1475. Chapter 1475, Moon, Moon, Moon Dance

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    The moonlight hidden in the cloud is gradually dark, the strings of the moon are roaring, the resonance of the chapter of the chapter, the vibrating, the trembling, the style rises to the pole of the high-tidal wave, and the last is –

    The soul shouts!



    Kamishiro Rize hit the wall with heavy blood, and blood flowed out of her mouth. The purple hair was scattered like a sliding Sakura (cherry) flower on the ground, and the glasses worn on her face slid down on the ground.

    Slightly extended hand to Feng Yu Chen, I hope he can leave here as soon as possible.

    "Really, obviously have the opportunity to eat me, why wait until now, obviously can not drink the kind of coffee, why drink it, deliberately make a gesture to make me pity you?"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head, untied his own assembly, and threw the black tuxedo on the body of Kamishiro Rize –

    "My clothes are dirty, just the coffee powder is sprinkled on it. If you can, can you wash it for me? Take it away, leave, then, I won't think of you as Ghoul, and then the relationship between us ends here. The 'appetite' you told me before is now 'protected' to me. It’s a cancellation…"

    "Haha, what heroes, my lovely Ouma Student, ah…Your taste is so fascinating and mellow. Staying with you feels that Strength is constantly rising. No wonder Rize Miss has not eaten you…"

    Tsukiyama Shuu's body gradually filled with a trace of blood, his eyes as a Kamishiro Rize generally showed a black and red color, Ghoul's unique long eyes.

    In the split second that reveals Her Eyes, he reaches for the shoulder of Feng Yu Chen's, but –

    "Bang!" ~! ”

    A dark blue color flashed and kicked Tsukiyama out, and the person who appeared appeared wearing a rabbit-like mask.

    "This mask…Hey, Kirishima Miss, are you afraid of being seen in your face? Are you afraid that when Ouma Shuu sees your face will be away from you, let me take off your mask! ”

    Tsukiyama Shuu wiped the blood mark on Kakuzu, and the scratch on his face recovered in split second. "You have been drinking 'tap water' recently. It seems that the quality has not decreased. Just the water used by Ouma will let you Keeping this state makes me look forward to his taste. However, if Hezi is the engine, then the meat is gasoline. How can you be my opponent without eating meat and drinking water?"

    "The rice is not white!!"

    The clothes at the back of Kirishima Touka suddenly burst, and the gorgeous and blushing wings spread out instantly, but only half of the left.

    Half-winged angel.

    In an instant, her figure accelerated in the space after several consecutive glittering, came to Tsukiyama Shuu's behind, a strong whip leg to beat him out.


    Tsukiyama Shuu hit the wall heavily, then slowly climbed up, and the palm of the hand pressed for an instant, and the body bounced instantly –


    At the moment he popped up, bloody crystals shot like feathers.

    "Oh, it’s really dangerous…Unfortunately, just because of you now, it is impossible to beat me! ”

    The blood was filled with a trace of Azure's Hezi from the shoulder blade of Tsukiyama Shuu, forming a spiral-like deep blue sword around his right arm.

    Under normal circumstances, Ghoul's battle, Jahke Yuhe, Kirishima Touka's Hezi is Yuhe, and Tsukiyama Shuu's Hezi is Jiahe.

    Coupled with the fact that no longer eat meat, Kirishima Touka's strength is not at the stage of its prosperity.

    "Go to death!!"


    Once again, Kirishima Touka's blood plume was completely escaped or fragmented by Tsukiyama Shuu.

    A striking puncture, Tsukiyama Shuu's knees slammed into the chest of Kirishima Touka –

    "Bang!" @!”

    Kirishima Touka was hit by a fly on the wall.

    "This is before you fight back against me, then…"

    Tsukiyama Shuu said that the body instantly appeared next to Kirishima Touka and kicked her out again –

    "This is my punishment for your destruction my dining ceremony…"



    Every time she said a word, Tsukiyama Shuu flew Kirishima Touka once, and finally her mask was knocked down –

    "Ouma, have you seen it? You know the Kirishima Touka Miss, is also lurking in your side of the Ghoul Oh, she may be in captivity you wait to eat it, Ghoul there is a captive of human events, your particularity, so that they continue to benefit from your body certain things, such as the water you use They're being consumed by them, and that's all you don't know … "

    Tsukiyama Shuu threw Kirishima Touka in front of Feng Yu Chen's and sneered.

    "Don't listen to him nonsense, you are going…I can still…"

    Kirishima Touka, his face was gloomy, slowly stood up, covering the dark blue hair of the bangs half of the bangs had glued a trace of blood.

    "Haha, no one can go without it!"

    Tsukiyama Shuu instantly appeared in front of Kirishima Touka, ready to bombard her again, slender legs straight up –



    Feng Yu Chen's body seems to be in front of Kirishima Touka like Teleport, slowly extending his arms and grabbing the legs that Tsukiyama Shuu whipped down –

    "The end of the act, there is no such thing as human beings. I have not told you that I am a human being alone…"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes gradually became dark red, and the pupils radiated a strange light like the blood of the blush. The bright red made the Kamishiro Rize, Kirishima Touka and Tsukiyama Shuu shocked.

    Twilight has changed, is this Ghoul, wrong, Ghoul's white is black, and Feng Yu Chen's eye white is still white, but the pupil's blush is similar to Ghoul –

    "Sure enough, you guy is not a person!"Kirishima Touka tried to breathe a little and spit out the congestion in her chest. The store manager and Mr. Sifang had no guess what they were wrong. Feng Yu Chen is not a human! !

    "Oh, of course, I am not a simple human…You should have heard the legend of Vampire, as you can see, I am the Vampire demon of the True Ancestor level! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's behind suddenly surged, and a pair of black giant demon wings stretched out.

    "Vampire!! How can there be such a legendary demon creature! ”Tsukiyama Shuu read a novel like "The Count of Dracula". He did not think that the real Vampire would appear in front of his eyes. This is really true –

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