1437. Chapter 1437 ancestor's grace

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    Bidashal proposed to be Feng Yu Chen's attendant, nothing more than surveillance, although they really can't stop Feng Yu Chen's plan, but monitoring his actions is OK?

    "Oh, I agree that you will monitor my actions. There is no problem at all. Although I am your ancestor on the surface, most of you are skeptical about me." In order to achieve mutual understanding, I allow you to monitor my actions. Of course, the same, you have to listen to my plan. ”

    Feng Yu Chen did not oppose the surveillance of Bidashal. Compared with Spirit's surveillance, the human pope's Taoist appearance made him feel disgusted. His biggest opponent was not the Spirit family. If you didn't know some secrets from Lucy Shana, you must have In the end, his value will be sold after being squeezed out.

    Dululooks at Bidashal's proposal is also a response. They can't say that they don't trust Feng Yu Chen at all. After all, the kind of sly Spirit of the body will not be deceiving. It is better to have one that will keep both sides trusting. The bottom line, so that Feng Yu Chen can respond before they betray their trust.

    In fact, their Spirit has repelled many human offenses, so this time the human offense, they are not optimistic, only involved in the future battle of the entire Spirit, regardless of size must be treated with caution.

    "Okay, but at the same time, you have to promise to complete the ritual of the ancestor's grace."Just Luke Shana is now your saint…"Dulu's handsome mouth Kakuzu reveals a smile. In fact, it is very simple. Feng Yu Chen is not concerned about the Spirit family because there are no relatives related to his blood, so if there is a blood relative related to him, even if he is a god Can't sit back and watch the crisis of the death of their blood relatives?

    "The ancestors of Enlu!!"

    Ari suddenly exclaimed and said, "Daru, you can't do this. Lucy Shana is my fiancee. How can I give birth to future generations? And I have a marriage contract with me, and then do the object of 'En Lu' is not the first ancestor? ”

    "I don't think it's right. Dulu, a noble presence like the ancestors, should naturally be served by a pure Spirit girl. Luca Shana, I heard that I have a marriage contract with Ari Captain. This is completely embarrassing. His Royal Highness…My niece is also a smart Spirit girl, pure as the pearl of the blue sea, and will certainly be able to give birth to the orthodox royal children for the Spirit family…"

    Esmeer’s head of the iron-blooded group suddenly got rid of the blood and was excited. If there is the orthodox royal Bloodline, then his faction can rule the entire Spirit family in an orthodox position, and has been used by Bidashal. The self-proclaimed noble Bloodline is oppressing, but he has been waiting for this for a long time.

    "Dulu, my little girl has reached the age of childbearing, and she is kind and elegant."

    "Dulu, my sister is just a grown-up, and Captain is in charge of Navy…"

    "Dulu adults…"


    Not only the iron-blood party, but even other small parties, but also individuals recommend themselves to recommend their own prostitute, sister or daughter, this is still an elegant Spirit family, it is completely open to the party.


    Feng Yu Chen looks at this scene, as if I understood something, Dulu, the Old Man, is an old fox. This is to find him a sister of the Spirit family. Look at this frame, one is still excited. Look, natural Spirit's Bloodline is so easy to use? When did the beautiful Spirit sister become the existence of the inverted?

    Bidashal looks at this scene, can not help but feel a change is about to begin, yes, this change is the hat caused by bloodline, if this goes on, the Spirit will definitely become the blood of the Iron blood pie, let the iron-blooded party to rule the Spirit, will certainly brewing When there is a real riot and war, it is not just the battle for the Holy Land that is fought by man and spirit, but the killing alone.

    "Lucko Shana became the ancestor of the sacred woman is the established thing, 'the ancestor's grace" should be borne by her, and the marriage contract is just childhood friends, I would like to ask everyone, who can be more orthodox than Lucy Shana What? After all, she is a descendant of the Spirit saint 'Anubis'…"

    Bidashal looked at the people around him with a sharp gaze, and he would not give in to such things.

    "Uncle Bidashal, what are you doing?"

    Ari suddenly took a step back helplessly, clearly that other Spirit girls can do it. Why do you want to show up? Enlu of the first ancestor, huh, huh, isn't it just to get the blood of the ancestors, and let it be fortunate?

    "Let Tiffania come, she is also a Spirit."Feng Yu Chen said that if he could, he hoped that Tiffania would be with him, and the forest's goblin lodge would be the Familiars of her, which has already made him and her awkward.

    "No, how can the successor of the Devil, and she has the human bloodline, not the pure spirit, no, your Highness, we can agree to your strategy and obey your command, but you also agree to leave a true royal bloodline for our spirit, This is your inevitable responsibility, from the distant past, to the present, each of us inherited from the ancestor of the strength are thin, so now the spirit can have the Orthodox ancestor bloodline is necessary. ”Dulu said that being able to inherit from the excellent Bloodline is a great honor for the entire Spirit family.

    "Then according to the words of His Royal Highness Dulu, our blood is thin, and naturally no one can distinguish who is more noble, so I suggest that the oldest Enlu ritual should be used to let nature choose the saint of the First ancestor!"

    Esmeer’s eyes flashed a strange light.

    "Nature's Gift?"

    All the Spirits in the conference room can't help but sink. The sacred rituals are not necessary at this time, and only the saints who are blessed by nature are qualified to breed the king of Spirit for the first parents.

    "I have no objections…"Dulu muddy’s eyes squatted and said that Kakuzu’s mouth was a smile, and the world would still have rules to follow.


    Ari is relieved, so that Luna will not be selected for a room. 'Nature' is a legend in the ancient legend of Spirit. Every time an ancestor appears, the age-appropriating Spirit girl will be placed in the holy lake of water. In this, the holy lake is a maze, the first ancestor entered by the entrance, the first Spirit girl encountered was the saint…

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