1476. Chapter 1476 Hong Xiao, dark blue, Jin Muxi

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    The winds of the mountains greet the hills, the evil winds are not good, the kings are under the princes, the dawns, the rainbows are burning, the moon is hidden, the hills are colored, under the dark blue, who is the moon–

    Yingui's golden wood rhinoceros.


    Feng Yu Chen single-handed took Tsukiyama Shuu's legs and took it out indifferently, then raised the Kirishima Touka around him –

    "It’s really…idiot, obviously telling you not to come over…"

    "Cut, who wants to take care of you, I just want to eat your meat…"

    Kirishima Touka coldly snorted said.

    "You really want to eat early, really, barely so handsome is really troublesome. If you have the manager's calm, I don't have to reveal my identity too early, not worrying guys." ……Can you hand it over to me? ”

    Feng Yu Chen hugged Kirishima Touka in the style of the princess and placed it next to Kamishiro Rize. "If you have the strength, leave or heal as soon as possible. It's not just Tsukiyama Shuu alone."

    "And what else?"

    Kamishiro Rize stunned, and with her knowledge of Tsukiyama Shuu, he certainly wouldn't let other people participate in his food tasting.

    "Well, my instincts, tell me that someone will appear soon, and there will be a lot, know?" Some of your sense of smell is very sensitive. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed a sneer, this night is not very calm, the moonlight of this night is also full of haze, this haze of the night is destined to spread the blood of the marsh.


    Tsukiyama Shuu slowly climbed up from the ground, but instead of showing fear or surprise, she was even more excited –

    "joie! Joie…joie! ! ! (Law: Pleasure), really great, Vampire, is the most luxurious dish I have ever seen, ah, praise God, let me witness such an elegant existence, God, this is yes – RédEMP ( Electromagnetic Pulses) tion (法: salvation)! ! ”

    The screams of sorghum and excitement are so low this night, the contrast of this difference is so sullen and quiet under the gloomy night!

    The blood in the body burned at a high level, and Tsukiyama Shuu instantly shuttled to Feng Yu Chen's body, hitting his body heavily, and the crazy obsession made him surpass himself. This is simply évolution. —)! !


    The defeated Feng Yu Chen instantly disappeared in the space, a bloody bow and arrow condensed out around his left hand, followed by a bloody arrow in the right hand, bowing the full moon string, flying !


    The powerful Strength suddenly penetrated the split second of Tsukiyama Shuu's chest, flying him to the wall, and the entire wall began to collapse Crush, revealing a silhouette outside –

    Kaneki Ken!

    The wall that was directly penetrated made Kaneki Ken outside.

    At this moment, what is he going to do when he arrives here?

    Probably for the sake of Kamishiro Rize! ~

    And at this moment he saw Feng Yu Chen, who was leaning on the wings of the Great Demon, which stood on the void, and the Tsukiyama Shuu, who fell at his feet, and the eyes of Tsukiyama Shuu were black white and red pupils, plus the sword of the nail entangled in the right arm, and the afterglow , located in the innermost ground of two people, Kamishiro Rize and Kirishima Touka, are also with Tsukiyama Shuu general eyes, he understand, this is–ghoul's Hepburn eye!!



    It turns out they are Ghoul! @!(Because I can't think about Feng Yu Chen's existence, I also imagined him as Ghoul.

    "Cough, it’s really a mystery, meat…MeatMeat

    Tsukiyama Shuu's left hand ran through Kaneki Ken's chest and pulled out a fleshy thing into his mouth.

    "Ahhhh……It’s so delicious! ~! ! ”

    For a time, Tsukiyama Shuu's injury recovered in an instant.

    Easy FancyBox

    Look at the blood hole in the chest and the pain that caused him to collapse. The horrible mourning came out of Kaneki Ken's mouth. ,

    "idiot !!!!"

    Kirishima Touka noticed Kaneki Ken's figure when he came. He didn't know what he was going to do. Now I understand that it was a fantasy encounter with Kamishiro Rize, but this one made him understand the cruelty of the world, his fate line. Change from now on.

    "There are human beings, cut, I still think why people are!" disappointed……"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and said indifferently that he felt that there was someone there, but he did not expect it to be an ordinary human being. It seems that his move made this mankind devastated.

    However, let him not let it go, after all, Ghoul can cure the injury and increase his strength by eating 'meat'. So a large piece of meat is placed next to Tsukiyama Shuu, isn't it giving him unlimited strength?

    "Steel-is-my-body, and-fire-is-my-blood. The body of steel, the blood of flames. ”

    The same bow of blood, but the two arrows, a blush, an Azure, and the blink of an eye, reached the eyes of Tsukiyama Shuu and Kaneki Ken.

    "Ah! It’s really troublesome! But

    Tsukiyama Shuu Because of the meat, Strong has increased, and the sword in his hand directly opened Feng Yu Chen's arrow.


    However, Azure's arrow is freezing Kaneki Ken.

    "This is fine…"

    Feng Yu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. It was impossible for Tsukiyama Shuu's Strength to break his Frost. Kaneki Ken's life will not die for a while, but it is an unknown number to survive. After all, his body is missing parts. It was eaten by Tsukiyama Shuu.

    The frozen Kaneki Ken was surprised to find that his mind did not stop, but the function of the body stopped, which reminded him of the anesthesia in medical surgery, although somewhat different from it, but his bleeding trend was stopped, at least the life could be extended, but if he did not solve the real ask, he would die.

    He didn't think of the world he existed. There were so many Ghouls around him, and now he is fighting. Is there a relationship between Ghoul and all kinds of confrontation?

    What is all this all prejudiced?

    The sky in the distance gradually floated a white belly, it is almost dawn, and the battle is coming to an end.

    His side has a silver jinmu rhinoceros gently swaying, above by his blood dyed red, jinmu rhinoceros flower language is elegant, intoxicated, pure, first love, which really confirmed his today, was intoxicated by a girl, and then pure First love came, elegant and intoxicating girl let him follow here, but this is not romantic, It's blood-stained JINMU rhinoceros!

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