1438. Chapter 1438, Chaos, Tabitha

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket reward]

    It is already the third day from the Kingdom of Gallia. Tabitha and Sylphid have already sneaked into the country of Spirit, Nadi, in the night, and arrived in the capital of Adilu.

    Because of the experience of implementing Quest, Quest, as the assassination of Gallia's Northern Flower Knight, is not a minority, so Tabitha also used his own strategy to enter the country of Spirit, and Sylphid used the changing first-hand magic to turn both people into The look of Spirit.

    And the extraordinarily lively nights, the entire capital of Adilu is full of laughter and laughter from the young Spirit girls, all of them faintly converge toward a place.


    "This Elder Sister, where are you going?"

    Tabitha's petite body allows her to ask the Spirit girls some things, but Sylphid can't, because the Spirit of the Spirit seems to be poor, but Tabitha is in line with this feature, but Sylphid does not. ,because……

    “Um? What kind of child are you, how come you don't know you ah, forget it, do you want to come together? It’s time to hold the grand sacred ritual 'Nature', and come to the holy lake…"Asked by the Spirit girl, looks at Tabitha, who is pulling her clothes, says –

    "It seems that the ancestor of our spirit has returned from the Barbarians (human), and then His Highness the ancestor will have a ceremony of ' Ancestor's Grace ', which can be attended by all the age-appropriate spirit girls, and it is possible to enter the Holy Lake with a divine union with His Highness the ancestor, giving birth to the king of Spirit, This is a very grand event, until after the great destruction, this is the first ' ancestor's Grace ' ceremony … "


    The barbarian is a human being. Doesn't the return from human beings represent Feng Yu Chen? Then he should be in this so-called holy lake. When he gets there, he can kill him. Now he should be The Spirits have bound Strength, and it’s best to do it at this time, though…

    Tabitha has no choice, her mother and sister will soon be jealous of Josef's bastard, she must complete his Quest, she is ready to take all the sins, she has no choice, if she can, she can choose for the mother If she can die with her sister, it would be great if she could simply die, but is it possible?

    "Thank you for the advice of Elder Sister…"

    Tabitha nodded and ran to the so-called holy lake.

    "Oh, wait for me, really, run fast, not necessarily selected, we just participate in this sacred ceremony…"

    Spirit girl suddenly chased Tabitha.


    In a Kakuzu of the holy lake, Bidashal called his niece Luca Shana to her side, took out a green bead and put it in her hand, saying –

    "You listen to me, now, the fate of our group, no, it should be said that the fate of the entire Spirit family is in your hands. If Esmeer’s iron-clad parties really have the orthodox King Power, then the disaster will really happen. It happened without stopping. This bead is the 'Tear of Water Spirit'. After a thousand years, it has become a crystallization, and it can automatically find a place where natural Spirit is abundant.

    The reason why the holy lake is called the holy lake is because it is like being blindfolded in the inside, can not perceive any breath, one meter away, even if the other side is standing in front of you, you can't see each other if you open your eyes. And inside is a natural labyrinth, the most extreme, even if it is a year, don't want to come out.

    However, if you are a full-spirit girl of the age of the Spirit, there will definitely be opportunities, but you must accept the Enlu of His First ancestor, although I am sorry, Ari, but for the future of the Spirit family, this can only be the case. ”


    Lucy Shana grabbed the tears of the green Spirit in her hand, nodded and bit her lip and said: "I always feel that we betrayed Ari, although the ancestor is very attractive, but I and Ari are childhood friends… ”

    "Well, it's okay, I think he will forgive you soon. After all, he is not a child…"

    Bidashal pushed Luca Shana to the holy lake, then turned and left, Dulu had already arranged, Ari would be drunk this evening, and then had a relationship with a Spirit girl who did not participate in the ceremony, so that's it. In order to prevent the Iron Party from taking power, they have already made up their mind to give up their conscience.


    "What is the ancestor's grace?"

    Tiffany Tiffania reluctantly looks at Feng Yu Chen who is heading to the holy lake.

    "I will tell you later, now you are here with peace of mind. After the ceremony, we will return immediately, don't be afraid, I will come back soon, because I am your Familiars…"

    Feng Yu Chen patted Tiffania's shoulder and then stepped into the holy lake. It was only a nightclub trip. He wouldn't have lost anyway, and only then would he be able to go back.

    "Come back…"

    Tiffany Tiffania said restlessly and returned to the room, expecting Feng Yu Chen to come back earlier. Although she is a semi-Spirit, she still feels strange in this place, only Feng Yu Chen can make her feel Peace of mind.


    Presented in front of Feng Yu Chen is a gate, the glass-colored jade door portrays a pair of Spirit men and women's lingering carvings, guarded by two Spirit women flying Dragon Knight –

    "Please cherish your first ancestor, remove the unclean clothes, and enter the holy gate with pure body…"

    The two female knights watched Feng Yu Chen reverently, and took the initiative to take off the body clothes for him like a monarch.

    The naked Feng Yu Chen pushed the holy gate into the holy lake under the gaze of two knights. The so-called holy lake, entering it, could not see any scenery one meter away. And here I can breathe normally, and I don't feel the presence of water pressure. The water floats like a soft veil, like a lake that is walking in the air and full of psychedelic colors.

    A beautiful fish swims slowly from the side, the bottom of the lake is soft like a sponge, and the silver sand shines brightly at the bottom of the lake.

    I can't feel everything beyond one meter, it's like being in a fog.

    Which unlucky guy will find him?

    Feng Yu Chen can't help laughing at himself, this pure ritual to reproduce, is only glorified, to the end, there is no hint of support, by his ' care ' of the Spirit girl is just a poor person, there will be no love, just a dew affection, Although this is a glorious thing for the Spirit girls …

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