1426. Chapter 1426 Henrietta's domineering

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聽聽聽聽At the beginning of the meeting, some people began to abstain. This is what attracted everyone's attention, including Feng Yu Chen, who couldn't help but look over the past. It was King Jolph of Gallia.

聽聽聽聽With the death of Mj枚冒vitnir, the Master of God's Mind has no traces to look for, and it is naturally unclear who is manipulating Sheffield for this series of plots.

聽聽聽聽If you think in terms of normal thinking, those who want to get the most benefit naturally will be absolutically abstained. If they abstain, it will undoubtedly prove that the king of Gallia is not the designer of this conspiracy.

聽聽聽聽Moreover, in the rumors outside, Gallia鈥檚 King Joseph is an incompetent king. Although he is a big country, in the meetings of the mainland, no matter what kind of matters, he will not participate, just The past.

聽聽聽聽It seems that this incompetent king has nothing to do with the affairs of Albion.


聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen thinks that the so-called real imaginary, imaginary is true, Jose is undoubtedly trying to escape the eyes of everyone, so in all likelihood, it is possible that he is manipulating this behind his back. Field war.

聽聽聽聽At this point, Feng Yu Chen remembered it, and later he tried this incompetent king.

聽聽聽聽鈥淎lbion is Tristain. All the layouts are an integral part of Tristain. If anyone disagrees, you can fight with us!!鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Henrietta said this moment with a determined attitude, she is the Impossible handing over the country of Wales, here is the hometown of Wales, and Impossible to anyone.

聽聽聽聽Ha ha

聽聽聽聽Albrecht III suddenly shook his head and said: "The Queen of Henrietta of Tristain, now Tristain also has to fight again? Eat the whole Albion, are you not afraid to break it? We in these countries have all worked hard. Don鈥檛 be so determined. How can we hand over the port city…"

聽聽聽聽"Bearing glory and life, honor and death, the Heart like my sword, spirit altogether unbending, this is the lesson of His Highness Kings, Albrecht, if you have doubts, you can war with Tristain, even if the destruction, our country does not surrender half an inch of the land of Albion, you can go back now, the whole army for preparation, If Tristain defeated, then my corpse different place, if Germania defeat, you will be quartered!!!! 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Henrietta holds Feng Yu Chen's hand, without a trace of hesitation, a tyrannical attitude, like a sharp sword, watching Albrecht.


聽聽聽聽For a time, Albrecht couldn't help but look up. Now Tristain's combat power can't be estimated. The morale of the winning streak is so high, and the first king's sitting is just a sharp Tristain.

聽聽聽聽If you start a war, what if you fail?

聽聽聽聽Really fight for your life and death, Albrecht really does not have that courage. Isn't the purpose of this meeting to get some benefits?


聽聽聽聽"Well, I think Albion is under the rule of Tristain for the time being. Don't give the face of Henrietta Queen, but also give the first king to the next son, then…What is to be discussed is the focus, the establishment of the country's cleverness, the attack on the Spirit family, we must take back the ancestral holy land, and now the First King is also in, just in line with the general trend. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽His Majesty the Pope said that his right to speak is still quite useful.

聽聽聽聽"Recapture the Holy Land…But the Pope's Majesty, the previous battle with the Spirit family did not know how many times, just rely on our current Strength? 鈥滽ing Gallia of Gallia suddenly changed his lazy attitude and said, "The failure of the previous defeat, I think the ancestors of the monarchs of all countries have experienced it? Every time is a fiasco…"


聽聽聽聽The people in the conference room couldn't help but be silent. This is really a difficult decision.

聽聽聽聽"This time is different. We have the Strength of Void. Everyone must be clear about the Void system." In the previous battle with Albion, Tristain's Louise Miss used the Void Explosive Magic to destroy the entire Albion fleet, and the First King was the Familiars she summoned.

聽聽聽聽According to the long-term record of the literature, as long as the four Void Magicians inheriting the Void system and their four Familiars, plus the ring of the four systems and the items of the four ancestors, can save the world…

聽聽聽聽At present, His Highness Louise Miss and first King are a pair of void successors and void familiars Left Hand of God Gand谩lfr, and I am personally the heir to void, and my void familiars is the right hand of God VI Nd谩lfr, and the third void of the successor is Albion Grand Duke's illegitimate daughter Tiffania Miss, she is spirit and human hybrids, we should not be surprised, in fact, the ancestor of's familiars Gand谩lfr is Spirit, There is also a presence of our friends in Spirit, and her familiars has not yet been found. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽His Majesty the Pope said.

聽聽聽聽"In other words, is there still one missing?"Jose asked calmly.

聽聽聽聽"Exactly, this Void's successor should be in the royal family of Gallia…"

聽聽聽聽Pope鈥檚 looks at Jose said, 鈥淪o I want my Familiars to go to Gallia with the first king to find this last Void successor…鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽"That was a great honor. I didn't think it would be our Gallia royal family. If I can help the Pope, I am very happy…"

聽聽聽聽Josef bent slightly and said that at the moment he bent down his body, Kakuzu floated a chilly sight.

聽聽聽聽"Then, then His Royal Highness will accompany Julio with His Highness Joseph to Gallia to find the fourth Void successor. As for the rest of you, discuss the composition of the coalition, it is time to launch a battle, as the first ancestor of Bolimir. Children, we are obliged to take back the holy land of the first ancestor…"

聽聽聽聽The pope said.

聽聽聽聽and moreWait a minute, I have to go…"

聽聽聽聽At this time, with a soft voice, Tiffany Tiffania, who was behind a pillar, immediately hugged Feng Yu Chen's arm. She didn't want to stay alone, only that Feng Yu Chen's was the safest.

聽聽聽聽I…I also need to go鈥︹€?quot;

聽聽聽聽Louise also rushed out, aiming at Tiffany's huge ****, she must be with Feng Yu Chen's, now she is his wife, must be optimistic about him.

聽聽聽聽"idiot little Louise, give me some stability!! Everyone laughs, I will take her away…"

聽聽聽聽Karin suddenly grabbed Louise's face and walked to the back hall.

聽聽聽聽"No, mother, I have to go…"

聽聽聽聽"Give me a good education to learn how to be a woman…"

聽聽聽聽"QAQ…" (Want to know more about Unlimited Anime? Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign at the top right, select Add a friend to add a public number, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public number, and never miss each update! Qdread)

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