God Child's Strength is just the Bloodline it gets.

    "There is also Brynhildr's [The Gun of the Lord God], can you increase your strength a lot? Shadru really got a good helper. What is the purpose of getting the wisdom of the intelligent spring? Don't tell me the same purpose you have with Brynhildr. ”

    Feng Yu Chen Don't know what is the most powerful existence of this Magic Index World in addition to God. What is the purpose of intervening in this world?

    "I came here after Brynhildr, and then when I heard the truth of the world, I wanted to know what Brynhildr said about the fact that ' why was created ', but I found that the truth was not the truth at all, and I wondered if I had a" God "who had been created Strength boarding, I want to touch the strength of God, the true strength of God … "

    Otinus said as it is.

    "Really?" Then you are in a state of joining hands, taking the liberty to ask, how is your Strength limited in this world? ”Feng Yu Chen asked.

    “While Strength is the most basic stage, the Strength in the body translates into the power of Bloodline, that is, we become real players, and the Strength of Saints and Valkyrie is a perfect blend…”

    Brynhildr interjected.

    "You really have to be…The information is revealed…"

    Otinus couldn't help but pulled the hat of the Shrine Maiden cap, really.

    "So, probably after the opponent?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Shadru, Bing Die, Senju Aoki, Brynhildr, and Otinus. These guys are not good enough to get together.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen also thought of another person, Bai Hun?

    It seems that this guy has a low sense of existence, has been as his own shadow and exist, do not know when she disappeared from her side, betrayed words, Feng Yu Chen think she will not, should be silently doing something for her, this guy he can not read very well, It was not clear what the purpose of her staying beside him was.

    If he was fooled by him in the world of swords, then in other worlds, after so many worlds, should there be more wisdom? He was still following him, but she was more and more reticent, and even her existence was forgotten.

    Feng Yu Chen believes that Bai Hun must be doing something unknown in a certain place. What is her purpose?

    But now is not the time to think about this.


    In the underground space of the World Tower, in the deep sea, Bai Hun is swimming around here, as if looking for something.

    At the moment when the world tower appears, no, it should be the moment when the earth becomes—

    Bai Hun in order to Feng Yu Chen began to find the way to Fu Xi Cemetery, through various means and the verification of historical materials, found Fu Xi and Nuwa sleeping place, broke through the layers of organs, just as she reached the depths of the real cemetery, the whole world began to change, and then She fell into a coma, but she still put her mark into the grave before she went into a coma.

    After waking up, Bai Hun began to look for his own mark. It was also because of this matter that he did not go to get the jade piece into the world tower. Coincidence was the same, and her mark was actually in the deep sea just below the world tower. In it, it became the foundation of the world tower.

    Invisibly, Bai Hun, who caught the secret, is ready to enter the scene to have a glimpse of the truth.

    By studying the innate sixty-four hexagrams passed down from Chinese history, she found the location of the entrance and re-entered the cemetery. It was another cumbersome organ crack, and Bai Hun came to the depths of the cemetery.

    To say why she is so helpful in helping Feng Yu Chen, there is only one reason, because – Feng Yu Chen is her biological Elder Brother! !

    After experiencing an infinite world, the parents who knew that she was an Infinator identity told her about her life. When the couple were hospitalized in the hospital, Wang Yueling was just waiting for the birth, just two people in one delivery room.

    Then her adoptive mother and Wang Yueling the same day in the basin, and that date, the hospital rushed into the robbers, frightened, the mother and Wang Yueling two babies fell to the ground, the results of one of the babies died, another baby's eyes sprinkled with medical alcohol, To know that the main ingredient of edible alcohol is ethanol, does not contain methanol, and the purity is not more than 60%, and the purity of medical Alcohol Gundam 70%, and contains highly toxic methanol, the use of 10 ml methanol can kill, 5 ml will lead to blindness …

    As a result, the foster mother hugged her and said that she was her child. At that time, there was no rush, and no one thought that the child was dead.

    But unfortunately, after raising her husband, Bai Hun, after a period of parenting, she discovered that she was a blind man!

    The hospital also made a diagnosis at that time, and there was compensation, but Bai Hun was indeed a blind man, and the foster mother could not admit that she had the wrong child, so she could not…

    Since then, there has been a girl in the world who is 'innately blind'…

    Bai Hun's life is in pain. When she met Feng Yu Chen in Sword Art Online, she was conquered by his power. She only felt that this person was very kind, and the attraction between the blood sources made her have Good feeling…

    After learning the truth about her life, she decided to live for the Elder Brother, thinking about him step by step, and after accidentally learning about Fu Xi's blood, after the end of the "Shakugan no Shana" world, she began. Looking for the source of Fu Xi.

    Now that this is the end of the journey, as long as the wind Elder Brother Yu Chen has acquired the origin of Fu Xi, then you can have a stronger Strength.

    The front door was slowly pushed by Bai Hun…

    There are two stone sarcophagi inside, guarding the statues of Gold and Silver.

    "Where is the person who enters, the source of blood, verify the source…"

    The inexplicable voice echoed in the space.

    Bai Hun bit his own index finger and dripped blood on the ground. At the same time, he took out a Crystal bottle containing Feng Yu Chen's blood and dripping onto the ground.

    "Fu Xi, Nuwa descendants…Come and get back the source…"


    Bai Hun and Feng Yu Chen's blood flashed golden and silver at the moment of dripping onto the ground, and the two chambers gradually began to open…

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