1526. Chapter 1526 League's chips

聽聽聽聽[Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward)

聽聽聽聽The rule of the soul is standing on the Bloodline, which is the rule above the fate. The words of the mermaid make Feng Yu Chen's some fluctuating emotions clear in an instant.

聽聽聽聽He was going to be ready. No matter 3,721, the use of Yakumo Yukari and other land of Fantasy soft sister's strength to destroy the Yinlong, but now listen to the Mermaid, his head as if poured a pot of cold water, Yinlong may also come to a prince and other representatives, even if he used a variety of tricks, or secretly Chencang or plunge or back-to-back or the Exorcism of wolves and other strategies to end the power of Yinlong.

聽聽聽聽For Long Island, there is still no threat. In other words, they still exist, the soul is not destroyed, and under the rules, it is enough to shape the body.

聽聽聽聽Although it has become an inconsistent existence with Long Island, ah, if the children of the Seven Great Ruler appear on the earth, they are likely to join hands to deal with him. By then, the soft sisters of Land of Fantasy can deal with it. The existence of more is still a problem.

聽聽聽聽Therefore, to win over allies, this is a must-do at this time. Although there is only one goal for each other, some time in the future will become an opponent completely, but the alliance is strong and the separation is weak.

聽聽聽聽So in terms of the Strength Attribute's Strength, Feng Yu Chen seems to have a sense of intimacy with the mermaid, and then how to draw this teammate.

聽聽聽聽In this era, we must understand the borrowing power. This is a truth to sit down. It is a way that all officials must experience.

聽聽聽聽Although this kind of alliance is also ' impotence ', but at least much stronger than that kind of danger, the enemy's enemy is a friend, Feng Yu Chen clearly captured a hint of Longsan disgust in the Mermaid's eyes, in his mention of Longsan, her eyes clearly showed a hint of disgust, This is an opportunity.

聽聽聽聽"So since you have already said some information, I can't hide it. I want to know the information of the fire." And you also want to know how Dragon III died in my hands? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen mouth Kakuzu gently stained the glass, observing the mermaid's look through the blushing liquid, and not indecent as well, since she said a piece of information that is not good for her, then he also said something bad for her The intelligence, this is also a courtesy.

聽聽聽聽We鈥檙e all ears

聽聽聽聽Mermaid looks at Feng Yu Chen. This kind of relaxed attitude seems to feel any important information. She thinks that this information she must not disclose. Otherwise, it will lead to the killing of her, she does not want to be like Long San This is also the main reason why she can condescend to sit here and communicate with Feng Yu Chen.

聽聽聽聽"If I say the world is fair, do you believe it?"

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen put the glass down and waited for the mermaid to answer. He said with a dignified face: "If you want to get a fire, you must enter the Infinite World that creates the Great Ruler to compete for resources. Every other month, you will have an infinite experience. Great Ruler will create a Dimensional World, and then the players will complete a piece of Quest and pass the customs.

聽聽聽聽After entering Dimensional World, creating the Great Ruler will seal the strength of all players, in order to strive for everyone to be on the same starting line, although for the players with Bloodline, there are exceptions, but this exception is just a little more chance of winning Only.

聽聽聽聽How to say it, Bloodline's Strength will be sealed to the lowest level.

聽聽聽聽In this way, you can imagine that even the more powerful Bloodline, the stage at the beginning is low-end, that is, slightly stronger than the average person.

聽聽聽聽This is the test of creating the Great Ruler. To get the real fire, you must complete the experience again and then you can achieve the real Great Ruler. You must understand that the so-called prince princesses are weak at the beginning of the strength, yes, you Bloodline's Strength has improved very quickly, but you also have a lot less practical experience.

聽聽聽聽Just like Long San, although the Bloodline primary has a little stronger than my Bloodline, but still let my combat experience and bloodthirsty kill Crush, I ate his dragon's lung, took his dragon marrow, and finally killed it. He is a powerful person, but in Infinite World, he is just a dross in my eyes.

聽聽聽聽The world is fair, you want to get an infinite fire, you have to survive in Infinite World, and once you enter Infinite World, everyone is equal, under the rules of the Great Ruler, you think you will have the strength to develop all the strengths What?

聽聽聽聽Even if I am, I am not sure that I can live to the last moment, but I am still confident. I will leave the informal Infinite World. I have already experienced fifteen in formal Infinite World, and I don鈥檛 want you to say that in this ten. Among the five worlds, I have completed my experience as the strongest king. 鈥?/p>


聽聽聽聽The mermaid listened to Feng Yu Chen's, and gradually frowned. Although Feng Yu Chen said it was simple, she still realized that it was not a simple matter.

聽聽聽聽This is the creation of great Ruler set up a bureau, in the other words to get the fire must enter this trap to survive, and is not a trap, there may be a lot of traps waiting for them to drill, and the people who can survive on this road is undoubtedly not the supreme of the mind to the extreme, At that time, it was natural to have the power to be dominant.

聽聽聽聽"Shadru, she and I have teamed up in the world, and then she survived. If there is someone who can lead you to Dimensional World, then you can spend a safe world. How about this chip?"

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen put the two goblets together and said, "In the present world, your strength is stronger than mine. In infinity, my strength is stronger than you, so we can have equal rights chips, you think That…"

聽聽聽聽"Well, is that? Shadru used to know you like this, but it is not bad that you can be selected by her. Indeed, according to what you said, if you enter Infinite World, it is really easy to have a strong escort around you. But ah…It is inevitable that you will not kill me. After all, you killed Dragon III before. Is it not the same to see me not killing me? I don't think that my looks can make you move. After all, Shadru can't let you stay with her."

聽聽聽聽The mermaid feels that there is something in Feng Yu Chen's words, use infinity to force her to form an alliance? How can it be formed? She does not believe that Feng Yu Chen will kindly escort her in infinity.

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