1427. Chapter 1427 disappeared Tabitha

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    In search of the fourth Void user, Gallia King Josef returned to the Kingdom of Gallia with Feng Yu Chen, Tiffany Tiffania and Julio.

    "Several people have to stop in the palace, since it is possible that the branch inherits the Void power of the royal family, then I can take out the genealogy of the Gallia royal family, and will find the Void of His Royal Highness and the Cardinal Giulio. Source, I will do my best to help you…"

    Joseph waved at the patron of the Gallia Palace and motioned to find out the genealogy of the royal family.

    "I heard that you have a prostitute called Tabitha, right?"Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but ask.

    "Oh, you have met her before. Indeed, she once studied in the Magic School of Tristain under the name of Tabitha, and she has a good Magician, but her real name is Charlotte…"Jose said, showing a sad look, said, "It’s a pity. In the past few days, her family suffered a thief. Now I don’t know where I was kidnapped. Oh, I am also tracking this matter, if the first king If you find any clues, you can tell me…"

    "What about thieves?"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes couldn't help but tighten it. I didn't think that it was missing at this time. I was afraid of being caught by him. Then I found the master of Mjöðvitnir Lun?

    Obviously, Tabitha must know who the Sheffield Master is. If he finds her, sure that the guy has no good fruit to eat, and now only two things will happen –

    1. Tabitha hid himself because of his guilty conscience and fear of Feng Yu Chen catching;

    Second, someone deliberately imprisoned Tabitha, and was equally afraid of Feng Yu Chen’s discovery;

    And this trip to Gallia, Feng Yu Chen did not tell the pope that his aim was actually to kill the continued man of the fourth void system, whether or not the world needed to collect four void of the continuation, as long as the guy against him was going to die in his hands, gibberish, he wouldn't just let it go His opponent, this series of events, let him have had enough.

    "Mr. Julio, then we are still looking for a quick, I have a group with Tiffany Tiffania, you are a group, I hope to find the fourth Void successor as soon as possible."

    Feng Yu Chen took Gallia's royal family tree in his hands, carefully browsed it, and then handed it to Julio. He couldn't find it with him, and he might not be able to get started easily.

    Tifa Tiffania held Feng Yu Chen's arm tightly and carefully looked at the Gallia guards who looked around at her with hostile eyes. After leaving the forest, she could only believe Feng Yu Chen.

    "Well, okay, but Tiffania Miss still summons his own Familiars. The four Void's Familiars are also to be gathered, and one more Void's Familiars can protect you…"

    Julio handed a magic book to Tiffania and then left on his own Flying Dragon, probably to find the branch kings scattered in Gallia.

    Feng Yu Chen and Tiffany Tiffania also left, but they did not test whether Gallia's royal family had a Void successor.

    It is not clear how to realize the successor of Void.


    Feng at the departure of Feng Yu Chen, Joseph showed a sneer, this time behind a pillar out of a tall, thin man, wearing a light brown robes, wearing a feathered exotic hat, under the hat, The long blond hair hangs down to the waist and closes the book in his hand—

    "The existence is the ancestor of your human beings. It seems that there are some similarities. The body has the pure power of natural Spirit. It can use the magic of living first. The ancient dragon also has two inexplicable Strengths. It is really a mysterious person. Now it seems that I can believe that he is the ancestors of Blimir…"

    The man's voice is as noble and clear as a glass clock. The pupils in the slender eyes exude a faint blue light, a pretty beautiful line of soft face, but they don't see the age at all. It looks like a teenager, but he has Forty years old can also be convinced, a wonderful feeling, this is a vicissitude of history, and under his brim, you can see the pointed ears like Tiffany Tiffania, the Spirit family. Then you can't see the mystery of age.

    "Your Spirit's troops should have arrived, destroying Gandálfr, the ancestor of mankind, and a mixed-spirited Spirit, which inherited the power of Void. Presumably human offense has lost a lot of deterrent to you?"Jose's calm eyes showed a hint of madness.

    "The Spirit team has been prepared for dozens of people, enough to destroy him…You should be regarded as the descendants of the ancestors, so that you can destroy your ancestors and cooperate with our Spirit. Is it really ok? What is your purpose? ”The Spirit man showed a puzzled look.

    Purpose Oh, I am not saddened by the death of Mjöðvitnir, who constantly planned the battle between countries, and finally Albion was also played by me in the palm of my hand, all this…Just to understand the boring, I want to see what kind of horrible things I have to make, can make me cry, I just want to cry, it is so simple…When I killed my brother, I didn't even cry, it was so boring…"

    Joseph smiled and said that muddy's eyes gradually became clearer.

    "Really?"Seems to understand…"

    The Spirit man shook his head, and the other he understood that Jose had already regretted it, yes, it must have been remorseful, but he still felt that he would not regret it, in search of something that would make him more remorseful, so that he seemed to be able to forgive himself for the sins of killing his own brother, a confused and insane king, But it just helped them the Spirit clan.

    Can not let the human release open the door of the devil, otherwise, the whole world will be destroyed, their spirit is yearning for a peaceful race, just do not want the world premature destruction, at that time really got irretrievable, can not open the door of the devil, it is a taboo existence, Although the prophecy of ancestor Bligh may come true, they are not able to take risks.

    Feng Yu Chen, the first king of the king must be wiped out. All of his strengths make the Spirit fear, although in some ways, he is the ancestor of the natural Spirit, but they have something to guard. (Want to know more about Unlimited Anime? Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign at the top right, select Add a friend to add a public number, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public number, and never miss each update! Qdread)

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