1527. Chapter 1527, however, the North is the QAQ that comes out to eat.

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward)

    [Yes, today's five is one hour later, the table is even, even just playing the ship C, QAQ]

    Just as Feng Yu Chen and the mermaid were in a coalition conversation, a creature that shouldn't have appeared appeared. The guy had a fish in his mouth and some trembled in front of the Nagato battleship.

    "The table pot comes (don't come over)…Said it…Table pot comes…Come again…People have to fight! ! ”

    A long white hair Loli, then standing barefoot on the sea, the sea breeze blowing, vaguely can see the ties of the panties on his legs, surrounded by the deep red sea-ship-specific black-and-black weapon… …

    Amount, even if it is a monster, is this incredibly moe moe really no problem? Is this coming out of the destruction world or making joy?


    Well, Feng Yu Chen has already recognized who is this Meng Ji in front of her, and she is known as the northern sauce, Loli Ji, and the young body of the [flying field Ji] [Northern Qi Ji], Meng One thing, one that can be licked.


    The mermaid looks at the guy who suddenly appeared, reaching for a finger, a bubble instantly wrapped the northern sauce in it, and then the bubble took her to the deck –

    “Is this an indigenous creature in your world? Somewhat strange…Is it actually a metal weapon with steel as an offensive weapon? Some people are curious, do you want to dissect it…"



    The northern sauce suddenly struggled to say, "The table dissects people…Mud Kai Kai (you go away)! ! ”

    Is acting cute, continue to sell…

    Feng Yu Chen stretches his hand and squints at your face. Your sister's, the ship's mother's painting is absolutely problematic. It is obviously a set of evil warships. The ship's mothers will be counted. The deep sea-farmings are also incredibly moe. Moe, is this still a normal naval game? It is simply used to sprout.

    Everything is cute, and the ZUN cultivator has created the Land of Fantasy, right? Really, this is enough…

    Boo hoo…The fish has not yet finished eating…Table beats…"

    The northern sauce suddenly double-handed. The fish in his hand caught tears in his eyes. Why, why, people just came out and searched the sea (acting cute), they were caught, don’t eat people, people don’t It’s delicious (not sprouting, QAQ)…


    Feng Yu Chen has nothing to say, can the qiji people also eat like the ship maidens? Actually still eating reprints, the amount, you can be sure that the teeth are pointed, biting people is absolutely no problem, the relationship key –

    Why do you want to act cute, why should a villain acting cute?

    Well, although Feng Yu Chen has been calmed down a lot, when I was playing the ship C, I was still stunned by the singer's Lie (the figure), the queen, the sick, the M, the Loli…Everything is ok, and some sick players are even tossed by the battleship’s Queen’s Queen’s (spiritual disease), and some are overwhelmed again and again (big break, sinking right) Northern sauce, listen That sounds like 'the pot is coming', it’s like a chicken blood. For lolicon, it’s awesome.

    Moreover, the most important thing about playing the ship C is not the smooth sailing clearance, but the state of the ragged clothes that the ship maidens reveal when they are broken, and they are all incredibly moe moe. Only when the big break can you see the X body of the ship's mother…

    Well, Feng Yu Chen also thinks that the northern sauce is a bit too special, and it has a typical difference from the so-called singularity of the singer. The expression is rich, and the words are more special. Actually, there is no festival, and the amount is definitely a deep sea. What can the ship do?

    "Forget it, give it to me, Nagato Elder Sister, come over and take this guy down to adjust…"

    Feng Yu Chen cut a crack in the void, grabbed the northern sauce from the mermaid's bubble, and threw it to Nagato. Go back and adjust to see what information can be asked, but Feng Yu Chen does not. I am too hopeful to ask what information to come.

    "What are you doing?"

    Nagato is interested in looking at the northern sauce in front of him.

    "The table is playing!" Mud Kay…"

    The northern sauce clearly shows that Nagato is a bad guy, in case, in case, QAQ…

    "Oh ?"I will ask you again, what are you doing? ”

    Nagato said, knocking the head of the northern sauce with a pipe in his hand.

    “Fine.The table is a couple, even if it is to find something to eat (exposure, exposed, it really comes out to eat)…"

    The northern sauce couldn't help but cry. Suddenly, I woke up and found that I was out of the fleet in an unknown sea. After encountering this kind of thing, how could it sprout (you have been acting cute for a long time)!

    "Haha!"Tee hee.The creatures of your earth are really interesting…"

    The mermaid has some cannot help laughing, this guy is used to fight or to play a stage play.

    "Hmph!"This, I actually agree…"

    Feng Yu Chen signaled that Nagato brought back the northern sauce that was recovered and said to the mermaid. "We continue the topic, just ignore the existence of the guy…"

    (Northern sauce: The presence of people is really good, A Kaorin's northern sauce…)

    "Well, although you said that the alliance is really feasible, I think at least nine points are really true for you, but you have to understand that if you really want to be like what you said, once I entered Infinite World, I was killed by what style you used. What should I do if I lose it? Although there is a soul mark that can resurrect, but by then my strength will be a lot weaker, this is simply taking a fate to make a bet…"

    The mermaid said with indulgence that at the moment she did not have the initial contempt mentality. Since she is going to go down in infinity, then Feng Yu Chen, who claims to be an infinite king, must take advantage of it, but this is also with the tiger. For the sake of it, when she arrived at Infinite World, she might be Feng Yu Chen's opponent?

    She wondered why Shadru didn't work with Feng Yu Chen after a world because she was worried about this.

    After all, failure in that world is really a failure. They are not the only children of their own children. It is also a lot of effort to win the competitive fire. If they fail, they will always fail. They have to be cautious. .

    "Why should I kill you? I'm already in a position to do with Dragon Clan. Even if Dragon Clan is so proud, no matter how long the waste dragon is, then killing their same race is really a real thing. One more ally is always much stronger than one enemy. …"Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

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