1403. Chapter 1403 Saint Mark Guide

    [Thanks to the invincible moe moe, the low presence, Xiao Xiaoxue. The zero dust, the reading of the wet children's shoes, thanks to the chapter of the invincible moe moe children's shoes, and the difference of 2 monthly tickets plus more, everyone's efforts, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, play reward】?

    After Feng Yu Chen walked out of the dormitory, he suddenly became the sacred Colossal Dragon –

    "Agnès, sit on my back, direct the direction, Speed, and be afraid to change."

    "This…this…"How dare you ride the body of the First King?…"

    Agnès was flattered.

    "Come on, don't talk nonsense, let you ride you and ride…"

    Feng Yu Chen Colossal Dragon's dragon tail dances, directly roll up Agnès, throw it on his back, and then fly to the sky. Compared to Speed, the speed of the holy Colossal Dragon is faster than the flame, as for Gold. Ying Long's Strength, the required spiritual force is very large, and generally cannot be used when it is not in crisis.

    Agnès two dragons pressed on the back of Feng Yu Chen's, she was sitting on the back of the Colossal Dragon for the first time. After all, she was a noble knight who was promoted by the civilians. She did not call the Strength of the Familiars, and it was the Colossal that changed by His Royal Highness. Dragon is even more excited.


    With the guidance of Agnès, Feng Yu Chen did not take a moment to catch up with Henrietta. When he saw Wales under the road, he suddenly showed a surprised look. Wales should be killed in the dead, and now it is alive here. What exactly happened?


    The roar of the sky suddenly heard the following Henrietta and the Welsh, and they couldn't help but see the Holy Dragon in the sky.

    "Wale, it is the first king of the king, stop, tell the house of the first king, he will forgive you, believe me, will, we can not blind the first king."Henrietta suddenly said that she was also expecting that Her Royal Highness would persuade Wales, and even if she returned to the country of Albion, it would be destroyed.


    A little cold glint appeared in the pupils of Wales, and immediately waved the reins, clamped the horse's belly, and continued on the road quickly, as long as you reached Lagdorian Lake.

    "Wale, what happened to you? Will the command of His Royal Highness be disobeyed? Shouldn't you be such a rude person? ”Henrietta suddenly felt confused.

    "Henrietta, you listen to me, don't you forget your vows? Just listen to me, wait until you return to Albion. I will explain it to you…"The Welsh side said that the horse was running fast while driving.

    "But my Royal Highness…"

    Henrietta is faintly reluctant, but Wales is around, love overcomes reason, and the girl who is in love is hard to extricate, not to mention the fact that her sweetheart is on her side, plus the recent exhaustion, everything that makes her Want to leave with Wales like this without any worries?

    "Listen to me, I love you, Henrietta, I swear to love you forever, until the end of my life, the vows we made before the Water Spirit will not change, you just have to believe me. Other things are done by me…"

    Wales gradually fascinated Henrietta with gentle oral English.


    Agnès frowned and said: "The Royal Crown Prince must have something unusual. Normally, he does not listen to your advice."

    "Well, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It should be the undead, being manipulated by Albion's army, and then letting him take Henrietta to Albion as a hostage to threaten Tristain. It is a conspiracy. It is an unforgivable manipulation of the Welsh undead. ! Grasp it, we accelerate! ”

    Feng Yu Chen vibrates the wings, a strong storm, and Speed ​​rises again, eventually landing on the Lagdorian Lake's lake, stopping Wales and Henrietta.

    "Stop, Wales, you have been manipulated by the undead, but you don't feel it. Are you going to send your loved Henrietta to the enemy's tiger mouth?"

    Feng Yu Chen gradually became a human figure, looking at Wales coldly.

    "His Royal Highness, I am not dead. You see that there is a projection sword that you gave in my hand…"

    Wales pulled out the sabre at the waist, which is the projection of The Golden Sword of Certain Victory that Feng Yu Chen gave him.

    "I said how this sword did not fly back. It turned out that you were resurrected. Welsh, the people of our royal family, when did they fall into the position of being manipulated by the undead?"Feng Yu Chen suddenly felt that the reason why the projection sword did not fly back was because Wales was resurrected.


    At this time, the lake next to Feng Yu Chen lit up a huge water column, and then the water column began to change its posture, becoming a woman composed of water flow – Water Spirit.

    "My compatriot, this male human in front of you is the hypocritical life that was resurrected by the ring of my 'Andvari'. It should be the person who steals my secret treasure to resurrect him, but it is only a false life…"

    "How come, you are lying to me, Prince Wales is clearly living here!"Henrietta took a step back and said incredulously.

    "My compatriot, Water Spirit, trouble you to solve this hypocritical magic."Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Sorry, my compatriot, Andvari's Strength is something I can't manipulate…"

    Water Spirit shook his head and said.

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly frowned at at Wales and said, "My brother, are you willing to be manipulated by the soul?" When you are a royal family, when you have fallen to the point of being manipulated, if you have consciousness, then you will resist that Strength. Your body should also have the power of my Saint Mark to communicate with Saint Mark. Force, purify yourself! ”

    When Wales heard Feng Yu Chen's words, there was a struggle, and there was a faint glow in the body. It was the power of Feng Yu Chen who had stayed in him. This is the essence of the undead that he was manipulated… …


    Gradually, the light rushed out of the body of Wales and covered his entire body –

    "Prince Wales…"Henrietta suddenly worried about looking at the side of Wales, pre-feeling something terrible, is it…


    As the light gradually occupies the body, the Welsh body's purple stretch is dispelled, and his body is filled with a white light.

    "His Royal Highness, I almost made a big mistake, thank you for your guidance, I can escape from the cage…"

    Welsh kneel on one knee is on the ground, confessing to his fault with Feng Yu Chen, relying on his own will and the power of Saint Mark, he regained his consciousness…

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